The NYT Will Destroy White Nationalism

How does it feel to know that a Jewish publication, the biggest in the world, will finish you bigots? Wait until they target this cesspool and get it shut down too, lmao

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Jews at it again. America was found by whites, and jews need to have all financing to israel shut down. If the kikes are not willing to embrace white nationalism, what purpose to whites have to endorse zionism for european jews?

shame law enforcement aren't protecting their citizens from criminals crossing the border

Bc many in Law enforcement are white nationalist themselves

The alt right must be like fish swimming in a sea of civilians. The NYT will lash out indiscriminately against civilians who are associated with alt right partisans. The reprisals will radicalize the civilian population and cause defections within the ranks of the NYT.

NYT is mexican now, not jewish.

It would be a lie to say I wouldn't be angry. It's really difficult to not go out and kill anyone jewish. However I'm christian, I believe that the 2nd coming of Jesus will bring Justice/the Sword upon the Evil (that includes the Jew). Even though it's difficult, I will not fall in this tribulation. I will keep my hands clean and pray to the Lord, so I can enter the kingdom of God.

With that the Jews lose again. The lost when they denied Jesus and they'll lose when I stay with Jesus.

>fucking phosphorescent spooks keep blowing shit up or shooting up a place.
>phosphorescent spooks don't know what to do to stop terrorism.
self control?

This is a disgusting smear. What have white nationalist even done? We have had multiple Islamic attacks here but we can’t say anything about that group.

You would have thought they would have happened by now considering the level of division in this country.

You fool. The believers ARE the sword. we are meant to stand up and become something great that we may deliver ourselves from bondage, not sit in our shackles waiting for a hero. God wants man to evolve towards Godhood - to earn his place in heaven. The '2nd coming' of Christ is allegorical. His spirit will be made manifest within us when we take complete control of our destiny and GAS THE KIKES.

Law Enforcement: Literally it is okay to be white / literally nothing wrong for being white

I'm a trash man.
When I started years ago newspapers were about 10% of my total haul. Today they're less than 1%.
Point being: Who cares what a dieing N.Y. times has to say.

Jeez man the way these fuckers completely ignore Antifa then shriek about right wing violence when right wingers DEFEND THEMSELVES from them.

Jow Forums getting shut down... can you even imagine what would happen with all these disaffected young mens who no longer have any outlet at all? At what point are jews literally asking for it?

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Since 2001 right wing terrorism has killed like 130 people. I think the issue is just a tad overblown.

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The New York Times viciously attacks it's own golem.

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They can try, and when we scrape the flesh from their bones and make it into lampshades, I'm sure they'll call that a victory as well.

What threat exactly?

So some fucko shoots a couple of jews once in literally decades and we have a white nationalism problem, but niggers and spics kill people by the truckload every single week and that's a-ok?

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Only jews are humans to them. They are jewish supremacists.

Shame law enforcement declared globalist cosmopolitan white collar criminals too big to prosecute so they just let them continue along, running their scams and cons and criminal plunderings.


>Autism rates are much higher than originally thought but may have stabilized in recent years, a new study suggests. An estimated 2.41 percent of children in the United States have autism spectrum ...

Since Autism is a male disease 5% of male children have autism. Thats 1 out of 20 boys!!!!!!! And since its mostly a white male problem and they are only half the population its
1 OUT OF EVERY 10 WHITE BOYS IS AUTISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 1973 it was 1 out of every 2000.

>Total sperm count among Western men fell 59.3 percent from 1973 to 2011

That is cumulative loss and is continuing to decline. In 40 years all white men will be infertile.

>Why the fuck isnt this a national godamn emergency blarred from every single paper every single day. We are litterally talking about our own extinction!

Becuase its happening to white men. They dont give a fuck. To them its a good thing. They are litterally killing us in silence.

>one muslim commits a terror attack
>not all muslims!
>one white man commits a terror attack
I know these people are not bothered by their hypocrisy but normal people are. Don't forget that.

As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?

White nationalism is a meme invented by the press 3 years ago. Seriously, nobody fucking used the term prior to 2015.

Arab and hispanic is often lumped into "white." No telling what gets lumped in under "nationalist."

>Jews are at it again.

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>Autism is a male disease

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What is Stormfront?


This is the real secret to it, they throw shit everywhere in their attempts to hit the alt right and just end up pissing off people who have nothing to do with the actual alt right. It's hilarious

>Wait until they target this cesspool and get it shut down too, lmao
You need to prohibit anonymity on the internet entirely to shut this place down. Otherwise people will just move from one chan to another forever.

Stormfront was NeoNazi Boomers. Nobody used the term "White Nationalist", it's a neologism and a meme meant to demonize anything other than Dinesh D'souza tier patriotardism.

Right buddy ;)

Carlos Slim is a lebo.

No, they're Eskimos

It grows with every article, video segment, or social media post the enemy makes. Everyone must choose whether to support Jewish supremacy or European survivalists. I love it.

I highly doubt that, but it would certainly be nice.

>the Threat of White Nationalism
Ok. Which group is in charge? Who is the leader of said group? What are their goals? What have they done recently worth noting? How many members in their ranks? Do they have recruiting campaigns? A website? Youtube videos? These would be questions a journalist should ask and answer for the reader but I doubt we'll be getting any of that.

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"White nationalist" was meant to deflect criticism of "white supremacy."

OK if you want to be smug, I'm sure you could BTFO me by posting links of articles from the 90s and 00s where the term "White Nationalist" was extensively used dozens and dozens of times.

And "white supremacy" was another buzzword invented by the media.

Oy vey, don't question the Chosenites!

Do jews ever get tired of their own bullshit?

