SNL mocks appearance of ex-Navy Seal candidate who lost an eye in Afghanistan

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the guy looks like a bootleg milo wearing a shirt 5 times too large


That guy looks like he eats potato chips, drinks Mountain Dew, and avoids sunlight at all costs.

He is repulsive to look at; the embodiment of unhealthy living and terrible genetics.

Good, let the Dems mock our veterans.

It'll only drive more people to our cause.

And this will help the Democrats, how?

veterans are just prostitutes, they sell their bodies because that's all they're good for.
they don't deserve any respect.


he's a jew, so...

>nigger lips
opinion discarded

Punished Crenshaw

He looks sickly and evil like all jews do. Jews also run SNL/all media. It's shocking they'd attack Israel's footsoldiers so blatantly.

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SNL is paid for by super jews in NYC.

They are a media attack force for the democratic party.

Uh, no. We'll need those veterans, because they possess extremely valuable experience.

>muh experience
fuck off boomer, if we needed experience we could just google what we needed to know.

That guy looks like he got AIDS

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The Ariana Grande breakup is taking its toll. He’s clearly losing it

Jewish wigger comedian who is not funny

That's super rude, and you could say that for an profession.

I fucking HATE that guys faceeee

>Uh, no. We'll need those veterans, because they possess extremely valuable experience
At what? Sucking Israel's cock?

SNL is a boomer show. Young people don’t watch it.

Like all wage cucks. But veterans were willing to die for their beliefs. Can you say the same Xiao?

Why is he wearing a prison uniform?

and then Pete Davidson,who looks like a complete degenerate

People still watch this NPC comedy sketch show? Also, this guy looks like the biggest faggot I have seen in awhile.

I'm in my very early 20's. And if there's ever a conflict, which there pretty much will be if things continue on this trajectory - you're going to want to shut up, listen to the guys who have already done this shit before, do what they say, and the probability of survival goes from absolutely zero to you might survive, maybe, but probably not. Death is something you need to be ready to face.

Have you actually been in an armed conflict before? Probably not, you're probably not of much value.

I wonder how he felt when she called him, high on coke, music blasting in the background... and simply said “its over im breaking up with you teeheehee” with her friends laughing in the background and multiple nigger voices. I bet he kept trying to call her back...but she was already grinding on some other guy and forgot about him.

>Young people don’t watch it.
Pro Tip: Nobody watches that trash

>kike lover pretending to be a soldier
How pathetic.

Nobody watches this.

wtf is he wearing
also, why isn't he funny?


they only joined to get free college. Then they ended up fighting for zog

biggest dumbest cucks on the face of the earth

Who is this gray-headed faggot? He looks like a complete cuck.

You aren't old to remeber neocons wrecking this country with Iraq then robbing us blind i the 08 collapse. You'll see why people hate kikes when you get older..

he seems high on opiates
higher than usual at least

trump curse?

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dude you can't talk about an entire race of people like that, wtf


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake

Go be kangz somewhere else

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No, I'm not in the military, but I'm contemplating it. Everyone I've asked said get a bachelors and go Officer, but that's a lot of responsibility to assume. Not something an INTJ really fancies, but I'll probably just have to go over it and move on.

And you need to quit acting like a petulant bitch. The soldiers and vets pretty much already know that they're fighting for Israel. Vietnam vets already know that war was shitty, and GWOT vets are probably confused as to why they're even in the ME to begin with. But you're going to need to them if shit goes down. You're going to need them if even if shit doesn't go down, because they're pretty useful in politics. Vets are quite popular among our demographics. If you don't like them? That's fine? But pushing away, and repelling the warrior class in this country is an extremely bad idea.

Why isn't there a right wing SNL? I want my high budget Christine Ford parody!

shut up cuck

BTFO'ing neocons is pretty easy. Putting on a green camouflage costume and BTFO'ing neocons will be even easier, because you have an authority presence with your target audience. As long as you're articulate and erudite though. The guy who unironically eats crayons and types with caplocks on shouldn't be attempting to persuade Republicans why sanctions on Iran is retarded, and how we need very cheap oil right now. Russia's oil, Iran's oil, plus producing our own oil with the accompanying jobs - gasoline probably lower than $1 a gallon. Gasoline also affects the price of food, and one of the primary reasons why Trump is doing so good is because of the economy - which I don't think will last much longer.

