Sweden won't deport Eritrean rape ape

It forced both of its paws into a human female, causing her vagina to tear and bleed.

Always remember /pol, niggers are not human.
* Do not interact with them.
* Do not employ them.
* Do not rent property to them.
* Do not listen to them in person, on tv/radio/internet.

And mostly importantly, teach your daughters to avoid them at all costs. Their survival and the survival of humans depends on it.

Attached: Eritrean Rape Ape In Sweden.png (739x757, 538K)

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>claims to risk imprisonment
Shouldn't that be the minimum punishment for what he's done, even in Swedecuck resort jail?

>rapist allowed to stay so he can avoid imprisonment for legitimate crimes outside of country
At least theyre putting lithium in the water now, maybe Ill stop caring

Blumpf did the same thing and he became president

>It forced both of its paws into a human female, causing her vagina to tear and bleed.
Literally monkey tier.

> Always remember /pol, niggers are not human.
I will never forget brother.
Never relax.

>"violently raped"
As opposed to what? Peacefully raped?

There's sadly no law and order in Sweden. Whenever Swedes say this we are called shit like "Russian operatives" that we hate Sweden etc. We just want some fucking decency in Sweden. This fucking monkey have no human qualities, but he will be treated like a king in prison. Then he gets out after a few years and get "free shit" from the state, "free shit" that the state stole from honest citizens like me. It's fucking crazy man.

How tolerant.

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You the kinda nigga who thinks words are violence

There is a sweet rape that is hard to achieve, but it is hot and exciting for both the rapist and rapee. It takes some practice but you'll be having the best non-consensual sex of your life

It's such brave new world, they're so kind that they mix our soma already in the drinking water, so we can't forget to take it.

You tell us, ahmed, about your rape culture in pakistan.

That level of fuckery is truly satanic. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but the bible talks about the evil caused by not punishing criminals.

We shouldn't chop off a kid's hand for stealing, but allowing crimes to go unpunished is a form of spiritual punishment against those who are obedient and law-abiding.

Sweden is just so absolutely fucked. Your country is run by demons
>we can't deport this rapist because he might go to prison
>better keep him in our country and pay for all his shit
Just fucking evil

im just gonna come out and say it

fuck white people

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Fuck Honkeys

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Put a bullet in his head and be done with it.

It's Sweden, what can you expect? They're snowniggers.

even niggers like to publically execute rapists, snownigger is too kind for these people.

the worst part is I'm starting to agree with you

Burn baby burn

Attached: demonic-pacino.png (414x324, 210K)

>a few years ago
>have conscription
>put people in jail if they don't do it
>can't deport people to countries that put people in prison for skipping out on their service
>not even rapist, wouldn't be humane

>poo in loo
>pee in tea

Just nuke this fucking shithole already

Attached: 1540874537049.jpg (501x450, 73K)

Crypto-jews are the problem. They can be identified because they are all mean. These Jewish souls are how Jews have destroyed every nation in history. The regular Jews know this but I do not know how they act in tandem yet.

Absolutely based

Actually, in this context i would say that Swedes are not human.

I honestly don't know who i respect less, impulsive retards or the kind of garbage that doesn't have any sense of pride and dignity for himself/herself or his/her heritage.

Well shouldn´t it be simple?
>find some african nation sweden donates foreign aid to near eritrea
>send them there to live.

So the international criminals Sweden imports are also cowards?

You keep posting this but i dont have any idea what youre talking about. What does the moniker crypto even mean to you in this context?

Obviously the cleanest water there was bc they don't use the toilet.

There was a somali rapist multiple offender here who got deported, and some people actually reasoned that he can't be deported because he would be a danger to somalis in somalia if he gets deported. I mean what the fuck?

>There was a somali rapist multiple offender here who got deported, and some people actually reasoned that he can't be deported because he would be a danger to somalis in somalia if he gets deported. I mean what the fuck?
Yeah that´s pretty dumb. Let them deal with him if he does shit there. He comes right from there, then send him back and say look this guy did this and that so be careful with him. Why should you risk he does shit again in a country he is not supposed to be in.

>These Jewish souls
words fail me

Think about how much betrayal that is of finns. It´s basically saying.
>it´s ok he does it to finns, because we don´t want to hurt the poor somalis by sending this guy back there, for the crime of raping people in finland. What if he rape somalians there. Oh no poor somalis, it´s better he stay here and possibly rape some more finns.
No. It´s better if he try rape somalians then after he is deported. I know nothing of their legal system, but i am guessing they will not treat him very lightly if he does.

Also i´m sure you can make arrangement so he serves out the sentence in somalia instead of finland, and is then set free in somalia again afterwards. If they are afraid he will immediately rape somali women upon arrival in somalia after deportation.

Exaclt, I think they might be able to deal with him properly, since he was a repeat offender, did the same shit again immediately after he was released, and then again when he was on a prison leave, but we have sentence maximums so he was released even when police recommended against it, but our legal system is a rehabilitating one but you can't rehabilitate animals like that. So somali legal system would definitely be more capable dealing with shit like that, I'm sure of it, the village elders would just take him behind the shed and be done with it or something.

hahaha my fucking sides.

>Beastly nigger rapes a girl and gets away with it
Just another day in Sweden, nothing special about it really.

