Where are you on the pedo scale?

Where are you on the pedo scale?

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that's the thing about these highschool girls: I get older and they stay the same age...

>at all pedophilic
When did they first start pushing that fucking women is unnatural anyway?

pedophilia means pre-pubescent. so the who thing is stupid.
i like big tits so im safe.

Yeah keep telling yourself that. Ever heard of mental development?

i like everything from teen to milf


Imagine thinking women keep developing mentally after they turn 10

i only fuck octogenarians


The EU high court has ruled that someone is not a pedophile as long as they have fucked more adults than children.

Checkmate, humanity.

Do you think women choose rationally their sex partners after 18???

Canada has ruled you cannot be a pedophile if you are a woman. Soon this fake condition will be legally defined out of existance.

Was not the EU, was European Court of Human Rights which is a totally different thing and includes Russia

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

>memeflag thread
fuck off jew

I enjoy 0-5. Why do people assume attraction to young girls is always mutually exclusive to attraction do adult women?

fucking breeder
take a hint from Trudeau, bigot

I really don't see the problem if they are pubescent, as in just feeling sexual attraction to them. One may be able to make the argument that because they are intellectually under developed it is a form of exploitation, but even then its very iffy. It is natural to both man and animal to have sexual impulses towards pubescents, this has been the way of man until the French revolution and further liberal reforms.

I find it far worse for a 60 year old to date a 20 year old, than a 20 year old to date a 14 year old.

In every western country is like that, the inverted of what should be

I need a source on that. That sounds fucked up even beyond what I imagine these institutions are capable of.

Search it, must be all over the internet

It's the minimum you are attracted to which is indeed exclusive since can only be a minimum

>adults with child like traits
isnt pretty much every single person attracted to neotenous features?

>you're attracted to adults so you're a bit pedophile too
>I made this graph XD
>t. pedo

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don't try to subvert Jow Forums in accepting this sins shill. kys and your pedo that abused you during childhood.


>"The Prophet" Muhammad

EU Caliphate confirmed.


Isn't that the point of that Oingo Boingo song?
Dating mental "Children" because it's fun just brings you a nightmare of issues because they can't be responsible?

0-3 are not even pedophilic you mong

But 90% of women are children forever.



Based on personal experiences I'm inclined to agree with you, however according to science the brain is not fully developed until age 25.

I see what you did there (assuming you made this). Well done.

>however according to science
That being the same science that says this is 100% okay and healthy?

Science is dead, friend. Accept it and move on.

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Can you reply to this OP?

You are sick

According to this logic, the average woman never develops fully

The issue being that "develops fully" and "capable of consent" are jewish weasel terms with no basis in reality.

How young are kids held accountable for grades? 8? Are we to believe that the kid is capable of knowing the consequences of being held back or doing extremely poorly in school? Do we still treat them as such? The whole concept is rife for abuse, probably by design.

What if you just like late teens and are old

Jews only want you to fuck women who are too old to have healthy offspring.

I would say a strong 3.

Possibly a 4 or 5 if need be.

Who knew the day would come when the Bible made more sense than science

Nothing better than seeing a 18, 19 year old with succulent milkers and nice hips in short jeans. Everytime I talk to them I can tell they love older guys its in their DNA to like strong men who can support them and bear them children. Not some basedboy cuks who wear jeans tighter than hers.

Every man would be a pedo if that was our metric

Didn't also some court rule that a Mustafa didn't rape that child, because sex w/kids was normal in islamic culture?
And the other one—French—that 11yo did consent.
Yet, the Feds will hunt you down and put in jail if you have browsed /tv/ and forgot to bleach your browser's history.

alright alright alright

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6. I am a nepiophile. Prime age is 6 months-24 months. Little 1 year old girls are angels.

>I find it far worse for a 60 year old to date a 20 year old
Why is that? I'm gonna guess that you are in your 20's or about to be. The only reasoning I can attribute to this is that you know women are attracted to older and therefore more financially stable men, shrinking the pool of potential mates for you. There's nothing wrong with an older man dating younger women.

Post pubescent, meaning biologically adult
Adults with childlike characteristics, ie neonotony that every fucking population selects for
Yeah sure whatever I'm a pedo

Yes they do

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I have yet to meet an (100%) adult woman. They all have child like traits, at least mentally if not physically.
You can only score 0 if you are a woman (all faggots are pedos, so they can't)

0, exclude 1&2, 3 as long as they are above 18y/o

Only correct answer

What happens when children identify as adults and vice versa?

How many years are we from that being pushed as the new normal?

Their brains continue to physically develop, but not mentally develop.

Age of consent is basically a jew-roast scam, age of consent is meaningless since girls are regarded as able to consent to men of their same age but not to older men. They justify this saying that girls should "experience and discover" by themselves or that older men will sexually exploits them as if they were pimps

The fuck does this even mean, "identify as children"

>all faggots are pedos

I'm a faggot who only likes guys who are older than myself.

Quit giving them ideas, doublenigger.

Count yourself lucky then I guess

2.5-3, but that hebephilia at the very most. Looking a 15 years tight ass when they are more developed than most females isn't weird. Not like i'm gonna act on it, fuck me. But I will happily fuck an 18 year old. pic related.

