why is it always black/brown man and white woman
Why is it always black/brown man and white woman
propaganda and retarded beta cucks making this shit
Because those are the only images you choose to post here. I'd be willing to be you could find "white white" or "black black" images if you looked, but you don't want that, you want to prove how evil society is because they show two different colors together.
They know how to please white women
Because white man/anything else is a symbol of colonization and raycst, everyone is a victim of the white man yet are also better than at the same time.
but it interracial depictions the qoman is always white, the man is always brown
because feminist want to feel superior, with a inferior race, a negroid for example, women always have superior iq and are aesthetically more beautiful than chimps
Because there's a demographic for that fantasy: you.
>black men go after white women
>majority are turned down but feel like they can still land a white woman due to the media brainwashing
>white women, in general, start finding white men "boring" or "plain"
>black women get lonely and turn to white men
>white men seek out asian women or black women
>asian men will literally take whatever they can get
(((They))) want to create a cycle of racemixing to make the West into Jews vs Goyim as fast as possible.
To test you.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
if you put a superior aryan white man side by side with a beautiful woman, maybe the man is aesthetically and functionally more beautiful
because of contrast and aesthetics, you paranoid racist
>"sad you won't ever have a child like yourself huh"
Is she honestly unaware that the child they produce will be an ape-faced mutt?
Because women are pretty much retarded; they are the target audience
They're even in the same brochure
>sad you won't ever have a child like yourself huh
The seed of resentment.
So this is what it feels like to have a deranged relevant who doesn't have his drinking problem under control
Most women prefer slightly darker men from the same race .
Because the man is naturally supposed to be darker due to much longer exposer to the sun,hunting,harvesting,wars ...
makes sens.
as long as the other features are ok, it's not a problem.
women envy beauty even of men, bitches
because you ,huwh*te "man" ,need to ceise to exist
White girls don't want shitskins
>Fuck some white dicks please just for the humanity
Jow Forumstards outside of Jow Forums
>The US
LOL! That's not how you spell europe you fucking retard.
You're wrong, I noticed this before ever visiting pol
Subconscious & cultural norm that men are the dominant sex, thus the male is of the dominant race.
If this was so then things like aristocracies would be ancient history.
This is why.
Because if you want to promote the destruction of the white race through race mixing, you have to target white women. Depicting white men breeding with brown women isn’t effective, because men can spread their seed far and wide. However, women are the reproductive bottleneck. If they are choosing swarthy men as lovers to have children with, the white race becomes diluted.
as fucking if Jow Forums would ever take a coalburner back
Have you entertained the idea that the user you are responding to is the same person who posted in that screenshot? Too obvious.
>You're wrong
>Do you have a second to eat my farts?
Also "humanity" is not a term you see a lot around these circles.
Genocide propaganda. Find the names of those responsible, build a list, publish the list.
yeah most of them are
Because white men prefer asians
Affirmative action applies to the people making these brochures
>why is it always black/brown man and white woman
To attack the heart of a man, you must go through the rib.
because it's beautiful.
Its easier to dilute the race like that.
Because this propaganda's purpose is not to support multiculturalism, but rather to destroy the white race. By targeting white women, who are the reproductive bottleneck of the white race, our enemy can destroy us faster.
what race and gender are you?
>*two years later*
>”Tips on How to Date as a Single Mother”
why wouldn't it be, with the dago wops
fake jew kike amalekite and sand nigger
muzzies pushing race mixing, why would
a mislead sheep lay down with wolves?
you guys aren't going to like judgement.
>why is it always black/brown man and white woman
Ask white women
meme-induced confirmation bias. the world isn't actually like this, you've just willingly allowed Jow Forums to corrupt your views on everything and voluntarily disillusioned yourself from society because you're easily influenced by basement dwelling incels who are self proclaimed experts on the world they're entirely isolated from. try going outside once in a while memeflag cuck
>All of these advertisements of black men with white women are just your imagination, goy
Fuck off, gaslighting kike.
That black dude is as gay as it gets
Anyone here have a Fire TV? Check out the Hulu image that shows when you select it.
The white boy gets the nasty sloppy nigger while the nigger boy gets the hot fit blonde
This is not phase one. Phase one was letting women vote and work so they can vote their survival urges. Phase two is they are targeting women with this racemixing propaganda along with propaganda about how whites will be minorities and the browning of white countries while putting shitskins on a pedestal. This is an attempt to tap into the female brain's "conquered by invader's" reaction of laying back and spreading her legs for the invaders in an attempt to not be killed and preserve her genes. It's very sophisticated trickery. Also, when I say "them" I mean Jews.
Yeah, no agenda there.
demoralize the native males who would be liable to attack the system.
Men are less invested in the sperm they spend. The eggs are the valuable stock.
That's why next time around the Jewish women are massacred wholesale.
>while the nigger boy gets the hot fit blonde
yeah she's sloppy alright bro
>why is it always black/brown man and white woman
The Talmudian parasite, the human Locust, can not help but to attack the host.
That is the nature of a parasite.
To late for Miss Moneypenny
You just ignore the ones that aren't. Lrn2logic
Though it COULD also be to normalize in the primitive mind of the negro that he deserves a huwite womban, which might make them that much more indignant when they are rejected.
Just look at the rape stats, niggers can't stand not having a taste of white gash.
>tfw white male
>live in 99.9% white town
>Never liked white girls
>wish there were more black/Brown girls in my town
Anyone else know this feel?
So, show me the white man / brown woman picture. Show it to me now.
I forgot to add, you're a racist. Disgusting racist. Base everything on race because you're a racist.
It's a common feel for those who have never smelled them. Once you get a whiff you'll get over it.
They don't want you
maybe the jews are trying to piss off white men so we exterminate the niggers? that's going to be the end result anyway.
Yes the media pushes this, but it's a very small percentage of women. They almost always end up single mothers or are beaten, so their punishment is just. The ones that don't get knocked up get bored with the lack of intelligent conversation and wit. They also want a home and to travel. They usually hide their ape fucking past and marry a white guy and have kids. I've seen this a lot.
Lol you wish
i hope he beats her to death and leaves her battered, pregnant corpse in a dumpster full of rats, and i hope he does it in florida just for the optics!
Wish what?
Do you not what watch the video lol
Probably because you are a nigger.
you crave bbc
niggers are twice more more likely to be gay
she won't be moving back to italy