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are we gonna die , anons?
Pfft buy metals then
Pic related is Mussolini burning the italian debt, in 1928.
This is all it takes.
Maybe you should keep a few niggers instead of sending them all to us. We don't want them and with niggers i also include Spaniards in their 20s working for minimum wage.
i am waiting to die for a long time now, sorry spaniard bro. i just hope this will solve the migrant crisis on it's own somehow.
You pillage and destroy Europe on behalf of the USA, it's only natural for you to take your fair share of rapefugees
>We don't want them
Calm down. Italy is the first.
Drop the EU
Kill the German
They are your enemy, Spaniard
Then they got buttfucked by Murica
Anyone else keep getting this annoying advert featuring this baby baboon in the bottom of their screen?
Gook Moot needs to vet his advertisers more carefully, this shit is getting on my nerves
They are the only ones benefitting from the EU while they watch other countries fall into a shithole state like Italy or Spain or France.
They are the ones that set rules out, they are the ones that force migrants into other EU countries, threatening with sanctions if they dont accept their replacement.
What the hell has Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, got to do with the EU? She is integrally connected because she knows the EU serves to GERMAN benefit only.
Only when you drop your idolization of shitler and realize that the true enemy of European Nationalism is the German then you can start to solve the problem one punch to Germany at a time
The root of all our problems is Germanistan aka UE.
Hopefully the fall of this illegitimate technocratic empire will come from the brave people of Italy or Spain.
I keep getting ads about celebshits taking niggers from Africa from their parents to virtue signal.
You Won't BELIEVE how she looks NOW!
Not just Italy or Spain.
Every decent European Nationalist should be pitted against Germany. But romantization of Hitler stops them from seeing how much of a cancer Germany is on Europe
Goymany got all those good goy sheckels for letting in 3rd worlders
Here is a even more of a shithole you can tease yourself over the chart it means nothing. Places like Barcelona are a paraside in comparison to any german city.
Who's willing to bet Mossad is behind these gay as fuck advertisements? Its the same on JewTube as well. Every time I try to watch a video on my iphone (no adblocker) I get an advertisement for the Rosenberg School of Hebrew or "check out these CRAZY conspiracy theories about the Egyptians" videos. Its as if they've tracked my browsing history and are purposely feeding me adverts they KNOW will piss me off.
Jealously of Germanics being the supreme European ethnicity will you nowhere.
tfw you vassalize all of europe without firing a single shot
I don't know.
You'd think that if Rosenberg would be behind this I'd get blacked porn spammed on ads on /gif/ but all I get is WMBF porn and Teens
And I clear my PC every time it switches off so it can't be using history or cookies. Not even to mention that I don't watch porn
Sureee you don't. By the way, traps are gay, bro.
I don't get porn ads on Jow Forums though
I don't watch trap porn, nor do I find it attractive
Mine is always either a black baby, a redheaded girl, or a white man throwing a mixed race baby into the air. Or a nigger hugging a black labrador.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid
My guess is the less conspicuous advertisements are there to give plausible deniability. How do they even make money off these gay ass advertisements anyway? Its not as if anyone pays attention to them
probably accidental clicks or old people thinking they won a new IPhone 4
But if you click on them they don't even go anywhere except some other pointless clickbait news site that doesn't even sell anything? Whats the point? I think its just an excuse for kikes to desensitise your brain and make you stupider.