Christianity isn't real. Jews made christianity to make the white man to like jews and support israel...

Christianity isn't real. Jews made christianity to make the white man to like jews and support israel. It also made the white man weak. When our ancestors where Pagan jews and muslims never came to Europe, but now jews control the white man when we became christians. The jews like christianity but they created marxism so they don't need christianity anymore, since marxism and christianity is the same turn the other cheek bs, and now they pretent to hate it but they don't. Paganism is the true religion of my ancestors and not the desert cults. Hail Thor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Greece, Rome, Egypt, India and the other Nordic countries created civilization but when they became christian and muslim they got ARABED and now they are christians and not white.

>muh basic bitch fedora rant

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Irene Heidenreich

where can I find OP pic without those silly lines. Also what's her name?

Muslims saved Europe from christianity but they enslaved it to islam which is the same as christianity anyway, both abrahamic.

Sage and shut up rabbi.

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Triggered jew lmao

We are going back to our ancestral worship and jews cannot stop us

Exactly. Reading these threads is worse than watching one of those parking garage shows where every whiny bitch who can't be responsible comes in crying about karma eating them that new asshole that they deserved in the first place. Fucking comedy gold.

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Christianity was made to rape your heritage, culture, and children.

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By the jews if i may add

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I see no difference. Christians and Jews are both a cancer who love raping children.

>give the other cheek
>love your enemy
>jews are the god's chose people

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>Christianity isn't real. Jews made christianity to make the white man to like jews and support israel.


Our traditions will never die no matter what jews do

>>jews are the god's chose people

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>Christianity isn't real. (...) It also made the white man weak.

Then how do you explain that two Christian organizations, Knight templars and Jesuits, were (and the second still is) among the most powerful organizations ever? Read the history of templars for example, they were far from weak, quite the opposite (and they were all white men).

Your Religion is dead you spastic

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Christianity didn't make Europe strong.
Europeans made Christianity strong.
It wasn't until the Medicis printed the ancient pagan Greek works that Europe dug itself out of the hole Christianity put it in anyway.

We will not be silenced :)

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The meds, who are not white, are the allies of jews that's why the created (((writing))) and (((reading))) to make the Nordic brain smaller

Checked. PRAISE

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Checked, stacked. I am here

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Templars started as christians but then they became Pagans that's why the pope killed them, read some history books. Jesuits are jews.

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Then how do you explain this? Pagans still exist.

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Christians thought they killed us but we are still here

No it was a break off from Judaism. Jesus was sent by Enki. Jesus knows about the souls of men.

That part about turning the other cheek and loving your enemy is also completely misunderstood.

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Pagans are responsible for all the things that made Europe great. Notice Isaac Newton gave credit to Pythagoras and not Jesus for his work.

The founding fathers were all deists.

topkek if this is true, any proofs?

TIME four GOOD trumps evil. A Renaissance of the senses.

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Yes, christians are only responsible for immigrants and feminism

The founding fathers were Puritans and Protestants. My people of Britain.

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>The initial charge against the Templars was heresy
Of course we all know that when christians say "heresy" they actually mean ancestral worship

The real reason is that Templars got shekels - a lot of shekels.

I am a devout Christian and I support the wholesale massacre of the satan worshipping jews and the return of the land to the cave dwelling muslims. There goes your arguement.

This anti-Christian shill campaign has pushed me from agnostic to Christian. The fact that (((they're))) so afraid of Christianity means that it must be the truth.

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Then you are a pagan, come home white man

you LARPers crack me up

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They were Freemasons and deists building a haven from the dogma of Christianity.

>Jesuits are jews.

They are actually more than that, they are everywhere. They also very probably took over Vatican, since the current pope is also a Jesuit.


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Or maybe people are sick of Christkikes flooding this board with their garbage.

>since marxism and christianity is the same turn the other cheek bs


Is this turning the other cheek?

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Both are slave morality. Ideologies that arm the stupid with pitchforks to kill what is noble and strong.


No such thing. There is Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism, which all hate each other more than they hate atheists or pagans. The Orthodox church even recently split with Ukraine v Russia. How is this supposed to unite us?

>The practice of morality being necessary for the well being of society, He [God] has taken care to impress its precepts so indelibly on our hearts that they shall not be effaced by the subtleties of our brain. We all agree in the obligation of the moral principles of Jesus and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses.
Thomas Jefferson

>My hopes of a future life are all founded upon the Gospel of Christ and I cannot cavil or quibble away [evade or object to]. . . . the whole tenor of His conduct by which He sometimes positively asserted and at others countenances [permits] His disciples in asserting that He was God.
John Quincy Adams

>I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world . . . that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the Prince of Peace.
Samuel Adams

Then leave faggot

I honestly believe that the current resurgence of paganism and the vilification of Christianity is an jewish plot. No thnx.

