Wakandan intellectual engages in fist fight with student


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uncensored version with brown gentleman calling the wakandan a lazy nigger.

that little shit deserved it

imo every teacher should get brass knuckles assigned to them to knock the fuck out of any of these little faggots

>that little shit deserved it
no he fucking didn't.
he is a fine student who no hizo nada malo.
the negro hit him because of his accent.
straight up racism right there.

A black teacher against, what, a mestizo? Arab? Asian? I can't tell. Either way, its part and parcel of "diversity."

From a juridical perspective the teacher was wrong, but not from a moral perspective, Ordnung muss sein.

Most of this site is kids so they probably won't understand but being a teacher is hard just because of how much the culture discourages actual learning and encourages kids getting away with absolutely everything. Kids need to be yelled at and beaten so they will sit down and memorize and practice what they need to know. That is not what is happening in schools in the West where discipline is demonized.

>Kids need to be yelled at and beaten so they will sit down and memorize and practice what they need to know.
This is counter productive.

It's unnecessary when students understand their role, but some kids won't accept anything else and then it becomes necessary. Show me any "kids are my friends" or "my job is being a clown" teacher and I'll show you a class where nobody learns anything and kids have total control.

False dichotomy, you do not have to beat kids to be an authority in the class room. The fact that these kids are so bad behaved is because of their parents, and because of youth culture.

Rehire him.

These wannabe-thug twinks need to be handed a near-fatal beating each time they behave this way.

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>i have no idea that all authority is ultimately derived from violence the post

>Kids need to be yelled at and beaten so they will sit down and memorize
user I I'm not sure how to say this but white people don't act that way, we've managed to civilize ourselves thousands of years ago. I think you are describing a nigger or some other nonwhite variant prone to violence and very unintelligent

Truly a diverse and multicultural learning environment.

The only downside is that they did not get their jazz lessons that day.

With sone violent and deranged, it's necessary to defend physically from their misconduct. And yeah, some teens beat up their teachers.
To some, light punition aren't enough

Chat shit, get hit.

imagine paying really high taxes to finance the education system only to have spearchuckers fight in front of your children during class

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>Kids are badly behaved
>They are badly behaved because of shit parents
>So if you don't beat them they will still pay attention
I don't follow. I'm a teacher. If you tell a kid to do something and he says no. Then to stand up and he says no. Then to get out and he says no. What do you do? There is fuck all you can do, you're told to pull your pants down and give the kid your class.

Violence is the last resort in a conflict, that does not mean it is the sole basis of authority, knowledge for example can be a basis for authority. But hey, nice shit post mutt.

teachers should have the right to beat a kid if the child is fronting

Based black man. Imagine having to deal with colored youth all day. They’re the biggest shit heads in the world. This is why my kids go to private school.

I do not disagree with physically removing someone from the classroom, or hitting them once they start to get violent. My point was it is a false dichotomy between

>Kids need to be yelled at and beaten so they will sit down and memorize and practice what they need to know.


> Show me any "kids are my friends" or "my job is being a clown" teacher and I'll show you a class where nobody learns anything and kids have total control.

You can just be a calm teacher, with clear rules that you systematically enforce, in which good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is penalized. And you can be an inspiring person with a natural form of authority.

>some retard comes and bashes your face in
I wonder who has the authority in that situation. I bet everyone will real scared of a fedora.


hell yeah

those fucking niglets need this shit.

respect for music teacher, probably a great player from the days when black people had the discipline and desire to get educated to a high standard, sad his life is now fucked because of this scum who will most likely end up in jail for the rest of his life anyway

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You have a very narrow understanding of the definition of authority and human relations as if the sole basis for human interaction is strife.

honestly, getting my ass handed to me physically by my peers was a great experience to me.

Getting put in your place is nothing but a gift. It's one of the many benefits of having peers in the first place.

Whoop that black ass.

You can be that teacher and have a rewards system in place and still get bad students.
You don't address that fundemental question because there is no way around it:
How do you deal with a student that doesn't want to be there and doesn't give a fuck about you? How do you force students to do their damn homework?

Some kids don't give a fuck about your stamps or your tiered system that gets you dollar store goodies. Some don't even care about peer pressure because they just want to be at home playing mario kart.

Despite all that, teaching them is your job and if you don't tell them to sit the fuck down and be a decent human being, nobody fucking will.

The sole basis of society is based on strife. Humans banded together in tribes in order to survive. To protect themselves from the environment and other humans.
All authority is derived from protection and responsive violence. Without it you have no laws and no justice.

came in expecting to be mad, this was a nice surprise.

kill kids like this little faggot, in the past people who acted like this were culled

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Looks like a negrified Asian

>be me
>see all these comments supporting a black adult starting a fist fight with a kid
>watch video
>kid is also black

I’ve never wanted to see a black beat a child to death til now

brutal and bloodypilled

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>>Kids need to be yelled at and beaten so they will sit down and memorize
This was standard pratice in the West until the 60's, you retard. The gook is absolutely right.


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Niggers will be niggers. They can try to culturally appropriate the white man but in the end they will be swinging from trees and fighting over bananas.

>hizo nada malo


From the accent:
SoCal Spic

Am I right or wrong?

This. When I was in Chinese school in Malaysia, the teachers could beat the shit out of kids and there was a lot more respect of children toward adults. The level of difficulty in subjects was higher. Everyone was expected to do well. Everyone typically did well except for special students with genuine disabilities.

When I moved to a western country, It was such a massive culture shock. Students were obnoxious , loud, self entitled shits. Bullying ran rampant. The level of difficulty was bottom of the barrel retarded. Excuses were given to everyone. It was gross, chaotic, retarded, uncivil. The kids were also obsessed with sex. In mayalsian Chinese school, having boyfriends or girlfriends was forbidden. The lack of discipline in western school was shocking.