He's talking about the music of the melanin'd Jew

>Exaclt, I think they might be able to deal with him properly, since he was a repeat offender, did the same shit again immediately after he was released, and then again when he was on a prison leave, but we have sentence maximums so he was released even when police recommended against it, but our legal system is a rehabilitating one but you can't rehabilitate animals like that. So somali legal system would definitely be more capable dealing with shit like that, I'm sure of it, the village elders would just take him behind the shed and be done with it or something.
Yeah their legal system is probably more suited for their own people. I´ve been thinking for quite a while now that we should have parallel legal systems for foreigners and for citizens. Because it´s very clear they don´t respect habilitation so they don´t go away to the point where their life is gone when they come out. These idiots do something and then think it´s like vacation and even like a cool thing if they have been in jail for a while. It´s very clear much stricter punishments are necessary for these people to even consider not doing these things. Ideally it is to deport them and let their nation of origin determine what their punishment is for that crime. But it´s obvious they have entirely different mentality that doesn´t fit with the way and time sentences we incarcerate people in northern europe. It´s amazing they can do it immediately after getting out again. We should not waste our time incarcerating these people. Just banish them from the country when they do it. Why waste taxpayer money on these idiots in jail?

It's shit like this that makes me think it won't be natives slaughtering immigrants in the coming conflict. It will be natives massacring each other.

>It's shit like this that makes me think it won't be natives slaughtering immigrants in the coming conflict. It will be natives massacring each other.
Well no but it will be huge battle politically because. Ofcourse the immigrants who do this are the issue. But the bigger problem is those who refuse for them to be correctly punished for it obviously when it occurs. When it comes to point you can´t even do that. Then that type of people who defend like that, they have to be dealt with politically in a not very nice way. Think about that example he mentioned. he rape, he gets put in jail. He comes out after short sentence. he rape again. Gets put in jail, gets on leave from prison, rapes again. Why in the hell is he not deported after the at the very least second time? This guy is a fucking lunatic. This is a guy who is not even supposed to be in finland. And why he clearly doesn´t act like a finnish person should. Not good material.

Remind me to commit felonies in Scandinavia

I agree, the only punishment and a just one at that would be deportation, serious enough crime like violence or anything similar should be dealt with having your right to access and live here removed. And even entry to the country should be based on reward system, what are you going to sacrifice or bring if we allow you access to our country and all that it provides, it would be fair and even if you are a refugee your stay should be temporary not a permanent one. I really can't see how this would be unjustified and I'm fairly sure this is how majority of people actually think about it, it's just manipulated by media and politicians to seem like the current retarded policies are democratically set or supported by majority.

>Remind me to commit felonies in Scandinavia
We have very low incarceration periods because we are not used to dealing with 'culturally diverse' people. So it´s really biting us in the ass with this immigration stuff. We believe more in rehabilitation so you don´t go away for 25 years come out your life is practically over. It´s a good thing overall. They get second chance, they can contribute to society when they get out, and if you wrongfully convict it´s not that dramatic they go away for 40 years or whatever. But as you americans ofcourse know, certain groups of people they don´t respect that at all. Also we have history of deportation/banishment in our history rather than execution and long jail sentences. But then that is what we should do (deportation) instead of playing games with these people who clearly is not material to be in our countries.
Deportation/banishment goes back to the even the viking times. The guy who founded the first settlement of greenland. His dad was evicted for norway for killing a guy. Banished from country, he then went to iceland. Banished for 3 years there for killing someone.
It cut a lot down on crime on top of that we had outlawery that you were excommunicated from your entire tribe if you did something like that. But that´s part of the history of why we don´t have ridiculous long prison sentences. Since we didn´t dabble in that too much. More like you do something bad like that, you were just kicked the fuck out of the country, that´s it you are not coming back in. Good luck finding people who like you. So people ofcourse weren´t interested in that. I think you hold banishment over these immigrants heads rather than just short sentences. I think they will think differently about this.

>I agree, the only punishment and a just one at that would be deportation, serious enough crime like violence or anything similar should be dealt with having your right to access and live here removed.
I agree with that aswell with banishment. It´s what we did historically aswell. And these are not even citizens. It´s not like you take someone ok you been in finland for several hundred years of ancestry. You commit rape, out you go with your family you are not coming back. I mean these people are illegal aliens essentially 'refugee's.. They are not even supposed to be there permanently. So in those cases especially you should say. Look you do something like this. We´re going to kick you out. We will not tolerate this shit you can do bad shit 1 time. If you do anything again, you're out. if they get notified that this is the situation. I think they will be very careful about how they behave themselves. And if they don´t well they get what they know they will get.

>And even entry to the country should be based on reward system, what are you going to sacrifice or bring if we allow you access to our country and all that it provides, it would be fair and even if you are a refugee your stay should be temporary not a permanent one. I really can't see how this would be unjustified and I'm fairly sure this is how majority of people actually think about it, it's just manipulated by media and politicians to seem like the current retarded policies are democratically set or supported by majority.
yes ofcourse it is, it´s just basic logic and common sense. You come to nation you are not supposed to be in. You do something like that you indicate.
>well i am not good material to be here.
They also deal with this in the US, what they deal with it in the US is they kill someone, they deport them. They fucking come back as illegal aliens, because they got so much problem with their border control. Then they kill somebody again.
When you are deported you are already said you are not supposed to be there. Imagine you deport that guy from finland then he come back a few months later does the same fucking shit. This is also why this illegal alien shit it doesn´t fucking work. That they think they can just show up and pretend to be refugee or whatever. You need to be able to find out who the fuck these people are, and what their background is. Or your citizens are the ones getting hurt, you owe that to your people. And it´s total common sense to do.
I bet you this guy did some shit in somalia aswell that finnish authorities don´t know about. Due to him coming under that status to finland. This is such a big problem. I mean if you do rape 3 times so fast like that. You probably have done this before back where you come from. And so then if you come to another country, they deserve to know about it.

The matriarchal line is how jews took europe. Jewess marries into european aristocracy, takes name of european but gives birth to jews. Inheritance passes to jewish children, hey presto they now own you and your country and you don't even know it