
Redpill me on them.

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They´re spaniards with a neolithic language.

Were one of the only regions of the Roman Empire that managed to throw off Roman rule along with Britanny and Britain.


they are a matriarchal society.

Free Catalonia

shut the fuck up
gib independentzia

Turbo cucks that let women take over their society. Actually the same can be said for all of Spain.

The running of the bulls in Pampalona orginally stated as a running of the bulls, running a train, on OPs mum.

Well bantered, friend.

Good food, good sports, tough language to learn.

Attached: Basque.gif (128x103, 14K)

hilarious insightful commentary you guys are really making this board a better place

far too much Neanderthal admixture for their own good
they're noisy, filthy and completely fucktarded
their favorite occupation are drinking till coma (which isn't hard, since they can't hold their liquor), climbing up the sacred ham tree of their "people", and running in front of black bulls
nothing even remotely Human, over there: total extermination is the only solution, as far as basque animals are concerned

proto europoids

Deserve independence.

Is this the general French consensus?

Tell me more about that time when you traveled across Europe you 50 year old wine dad

it's the general consensus among those having met any of those fuckwits

Basically a group of people that were inregrated into Spain after the House of Castille took over the entire peninsula except for Portugal through a series of royal marriages, wars and clever diplomacy.

They have a culture and language which is completely different to the rest of Spain and people are divided on the issue of independence (a lot of people are scared to admit they support the Spanish state so the polls make it look like the separatists have a clear majority when in reality it could swing either way). Either way, Spain isn't going to let them have a referendum because that would give momentum to Catalonia, which the Spanish economy would collapse without.

I'm friends with a girl from Basque

They don't want to be a fetish for anglo cunts
Why do yanks and whatnot obsess over Basques so much, lately ?


I want to fock one

I am Basque by my mother you noob! I am going back there next year...

French people are still NPCs about Neanderthal superiority. This because they know the Germans can cuck them a 10th time in less than 1 month

Don't listen to Mohamed. They have a typical architecture that give a real feeling of unity. They are not plagues by shitskins. Young people more and more often speak Basque among themselves, which will be great when the race wars start...

they have a very weird accent

>race wars
Jow Forums needs to start a novel
How do you feel about Bretons?

>They´re spaniards
Wrong, they are beasts that our ancestors sort of civilized
When your head independizes from your ass

White and based and deserve independence

Spent some time there a few years ago. Inbred creepy things. Couldn’t wait to get back to Gallego.

Similar to the Basques in a sense: largely rural land with its own culture and language and not much immigration. Weather blows though.
When Europe disintegrates they too will have their sovereignty back.

I was going to search for "Vasca fea" but then I remebered it would be overkill

Attached: White&based.png (1341x636, 839K)

that's why they should be independent, user.

You are probably right.
Days ago I was sitting on a bench in the park and then a huge semi-wild pack of Basques appeared.
Where the fuck did these foul beasts come from? No handlers in sight!
And in the heart of our capitol, no less.
They are becoming ever bolder.
I still remember the alpha Basque, a misshappen creature, short legs, flabby arms, barrel chest, smelly, unkempt African style braids.
Of course, his voice was thundering and excruciatingly annoting, despite the rest of the pack paying no attention whatsoever and just running amok around the place

What a way to have my day ruined.

That is false, they ally with Rome, that is why they keep their culture.
The tribes that opposed Roman rule were destroyed as the Astures and Cantabros

Lord's mercy, how horrifying. I can imagine the smell of those filthy beings. Wish they could go back to their mountain caves.

We are a great people with a proper language and culture, unique to the region. Indeed, our language isn't even Indo-european and our cultural always has been unique and disconnected from our neighbours.
Yet we're stuck between fucking Spain and Frankistan. But as Cataluña woke up we will too.

They have an insane tier Klingon level language.

they're a people

too bad they live west of the hajnal line and are therefore mandatorily completely insane westerners whose saving is counterproductive to human existence

Are you a french Basque or just visitting? How's your national spirit there? Is it surviving like french Catalonia?

