are all trump fags like this?

I looked at his profile and it's all trump dick sucking

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 3.22.00 AM.png (723x810, 91K)

>haha hey guys this is political because it says something about trump haha ok good thread


That's pretty lame

Options: Sage

im just trying to rank on you trumpfags like yall do to us

I guess that makes you a jew.

fake n gay

Sage for not scamming him for your socks.

>what you think about Trump
>he’s cool
>haha this trump supporter
You serious.

Must have been fun talking to yourself

I wish this was fake

I find it hilarious you guys think its fake. I will link you to his profile

ITT commie retard messaged himself to false flag

he posts pro trump shit on facebook everyday I dont know what hes talking about. I will screen cap his profile if I have to

proof that you created a fake profile for this gay shit, awesome

you guys are fucking retards thinking I would set this up. just testament to your simple mindedness

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Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 3.58.51 AM.png (1212x690, 522K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 3.59.04 AM.png (973x700, 676K)

>are you a Russian bot
Are Americans saying things like this to each other unironically now? Lmao even we aren't this paranoid about murrica

need any more proof? i even added him back just to show the 300+ friends he has. I cant be making this shit up

this is Jow Forums. nobody gives a fuck what the Trump supporters are like.
Jow Forums follows the 'to defeat the jew one must become the jew' doctrine.

nah I said it ironically

I just like all the trump faggots claiming its fake because theyre in denial what cucks they are

Proof of what lmao? What is this thread really trying to uncover, your homophobia?


Nigger detected

sorry my american is showing


aww why is it so quiet all of a sudden


>the left still doesn't understand trolling

I dont understand? why would he troll me out of the blue? I dont even know who he is

all I know is that he made a fucking idiot out of himself at his expense

Trump is the first pro-gay marriage president ever elected. Not even Obama supported it when he was first elected.

So are you going to sell your socks or not???