Are you a coward?

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history wont even include this worthless kike

The past 60 years will literally be a footnote in future historical books if not looked back on in disgust. Nothing meaningful has been invented and humanity has never been more degenerated

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KrasseNPC blocked me over a year ago for disagreeing with him. He doesn't get to lecture people on what cowardice is.

what the actual fuck is that faggot talking about?

Checks out.

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>still thinking the old appeal to emotion spiel works on us
At least change your flag, m8. You're tainting your cunt's legacy

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>I know, I'll SHAME them to vote!
>That'll work!

Shame only works to stop action, not initiate it. Learn to persuasion kiddo

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Who gives a fuck what history will say?

Ol krassenkike is off by a few years.

wait thought the whole world was against Drumpf, this should be a easy win for them
Or maybe the stated above is false
I wonder

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Kek, saved

In the future people like Krassentien will be sentenced to hard labour at a WWE Arena style Show Trial for delaying President Trumps glorious master plan.

More like history will look at this generation of Americans as cowards for allowing Jews to run rampant.

What a fucking poofter the krappenstein bro

Is he talking about Obama?

Yeah I felt that way during the obongo administration.

Where the fuck was this faggot when Obama was doing whatever the fuck he wanted? Oh right, he was sucking Obama's cock asking for more.

Trump has done fuck-all, what the hell are you talking about ? Typical lying left, always making up stories.

depends on midterms. it could be like brazil. everybody shat on bolsonaro, he was portrayed as the devil incarnate everywhere in mainstream media and social media, every fucking popstar shilled against him, every fucking poll said he was gonna lose, every leftist candidate would discredit him. the propaganda machine is just too big and if you hesitate at any second and believe what they're saying is when you lose. let them talk, screech, shout, virtue signal brown kids being exhausted by their parents just to prove a point (leftist parenting for ya). the midterms can be the biggest SHUT THE FUCK UP the left ever heard in their lifetime

>cowards for not trying to stop the elected president by voting
>heroes for trying to stop the elected president by voting a new one
yes it's called an election and one the candidates don't have some fixed number of votes you try to win against. those are votes from the candidate's supporters. they vote for their candidate and you vote for your candidate.
cowardice is not in the picture it's just means your candidate has less supporters than the winning candidate.

He's just a typical anti-white hater blaming whites for everything.

Not a lefty.

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They don't sound like they expect a Blue Wave, do they?

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i really wish this faggot would just shut the fuck up.

History will determine the ballsiest nation by seeing who firsts kicks kikes out of their country.

I stand up for God and universal justice which automatically makes me hate democrats. Not a coward.

>cowards for allowing him to do whatever the hell he wants.
I voted for him because I want him to do those things.

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We’re on the Trump Train, the only thing to do is shovel more coal, full steam ahead,. Faggots jump off.

I don’t get it, Trump is doing a million times better than people expected. Would they be happier if North Korea was still firing missiles?

So, what is it exactly that this Trump fella has done to piss off so many people?

Can't wait to put this kike behind bars.

mister "my fellow white ..." (((Krassen-schekel-stein)))

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>allowing him to do what he wants
I dont just allow all of what he does to happen, I both support and encourage it.



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>typical anti-white hater
thats a funny way to spell jew

>At least some of us will be able to say that we tried to stop this madness through the voting booth
You could just lie about who you voted for

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Reminder that his brother is a pedophile.
>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>"They're here to remove everything from the house, all the computer software and all that stuff," Messina said. "They walked at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff out of that house and into their cars."
>According to property records, the home is owned by brothers, Edward and Brian Krassenstein. Neighbors said the men are not only twins but business partners.
>Easily the two largest publicly accessible Ponzi promotion platforms on the internet, both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold were pulled offline last month without explanation.
>Today BehindMLM can exclusively reveal that, in relation to their operation of both forums, the DOJ has accused the Krassenstein brothers of wire fraud.

Reminder that his brother is a pedophile.
>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>"They're here to remove everything from the house, all the computer software and all that stuff," Messina said. "They walked at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff out of that house and into their cars."
>According to property records, the home is owned by brothers, Edward and Brian Krassenstein. Neighbors said the men are not only twins but business partners.
>Easily the two largest publicly accessible Ponzi promotion platforms on the internet, both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold were pulled offline last month without explanation.
>Today BehindMLM can exclusively reveal that, in relation to their operation of both forums, the DOJ has accused the Krassenstein brothers of wire fraud.

Reminder that his brother is a pedophile.
>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>"They're here to remove everything from the house, all the computer software and all that stuff," Messina said. "They walked at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff out of that house and into their cars."
>According to property records, the home is owned by brothers, Edward and Brian Krassenstein. Neighbors said the men are not only twins but business partners.
>Easily the two largest publicly accessible Ponzi promotion platforms on the internet, both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold were pulled offline last month without explanation.
>Today BehindMLM can exclusively reveal that, in relation to their operation of both forums, the DOJ has accused the Krassenstein brothers of wire fraud.

Reminder that his brother is a pedophile.
>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>"They're here to remove everything from the house, all the computer software and all that stuff," Messina said. "They walked at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff out of that house and into their cars."
>According to property records, the home is owned by brothers, Edward and Brian Krassenstein. Neighbors said the men are not only twins but business partners.
>Easily the two largest publicly accessible Ponzi promotion platforms on the internet, both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold were pulled offline last month without explanation.
>Today BehindMLM can exclusively reveal that, in relation to their operation of both forums, the DOJ has accused the Krassenstein brothers of wire fraud.

> stop this madness
Like, this madness?
> greatest economy maybe ever in US
> strongest president militarily
> no new major wars
> revealing the growing insanity on the left
> nonstop flow of leftist salt and tears
> expose biased/fake MSM
> btfo Hollywood
> btfo pedos
> btfo illegal immigration/refugees
> shifted balance of SCOTUS for 1st time in 70 years
> supermajority this Tuesday
> United middle America/silent majority through renewed patriotism

That madness?

Can't wait til the Krassenkike brother's are being shoved head first into an industrial spec oven.

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womp womp

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MSM and DNC operatives are going all in on Trump = Hitler
Dangerous times!