>t. Someone who actually read SIEGE

Would be cool if they knew how to start it

NYT is creating a new generation of white nationalism

trump will stop it dont worry
>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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>Wait until they target this cesspool and get it shut down too, lmao
I know this is bait, but leftists unironically think "shutting down nazis" is going to weaken them, not explode like a pressure cooker full of C-4.

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it's just the term they use to keep white people from identifying on the basis of skin color
which is exactly what the left wants everyone who isn't white to do, to vote against white people

The persecutions will continue until jewish humanity improves.

There are many Jews who agree with the alt right movement but cant join because of you fucks.


Yes, the "far-right" white nationalist extremism has just been running rampant since 1998. Definitely nothing else has gone on in that time.

They will inadvertently create 1000's more. Maybe enough to finally march them into the ovens.

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Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy an AR 15 you pussy faggot. If you're not willing to get your hands dirty to fight evil than theres no place for you in my Heaven.

He’s not wrong. Yes women can be autistic, but it’s at a rate much less than men.

sorry but jews have proven time and again that they can't be trusted

There weren’t dozen of articles because it was extremely fringe, or so (((they))) thought

Then we cut the fiber and Jewish throats.

The vast majority of autists are male, like 10 to 1.

T. Counciler for autismos and ppl with mental health problems. Autism has been on the rise in the last 40 years because technology is enabling autismos to completely shut off from society and social consequnces, autismos tend to be very indivualistic and feel a need to be different and modern technology has enabled this effect to spiral out of control. 40 years ago the climate would have forced more autists to adapt and blend in. This and the fact our screening processes have got better explains the spike in autism.

/pol is a quarantine zone. (((They))) would never want it shut down. That would scatter the ideology to the ends of the earth. I'd be shitposting on HuffPo.

ONLY Jew lives matter.

Heres the list the law should've taken more seriously. Some might still even be posting here so be careful.

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You should quit your job because you have no idea what you're talking about and I fear your incompetence is a real threat to these children.

I'd be shitposting on walls in Jewish blood

Storm front, David Duke, don black that whole clique have explicitly describe themselves as white nationalists from the mid 90s at least.

What the fuck is wrong with people like you who have this mentality of "if the jew media doesn't use the term it is not a real thing"?

Exactly, which is why I don't understand why anyone would ever willingly adopt the term to begin with to self-identify with. The North American continent is implicitly white to begin with, we shouldn't be conceding that "Americans are everyone and anyone so long as they spend money!"

Ironically, huffpo directed me to stormfront one year, go figure

>Who is the leader of said group?
well donuld drumpf of course

>White Nationalism
Threat? Is that the solution? "Dangerous whites racists" getting their own land and separating from the rest of society?

The redpills stored on the website this image is directing you to are redder than blood. I thought I was redpilled. The very document this particular letter comes from shows very clearly how the Jews actively manipulated the US using the same tactics the ADL uses now.

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When a Jew yells about "white nationalism", what they're actually attacking is white nationhood. They do not believe white people should be allowed agency, control of their destiny, and definitely not their own countries.

Does anyone attack black nationalism?
Does anyone attack Asian nationalism?

Whites nationalist look out for their own kind, no different from any other racial group. Of course we aren't allowed to have a national group to represent us like La Raza, CAIR, ADL, or the NAACP. New York Times has no influence over my life. Nor will it.

yea because only muslims actually go out and kill, set fires and vandalize jews and jewish sites... all the rest are setups

You can join. Just neck yourself.

parasites gonna parasite.

Do they offer any evidence for the rising white nationalist threat? Or is it just like that shooting last week and the tiki torch guys a year ago?

>Wait until they target this cesspool and get it shut down too, lmao
>Shutting down the containment board.
Yeah for the claim that Jews are smart they probably would. They have no conscious understanding of what their genes push them into.

Women autists also often tend to be better at hiding the fact they're spergs.


You don't speak for the alt right movement. I am anti globalist anti big money and government and a patriot and I am also Jewish. You dont like it, then fuck you. America was built on acceptance if all people who these values dear.

(((They))) they don’t know how to stop us. The commies have tried to supress truth by censorship and failed. Then they tried authoritarianism and failed. Then they tried political correctness and failed. Now they’re trying some bullshit white privilege and it’ll fail as well

You can only supress truth and facts for so long until your system of oppression fails

The left is utterly fucked

Yes...Shut down Jow Forums. Do it bitches. Unleash a wave a autism the likes of which even God has never seen. We will shitpost up all the others sites until comments are turned off globally.

Remember unless you are banned from something you haven't done shit.

>(((Janet Reitman)))
This is all so tiresome.

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Carlos Slim is Lebanese.

Semite Honorary Kike.

This is a lie as Obama put out a directive to all domestic IC and LE agencies telling them about the right wing threat


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Before that happens, Indian posters will take up this board and make it multi-culti. You're in safe hands.

Bow down to your new master, my white pets. I will treat you with rasgullas and naan and paneer everyday, like I treat my pet doggy with dogfood.

T. Pajeet Pandey

Becuase Marxist scum needs their foot soldiers; Their foot soldiers being ignorant subhumans and self-hating whites.


>pressure cooker full of C4
>and lots and lots of beans
>beans and bean juice along with pieces of pressure cooker shrapnel go everywhere
>everyone is covered in sticky bean juice and shmoshed beans
>also some grievous bodily harm but more importantly lots of bean juice just everywhere
>gonna be a pain in the ass to clean up

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based and breadpilled


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how can you tell if a girl is autistic? they're pretty dull normally. and some beta will still be trying to fuck the autisma regardless

check out the editorial board and tell me its mexican

Why is Jewish Nationalism ok, but White Nationalism not ok?

NYT sure kvetches a lot

Gee I don't know rabbi, maybe stop trying to exterminate the white race and there will be less white nationalism?