Would you die for national socialism?
Would you die for national socialism?
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no i would willingly die only for my family and people that i love not for ideology
National Socialism is a tool. I'm prepared to die for the 14 words.
No, but I would die to prevent it.
I would die for Thanos
No, but I would die in national socialism.
no fuckin way dude
>I poosted it agun hurr durr
I know it's automated, but if the handler sees this.. worried? You know how this (((job))) is gonna end, right?
Jow Forums btfo
No but I’d die protecting my Jewish gf from it
based as FUCK but unfortunately she is going to the south american breeding+milking farms that anne franke died in of cancer in 1998
i would kill for it tho
Fuck man, I just want to die
You won't have to prevent anything if you die first.
Do you mean actual 'gas the kikes' national socialism? If so, then hell yes!
I'm not going to die for any ideology.
Repackage it for modernity first and make it more humble in its aims.
desu yeah
Why do you ask. Is there a cool aid clause that requires you to drop dead?
I think risking death, to give death and take death is sexy, so yes of course I’d risk it.
To live is to risk death. I drive a fast car, I have sex bareback, I smoke joints and I listen to bad ass psycho music like this:
No, I hate socialism.
I would take a bullet for Hitler.
Shit huh, this guy gets it. 10/10 post.
I don’t care. I’m just waiting for 999999’s and going to bed
Look at this cunt trying super hard to dive head first with his mouth open into an ocean of piss. Fucking Swiss. Pathetic.
National socialism is pure nationalism.
It answers all the problems we have today .
So yes. Gladly and I'd love to take some faggots like you.
You shinner rat
Fuck off you cousin fucking bogger
You missed a full stop in the between the first two sentences Luigi.
Makes you look dumb.
Unless you noticed.
In which case you’re lazy.
Nice meme.
Eat your spaghetti Mario. You crazy memeflag.
As an Italian can you tell me if Tim Cappello is a fascist? He has a picture of your king on his pink vest.
Its all quite tiresome isn't it, leafnigger?
Pretty sure I'll die because of it one day.
Of course, and with pleasure.
I really don't believe in anything else and consider anything incompatible with National Socialism a vicious lie, and I would happily die in any way required to WRECK and DESTROY these (((lies))).
National Socialism isn't an option on a fast-food menu, it is a NECESSITY for our survival. In fact, I'd rather the White race exterminated and gang-raped out of existence than to see it follow anything other than National Socialism. What's the difference really?
Heil Hitler faggots.
no, but i would make some ge*man scum die for it
You shouldn't be so butthurt.
You had a very simple choice to make: Germany or the USSR.
You chose the third choice: piss Hitler off over petty bullshit he was trying to make easy, only to get absolutely buttfucked and DPed by both sides. And you have the salt to bitch about it?
Was it worth it listening to those Anglo kikes only to have them betray you to Stalin?
This. I would die for the 14 words. Hitler was just the messenger. I'll always respect him, but he's not here to die for. So I live and hope to die for his message; his message is eternal.
I wouldn't die for a multicultural feminist shithole that's for sure.