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-1 I like milfs only senpai

>Where are you on the pedo scale?
Off the chart.

Stop being ageophobic. They're just transage.

I feel bad for inflicting this knowledge on you.


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Milfs and tight grannies mmmmm

There was some dude on the ace asexual forum who felt he was a little girl in a 40 year old man's body and he posted over and over his dream was to adopt a little girl so he could have a playmate and he would get sympathetic comments about how unfair it is adoption agencies wouldn't let such a well adjusted person around a child.

I avoid kids, cheese pizza and loli and toddlercon. I know I am a sick fuck. Letting some freak like me adopt a child is 2-dads-are-better-than-1 retardation.

How is this lunacy applicable to any other conversation though

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Is there a seven?

Yer, when one says "all" outside of math, it usually means ~99%. There's always a rule breaker.

What kind of scale is this? It looks like the values go 0, 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, etc. It looks retarded

>fetus fuck

What happens when a child signs a consent form? Is it valid? Is it ever valid regardless of the age of the woman?

Can women consent?

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>post pubescent teenager

What???? Not wanting to fuck the most genetically arousing and compatible baby making machines. That's literally caveman instinct.

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That's what we said about transgenders 8 years ago.

The slope is entirely immune to friction.

Right at 0.

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>there are people in this thread right now who are not fucking transgender children

Liberals definitely got this one right.

Libtard detected.
They literally can not identify as one, because they don't know what being an Adult is about.

>loads a gun
Im the pedo scale
>A few pedos fuck my sissi head wound

Nobody made you read my, its your fault.

Why im writing like im drunk when Im only with flu and heavy doses of cristal meth.

Who does?

> Post pubescent teenagers

Talk about missing the point....

gas the pedos

It’s like autism spectrum: an imaginary continuum of Jewish lies between normal and autist

>i like everything from teen to milf
babies man...? really? I mean what do you find atractive in them ???

Ignore the >green text

0, 1, and 3 but not 2. “Adults with physical appearance similar to that of a child” is closer to “actual child” than a 15 or 16 year old. Historically, young men and women were sexually awakened at this age and voluntarily engaged in sexual activity, whether through marriage or sowing wild oats. However, just because I was masturbating as a 9-year-old doesn’t mean I wanted a 40-year-old to give me a handjob. Age of consent at 16 is smart, but there does need to be a clear cut-off point (like 16 or 18) to protect anyone younger than the cut-off from anyone significantly older (+4 years or so). I remember fooling around with other kids my age when I was far too young, and it was fun, but that is not appropriate behavior for adults to engage in with children.

This chart is fucked
How is being attracted to "adults who physically look like a child" less pedo than being attracted to "post-pubescent teenagers" who are literally physically mature

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I only like infant traits when they beg daddy for cum in their throat.
>Horny af and want to destroy a 17 year old poon with big perky tits and pancake areolas.
>Mfw when bald and I already scratched the itch of MILFS in a UN fashion because tourist mommas want a nice dressed non tatooed gentleman.
>Mfw ill probably have to release a trap album and tatoo a rotchshild in my face to get that sweet poon
>Mfw I got big because I despise trap and will fuck everything but apparently thats how you make music nowadays
>Mfw i finally get my teenie bitch but shes laced with carfentanyl and they make me another trap martyr.
>RIP &crakaZion$XD

It’s 15 on average for women, not 10, and the “until 25” is for men, and also an average. Some people (typically men) possess brains which continue developing for far longer, sometimes until they die. Some people (typically women) develop a sense of responsibility very early, making good “little adults” but stop there. Those are the anomalies. The evolutionary benefits for each gender with these anomalous traits are obvious: finding new tools for the tribe and taking care of a large family.

Vomit. That’s disgusting. You can’t even fit in such a small body. What a destruction of innocence, to sexualize someone so young who doesn’t naturally think about these things.

Evolution designed this useful signpost called pubic hair: even a little pubic hair is a sign, and only a little can be creepy, but at least the body is showing that it is ready. What you’re claiming to be attracted to is simply unnatural.

Homosexuality is found everywhere in nature among adolescent and adult creatures (particularly mammals). The rape of extremely young offspring is not. Get help.

Exactly. This is rigged to make the results appear more accepting of actual pedos.

Hmmmm burger bro you brought to my mind a few topics that I havent been giving a though in a while. Specially that line about girls getting a boost in "maturity", that I percieved in my youth, with certain resentment, but then some guys (usually us...havent met anyone who is read and self made as a channer. And I tell that because I read you guys here all fucking day but then in the street ZERO. Pure npcs) enter in what im calling right now "the second arms race". The first is the hormones and strenght and kids are a little enslaved by that. Its like a "preparing for hunting" race, while woman prepare for nurturing.
But then the second kicks in. In between "hunts", lets call it, women are doing women things (keeping the offspring alive) meanwhile, the man, while theres nothing new to hunt its looking at the sky and going "hey dude this shit changes but then it repeats wtf"

Im trying to convey a lot of points here. But the thing is that after that "nurturing" phase they plateu.
Self hatred burns brighter in man because we are disposable. Maybe thats why we go further to make us look unique. We have tons of rivals.