>Why isn't there a right wing SNL?
look at who owns the networks...

This is not a problem, because the right are all about free speech, right?

A problem? Not at all. The more they show their true colors the more the winning will continue.

Why dye the hair?

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Well, the US military isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. What do you suggest we do? Call them cucks?

Look at how much of an effect we've had with the Republican party. We pretty much take over everything we infiltrate. Look at Twitter. They have to ban us for a reason. We're going to have to march through the institutions ourselves. But here's the thing - we're not going against the grain like the (((Communist))) were. We're abiding by human nature. We're going to have a substantially easier time than they did. And if you think things are bad now? They will get worse. Much worse. So we should probably try to make shit easier on us? We need to be the ones in the optimal positions. The ones who are making the actions. Action beats reaction.

If we are now judging people by their apperence,
Why is a prison inmate incarcerated for drug trafficking reading the news?

you make irrational decisions under the influence of drugs

The thing is though
He isn’t
He’s just a troll

No (((network))) would ever pick up a conservative comedy show making fun of their puppets.

whats the problem? its comedy. the television programming tells me its comedy so its funny

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>the left are allowed to say whatever they want
>if you make a right wing joke you risk life and limb
I'm so glad liberals believe in "equality." They just want a monopoly on offending.

The pigs of Islam are coming here more and more now that they lost their other sites. It is fucking annoying


>Davidson was born November 16, 1993, in Staten Island, New York, the son of Amy (née Waters) and Scott Matthew Davidson. His father was of Jewish heritage and his mother is of Irish ancestry; Davidson was raised Catholic. He has a younger sister named Casey.
Jewish ancestry is a coded word for a Jew who's pretending his career is solely not a result of Jewish nepotism.

Jews expect gullible goyim to die for them.

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Norm Macdonald was the only guy who could make this funny.

We let these Arab fags come over here then they won’t fight. We need to concript them. Muh zog. Muh jews. Yes they are here, but they aren’t everything you Muslim faggot

Butthole eyes

A toothpaste arab

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Wh-what ?

Ok kiddo,go die for the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies that don't give a shit about you. Go die protecting Israel . They'll pin $5 medals on your chest to make you feel brave for getting your leg blown off in a pointless war.
>warrior class
Oh riiiight because droning weddings and killing kids is really tough,right? Ever notice how we keep losing wars? The "warrior class" relies too much on tech and they've become softer. What a fucking joke!
>im considering joining the military to be part of the warrior class
They play on your patriotism to waste your life making them richer. YOU WANNA BE A WARRIOR AND HELP PEOPLE KIDDO?! BE A FUCKING FIREFIGHTER!!


LMAO @ the Jow Forumstards crying ITT.
You want muh freedom of speeches? Then suck it up.

>dad dies trying to save innocent civilians during 9/11
>proceeds to make fun of a man who lost his eye in the resulting war

Jesus christ man.


pete davidson thinks he has overcome 'dead dad syndrome', but in reality it is affecting and shaping his life still.

>butthole eyes happy about someone with normal eyes losing one
imajun ma shock

I respect vets for their balls, but they are all jew pawns.

Hi akbar, can’t stand it when we kill you goat fuckers?

Hol up.

Geraldo Rivera is a jew?

Experience sucking Israeli cock?

That and experience killing and raping muzzies. I would fuck a kike whore honeypot if I got to buttfuck a descendant of Fatimah. Imagine fucking her like her dad did


I’m sure dan can deal with it.

Hispanic Jew, the worst kind

Taco jews aren’t the worst. The Arab Jews are the worst. The Sephardics. They are a mix of the worst of both worlds. Islam dad’s and kike moms.

Kek. Pic related. Not pictured: doing lines off his boner.

