Post your 8 values

*dabs on Jow Forums*

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I'm too big brained for anyone here, honestly.

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Now that is what I call an Oxymoron

i think it means anarcho-communism

>Libertarian Communism
What the fuck am I reading

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communism is anarchist by default, the thing is, thought, that it's unlivable, so commies always end up in transition. it's just like transexuality.

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Fuck off syndie

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Yeah these questions don't seem slanted at all

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Anybody seen my monocle and top hat?

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>Democracy is more than a decision-making process
>Reason is more important than maintaining our culture
What the fuck are some of these even trying to say?

>Patriotic centrist
I will not stand for this slander

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I did nothing wrong.

The only proper values

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It asks if for you democracy has a essense that goes beyond the decision making process. Does it implies a certain mentality in society?

The other one is simple. Would you follow reason even if it means making huge cultural changes?

How can anyone even compete with my result?

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Don't you have mines to get stuck in?

a patriotic moderate doesn't sound bad. you guys however have pretty ridiculous balances in favor of one value over another.

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How does full equality and liberty even works? If you allow full liberty by definition there can't be full equality

Fuck gayvalues, take the french test

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>not posting the superior politiscales

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>Democracy is more than a decision-making process
Is democracy merely the process by which you elect a governing body or as says, does it reflect a certain egalitarian mentality in society?
>Reason is more important than maintaining our culture
If tomorrow it were objectively demonstrated that an aspect of your culture is nonsensical and ought to be changed, would you change? For example, if a traditional ingredient in your country's cuisine were found to be unhealthy/dangerous, would you accept an alternative?

Based af

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>communism is anarchist by default

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What’s the white section ?

ITT larping reactionary faggots

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Communism is supposed to be a stateless society, that just needs a massive state before you get there

>Libertarian Communism

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"libertarian communism" lmao how the fuck does that even work?

I see, terminal retardation it is. My condolences.

>Needs a massive state because it is unsustainable without forcing people to comply at gunpoint

Me too

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middle pillar.

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A lot of questions i found tricky.
Personally i think od myself as liberal-conservative.

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Y’all niggas gay

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radical centrists make me way more upset than any ancap or fascist

Lmao Space Gay Communism

How does freedom + economic equality work user?

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Because centrism seems to be no real opinion pillar.

I'm not being triggered by anyone because of political views.

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you gotta pump that Nationalism up fella

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Christ shall be the one saving this world

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fuck of Vee

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too much progressivism
too little Nationalism

What dropped my percentage in that category were the questions about invading other countries and the questions about working together with other countries to protect the environment.

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How did I do, Jow Forums? Is it bad?

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8 values is too americanized, and worse the questions have too much grey area in them.
politiscales is superior and much more fun

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All the CTR shills posted fascism LOL

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>fixed for OP

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commie fag.


Also r8

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>38% communist
>thinks that had a good score
Sure, brainlet.

hey Mussolini

you reject every single tradition vlad

>Neo conservative
Yeah go on then

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whats up Jow Forums

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Pinochet was a hero

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You leftists are actually retarded if you believe that.

Quite similar to mine. I think PoliticalScales is way better to 8values. Still not perfect thou.

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My brother

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This was 2017. I dunno what to make out of it in the current year.

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>*dabs on /self/*
Fixed it for you, traitor (sellout for money, imagine thinking this is new ..or profound in any way) piece of shit.

How did I do?

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I feel to be not so sure on anything. What do you guys think.

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Dabs on the timer for your oven

Me three


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>mfw there are more neo liberals than libertarians

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>Mr. Billionare, you can turn me into a total wage and debt slave as long as you let me cut my dick off and shove it in my ass.

Maintaining a strategic balance of power internationally is essential to global decentralization. Traditions should be questioned and changed when unreasonable, but respected due to reason behind most traditions in the first place. Allow the individual to make of himself whatever he may. Victimless crimes are not crimes. Points where the state predates on the people must be eliminated, and points where the people suckle the teat of the state must be eliminated. Nationhood should provide enough of a sense of kinship for neighbors to help one another, respecting and encouraging voluntary horizontal cooperation.

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Except for the punitive justice, sounds cool.

Did I pass

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I don't trust most criminals to change their mind just because someone is telling them to. Many crimes have victims and the perpetrator must pay.

Though I did answer that the lifetime record of a person should be taken into account when they're being sentenced.

Same user here. Just did the PolitiScales one.
Pinochet is still my hero.

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muh niggas
funny that you got Nazism and Totalitarian together. Totalitarian is mostly associated with Marxism
lmao "Ultra"
Steve Bannon is that you?

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Centrist master race reporting in.

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now imagine you're commie and try again
mine pic related

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>I don't trust most criminals to change their mind just because someone is telling them to
I agree with that but i also think punishing them fix nothing. I suport life imprisonment, but not capital punishment. Also is posible that someone proves not to be guilty years later when he is already dead and i do not want that.

>funny that you got Nazism and Totalitarian together. Totalitarian is mostly associated with Marxism
And nazisim too.


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The only correct answer.

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This one is more relevant.

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