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>kid didn't even go down
Either the big Wakandan king hits like a sissy bitch or the small Wakandan king is tough af.

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>retarded shit skin speaking in tongues
>dumbass fat nig thats supposed to be in charge hits him

is it too late to admit public schools are a waste should mostly be abolished?

The teacher was holding back. He just wanted to knock some sense into him.

You dumb fucking kike, if this was the 1950s and it was a white teacher, there would have been a beating within ten seconds.

Lol he was talking so much shit then ended up crying.

he chimped the fuck out. it's the second time he's punched a student. that little beaner shit is getting paid.

Wakanda Forever amirite?

He doesn't have an accent, dirty gypsie. Stop protecting Spics. They're complete pieces of shit at that age. Especially in Commiefornia.

the main difference between whiTe*oid dogs and BLACK BULLS is that they do this without hesitation

You know that not understanding irony is a great indicator to having autism?

White kids are talking in that retarded fucking Jew accent. People who talk with that drawl deserve to be stabbed in the trachea.

This is the average school experience in America.
This explains so much about American posters.

The teacher is in his mid 60's and the kid was crying at the end.

ayo step up NEGGEH
ayo what's up NEGGEH

are niggers getting even more retarded? they can't even pronounce their own made up words correctly

the wild mexicano kills the wakando.

What is that noise they make at 0:43?

>Either the big Wakandan king hits like a sissy bitch
I don't think he ever connected properly once with those fucking windmill swings.

its a chimp out, have you never been to a zoo? visit the primate section, thats all they do.

That’s some greasy type of spic. I thought teaching you maple syrup niggers how to differentiate minorities was apart of your curriculum up there

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Who is this guy?

What is going on here?

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that's clearly principal Cuckberg

This isn't an American school it's a fucking Mexican embassy and needs to be shut down.

its trudeau, he always pops up when there is something bad happening. hes is like the batman of SJW culture. except, he doesnt have a red phone that rings, the extra large butt plug lodged in his anus vibrates

inverted chin, prominent hookbeak. confirmed.

He's shutting it down

based teacher.

>What is that noise they make at 0:43?
ape noise

Tough life

Some students could unironically benefit from a good beating.

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Fuck off with your censorship. The boy needed a damn good belting because his parents clearly didn't do their jobs.

golden mean


>This. When I was in Chinese school in Malaysia
Jesus you guys really are an island full of chinks

No it fucking isn't. Universities basically cucked the teaching profession in the west. The highest levels of attainment in maths and science is not in Europe.

so what was the best way for him to handle that without hitting/fighting the student?

on ma mama nigga
on ma mama you got me bent bro
on ma mama bro
on ma mama nigga
on ma mama
on ma mama

Decent people send their kids to private school.

That teacher shouldn't have to put up with that shithead punk.

>no hizo nada malo

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>batman of sjw crime

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niggers don't put up with shit
that's why they are beating the shit out of you and taking your women

you mean

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Remember to vote straight r this Tuesday

leave the room and get the school cop. let the school to prison pipeline handle it.

Kid deserved it, but he can at least take a beating.

This, as soon as the kid threw the ball at him, he should have walked away and called senior staff and or police to have the kid charged. There was no way for it to go well after he swung at the kid.

don't listen to that dutch cuck, you're 100% right

>the chick in the safety vest who tries to stop king wakanda
Also for the people confused, the kid's definitely a spic and they all act like that here.


>black people invented music
>those black boys sure do love rhythm
>well get extra grants and tax money with this nigga on the payroll too
>we don't want to get sued for not hiring him either
>Hire him!

Holy shit, the absolute state of America.

We tried it your way, look where we are.
Fear of ass whooping will get you far in life.

>disrespectful little teenage shit gets his face pounded
J U S T and B A S E D

Relatively wealthy Chinese parents usually want to send their kids to western universities. When I was nearing the end of Chinese high school, several overseas universities, including New Zealand ones, were advertised as options.

Many of the local New Zealanders do not value education as much. Many of them just want to party, drop out of their first uni year, then be forced to work in manual labor or McDonalds. The Chinese culture is very different. Families will save up a fortune to pay for the education of their children. Trashy white families just aim to kick their kids out and force them to get a shit job ASAP. Or let their kids go in dept for loans to gender studies courses.

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>School cop

Is that a thing in the us? Cops would show up randomly with a K9 to sniff lockers at my school. But people always had a heads up. You always knew when one was coming when all the drug dealers "had to go to the washroom" at the same time.

Top end of Gen-X chiming in.
4th Grade was class clown, teachers didn't play then.
Woman teacher would beat our collective asses if we stepped out of line.
Would publicly humiliate me, and rap hands with a yardstick. Whenever I made a mistake in penmanship class.
Unironically nothing like this ever took place.

FF>> I get comments to this day for near perfect handwriting, I occasionally make money from it, handwriting for advertising, awards companies etc.
Thank you, you evil bitch for investing your time hostility and rage in me, and helping me to hone a skill most deem unnecessary.

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The absolute state of our education system. That's what you get for letting niggers and spics into schools.
Should have kept them in the cotton fields.

>Forcing private schools to be cheaper and accept enrichment
>Busing in diversity to rural schools with less than 200 students
>Banning homeschooling
This is why whites leave inner city schools. There are leftists who are trying to make safer alternatives to school against the law as we speak.

>Violence is the last resort in a conflict

Only if you’re the weaker party

He's an obvious jew. Jews run the board of ed and are in the top positions in public schools to indoctrinate children. This school is near Hollywood with a huge Jewish population. Its ultimately this Jews fault that this happened.

Teacher did nothing wrong.