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Good. Anyone fighting in wars for Israel should be mocked and left homeless.

.... Your from a country founded by rejected convicts. . . And the most popular export from your country died when he tried to fingerblast a stingray....

Your opinion holds about as much weight as a Congolese child dying from starvation.

Based Taliban Red Rider BB Guns

Thank Merkel for this good flag being weaponized by Islam. Fucking pig fuckers are everywhere here

Aren't you supposed to be praying to allah right now, habib?

>die protecting israel
I didn't die and I've deployed twice. However, I did get:
>6 years and 2 degrees from college that I didn't pay a dime for
>a home loan that most would kill for
>huge boost to my retirement fund
>experience and resume fluff. I've never had to actually compete for a job. I've just always gotten what I apply for.
>lots of puss

You talk like an overweight suicidal kid that got denied when you tried to enlist, now you're bitter.

>if we needed experience we could just google what we needed to know.
you're like the epitome of dunning Kruger

if these mid-terms result in republican gains, are democrats still gonna keep on pretending that the majority are with this shit? Delusion is setting in for a lot of careers that has so fully committed to the diversity train that there's no way back for them

SNL.... WILL.... PAY!!!!!!!

He is literally a Jew.

That's different from these liberal actors/"comedians" how, exactly?

Economy just magically improved and continues to improve when Trump shows up
>doing so good because of the economy
The economy is doing well because of Trump. Get used to it.

I can't find the source for this story, so it might've been made up. But it has a good lesson. There were these scientist who painted a zebra, because they wanted to be able to easily see the zebra for themselves. The zebra ended up being singled out, and targeted by a lion. Now, this is probably a fake story, I can't find any info - but have you been paying attention to what's been happening?

After the Alt-Right got BTFO'ed, sued into oblivion, and stopped doing street protest and physical activism - when there was no longer any "fash" for the "ANTIFA" to bash. Look at what's happening. ANTIFA, which we all know are pretty much consist of the current ruling regime's spoiled little brats - who will likely take their place when their parents retire. These aids-infested brats went out and attacked the worst possible targets. They went after the people who are capable of ending their existence. We can't do anything about ANTIFA. But those dumbshits targeting the GOP? Holy crap. We couldn't get GOP normies to join us, because they were able to say "We're not like those Alt-Righters!" Now, when you blend in, and ANTIFA attacks you - everyone in your group gets attacked. Those normies can't distance themselves from you, because they're literally being attacked. This is why we need to do. Safety in the herd. And now we're influencing the herd too. Of course, whatever change you want to see, will be applicable both ways - you will be effected by the herd as well. You need to be mindful of that. But this is what we need to be doing. Marching through the institutions, and replacing what we can't march through. There will eventually be an armed conflict. Wouldn't it be nice to have the military more amenable to us?

We need to camouflage, to blend in, to subvert, to influence, to persuade. I can't think of a better strategy right now for us, in our current predicament. We're on the precipice for some really bad shit happening, we need to be in a good position.

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Aussie baits hook

Are you involved with your local GOP group? Have you run for any of the offices yet? I haven't, but I need to get around to doing that. I've been looking at the campaign signs people stick in their yard, and all it says is their name, what position they want... Nothing else... No reason why I should vote for this particular person... I've always been curious as to why someone who was running as a candidate didn't make signs with them, in their uniform, that just said something like "BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT THEM ALL. I LIKE GUNS. LESS IMMIGRANTS, HIGHER WAGES FOR YOU." Now, voters are... ... Not exactly the brightest sandwich in the toolshed... So I don't know if that'll work on them, or really what the general electoral strategy is in that regard. Just curious if you ever have run for office before.

Duh. And he needs to keep it that way? If the economy wasn't good, what do you think Trump's approval rating would be?

The same could be said of all professions

Who is that kike in the prison outfit and why should any of us care?

Well, nevermind about the sign part. People won't do that, for the same reason why no one wears MAGA hats or put Trump signs in their yard. Either 1) some fervent, wayward leftist will try to burn your house down. Or 2) some "undocumented immigrant" will do the same.