Frankistan. Excellent

The only white people in Spain.

stupid people

2 words:
>white brutes

Look Up Rh+ blood group And Atlantis.

based and redpilled people

the problem is not Neanderthal admixture
it's there's such a thing as too much thereof
eg basques, or ashkenazis
Neanderthal admixture is crucial, but it takes the proper amount, else, you fail at being an actual Human, just as bad as if you lacked it to start with

basques animals are niggest tier, ffs
you'd know it had you met enough of them

very dimwitted, even filthier than basques, can't hold their liquor yet also insist on always being drunk, inbred as can be (eg they have severe rates of hip dysplasia, something you'd only expect to find in dog breeds that are too much in demand, like german shepherds), etc
same medication: sustained nuking would be wise

Attached: bretonanimals.jpg (600x393, 144K)

There was a large fire in a basque theatre last week and several people died.
It turns out all but one of the exits had been blocked, and this had contributed to the deaths.
The moral of the story is to not put all of your basques in one exit.

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Go to Jow Forums OP

Enjoying a natural life, clinbing mountains , lost entire days fishing and passing the day with your friends ,its a natural way of life that is really hard to forget when go abroad. if it wasnt for the weather it would be the paradise

To all the spaniards and the french saying that you are a bunch of hyenas wont bother you since you know is true so get fucked filthy animals
To the rest you are more than welcome to take a break here

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>be basque
>call anyone a filthy animal

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>Be french
>الله أكبر

papa JF is basque

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Racists idiots that got a fake language made up by British freemasons in the XIXth century, and who voted fifthcolumnist terrorist Commies to rule over them.
The Commies quickly invited all niggers and shitskins in Spain to live in Basque Country (fake name), in a free-everything lifestyle paid by the racist basques they will ethnographically murder and replace.
They are self-immolating idiots, but that's to be expected from being Commies, and from drinking fluoride in water three times above human-safe levels (only place besides North Ireland and Bosnia with such high levels)

Lmaoo this place never stop to amaze me, the funny things is that some of you they think it for real

Unique people deserving independence

they are only non-negros in the region

looks like the black sea region between Turkey and Georgia

pretty cool
San Sebastian is one of the greatest towns in europe apparently

Racists with a shitty language...


cheeky cunt

That's what I thought until I actually did the research on everything and the only real Basque words are some NAMES that the Romans wrote down in Latin.
The other facts are true, too. Basque Country is filled with Commies because 400000 Basques left the region due to systematic murder sprees from Commies that the Freemasonic government protected and tolerated. Only Commie retards remain there.

Based and redpilled

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>Basque country
its not an actual country

they're not even actual people

BTW basque dictionaries didn't exist until end of XIXth century and first grammar got written in 1950. As I said, they are making it up as they go.
>But muh ancient dialects
Official Basque language has nothing in common with what those rural retards speak, and whose dialects must die out to preserve the lie. With Catalan (made up yet inspired on Valencian medieval texts) the local Freemasonic politicians who publically support and cheer Israel (do you wonder why?) have done exactly the same.

Why do they reject beauty?

They overtook England geneticaly they are the reason english countries are cuckked beta males

Both the France and Spain dislike the Basques because they constantly agitate for independence. They mantain their language and culture in spite of the pressure to assimilate. Pretty cool people in that way. Also they advocate presoaking their dinner dishes and laundry before washing.

Attached: presoak.jpg (410x230, 19K)

Don't put all your Basques in one exit.

Why do they have that weird haircut?

They’ve been pretty quiet in France to be honest.
They blew a lot of shit up in Spain, though.
They know who the alpha is.

>a fake language made up by British freemasons in the XIXth century
is this bait?

They are Atlantean!!!

Ancient Bloodlines and Antediluvian Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR


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same as jews, truly
far too much Neanderthal admixture for their own good

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Its a really nice region I plan on visiting when I go to europe again, I want to hike in the mountains.

That's because Basque terrorism was a tool of foreign powers against Francoist Spain.

didn't the welsh people originate in the basque country? something like that

about 7k of them live in Canada give or take. Like anything that lives in Canada it can not be trusted around dogs I myself enjoyed several on my way home from timmies.

Attached: Canadian Pepe2.jpg (842x624, 37K)

thats just gross.

once based and proud of being spaniards (see blas de lezo and his utter BTFOing of the brits)
then some retard in the early XIX century came up with a synthetic dialect (look it up), and made up a whole new culture out of nowhere
franco got them lots of industrial gibs to appease, but appeasement never works
they formed a terrorist group in the 70s-early 2000s, that managed nothing other than to kill 800+ people, and still lose
and now they're assblasted by the fact that, even when neither them got anywhere, catalonians seemed to get a bit further, while not killing as many people
small european nationalist groups feed of attention, and their prime is gone

Get the fuck out of my country, urban parasite