Reference to God doesn't mean someone is a Christian, brainlet. Plato did it too.

Did Christianity save your people in South Africa? Did the Christian world unite behind them?

Nope, go back to plebbit

Why don't you try reading the quotes in full you illiterate hook nose. They explicitly refer to Christ and the Gospel.

>implying plebbit isn't full of fedora tippers like you
Pot meet kettle. Jow Forums was always and will always be a Christian board. Live with it or leave

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WOAH DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i'm in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it's got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it's a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it's also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

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The jews as of those who claim to be jews today, they deny jesus christ.
They deny that jesus Christ fulfilled the law.
They deny that christ made the law full.

But Paul, who was a jew himself and persecuted our people from the beginning.
He testified not only what he has done and what was going on, but he also made clear, that whoever denies Christ is not from God.

You can read it in the scripture.

Benjamin Franklin said in his autobiography he was a thorough deist. Jefferson claimed that Protestant religion inclined people toward deism, and Catholic religion toward atheism.

Jow Forums is not and will never be a Jewish board, shlomo

That doesn't support the argument that they were A: not Christian, and B: hostile to Christianity.

Then what are you doing here Goldberg?

How stupid must you be to believe that, reminder that St. Boniface cut your "god" down.

Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!

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Of course it is, and all these pagan LARPs are either troll threads or kikes trying to demoralize and subvert another pillar of western civilizations.

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not true, jews hate christianity, and hate jesus, jews create atheism to erase christianity

Hello Fellow white person!

It’s me Herschel, Rabbi ShekelgoldBerg , your Supervisor ,just checking-in to see how things are going here. Good job so far. If you need the Latest ‘Blacked File’ contact me, and I have the latest white Shiksa Thot webms and jpegs.
That’s about it… and keep up the good work.

Oh! btw the free coke on your zero-hour contract isn’t free as stated…But we work for a higher cause.

Shalom Herschel .

I don't like anything A brag a mic, Judaism and Christianity are two edges of the same Jewish blade, rabbi. Isn't it shabbat? Give it a rest.

>How stupid must you be to believe that, reminder that St. Boniface cut your "god" down.

Frisians cut Boniface down and his mission was a failure. :^)

If Christians hate Jews so much, why is your country full of them?

The above would never be possible to say in Norway or Sweden, atheist countries. Why?

You’re right, I see it history the aristocracy and Jews teaming up to ass blast the masses through usury

Imagine how demoralizing and soul sucking it must be as a kike shill to spend your life pissing in a sea of piss, trying to create a false narrative in this cess pool that anyone with an iq above 70 could spot. I will pray for you my large nosed friend. Not even satan's children deserve to live such a pitiful existence

The girl OP has posted a picture of is a crypto-jew. Crypto-jews come in all races and are Jewish at the soul level. OJ Simpson is an example of what happens when a crypto jew gains the trust of a gentile (His wife). Death.

This is how all nations have fell in the past. The Jews write about these infiltrators as well.

>Judaism and Christianity are two edges of the same Jewish blade,
Ah and I suppose that's why Jews and all of their allies like SJW's, communists, and feminists despise Christ and Christianity, and spend all their time shilling against it via ((Hollywood)) and ((the media)). You truly are an intellectual

They're doing a pretty bad job since Christians in the US are willing to die for Israel.

>Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
Fuck off kike, you're not of Gods chosen through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Keep up your daily shilling its quite amusing.

American Christians have been subverted pretty hard. But (((they))) know that they would never be able to subvert Jow Forums in a similar manner, hence the existence of these threads.

Doesn't happen that often in orthodox church.


a wild leaf .. i mean cuck appears

>he doesn't understand the logos

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lel, thats why the 5 mil working whites there still support the other 30 mil blacks. Theres no end to their cucking.


notice how the jews never start an anti-islam thread, anti-pagan thread, etc

it's always an attack against white Christians

the only belief system and group they attack habitually are white Christians

hmmmm, imagine that.

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It's the same thing

>notice how the jews never start an anti-islam thread, anti-pagan thread, etc
Because paganism, pantheism is usually not a pathetic slave morality, holds ancient tradition and respects nature, plus I don't think they're Jews, you just created a false dichotomy, JEWS vs CHRIST, this is not reality.
Islam is shit tho.

everyone already knows muslims are shit though