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wtf I support civilian disarmament now
That’s funny. You’ll beg to die before we finish with you.
I agree op, we should disarm and bring the somalians here
too bad I hate niggers more than anything
Well I hate blacks too.
Only a Jew would defend heavy taxation.
I hate niggers and Islam too, why does (((Matson))) think I would want to go to some place he (((liberated)))
what's the punchline here
Can't beat them drones man
isn't this kind of dark and anti-government?
what if you hate niggers too?
>I hate the Trump government!
>I hope the Trump government takes away your guns
The good old "you can't win a war against your government so give up all the rights you have left" argument.
>that thing
>an uzi
You think Jews would know how to draw their own guns.
I never understand this, so the left is ok with drone bombing of civilians and US citizens?
Such people get paid for illustrating current twitter trends, not for thinking
well drones have pacified the entire middle east and afghanistan so for sure they will work i nthe united states
If it's their political opposition. Kind of like how we're ok with gas chambers and helicopter rides. Principled ideological positions often wilt in the face of the promise of real action.
this. it's an absurd and stupid argument.
As long as it is in line with their political views. Remember these people were against big corporations and media 10 years ago and now support them in full. Lefties have NO morals they are willing to defend
Careful with that edge
Unironically yes, back during the standoff at that park in Oregon I had liberal friends telling me they wished Obama would drone the ranchers. There's a deeply ingrained loathing for rural whites.
I watched a crowd of Turkish civilians stop a military coup by attacking tanks with what appeared to be bamboo sticks.
>lefty meme
wew, lad.
>they made them all light skinned with white features
Good luck confiscating almost 400 million unregistered firearms, faggot.
it goes in all fields
How’s things in Pakistan?
Is it the same guy posting these garbage threads every day?
Drone niggers BTFO
In Somalia, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
US government has aprox 30 drones in which to cover a land mass of nearly 10 million sq kilometers. The cost of each drone is at least 4 million excluding each flight cost.
Estimated 400 million guns owned by Americans. Average price of AR is between 500 to 700 dollars.
Can you see where I'm going with this? It's simply impractical and prohibitively expensive to engage in drone war against the US citizenry; the government would bankrupt itself long before any measurable success. Also all one person would have to do would be to take out the command unit, to render a drone obsolete.
This is before you get to the fact of how exactly they would be intending to cover the cost of war when they've completed demolished the country's infrastructure.
and another one
I don't think they care about laws tho ..
The blank, almost PTSD indicating stare of the children, indicating that they live in the fantasy dystopia that liberals dream about
Palmetto state regularly has em for $400. Just saiyan
Thats not a bad idea. Go over there, become a pirate king, then "peacefully" immigrate to europe with your army!
Are they actually implying that terrorists would obey laws?
Let’s not forget, unlike in ME where they can’t get to the drone pilots. They’ll be based in the US making them more vulnerable. Attack the pilot sitting in a chair, the drone falls out the sky.
We red pillin' now
Just wait until they get police bots in the millions then they can do evrything mentioned in that post.
but what if you also hate niggers?
Just Jow Forums used to be before all the sjw bullshit? This place has always mainly been counter culture.
Remember, brothers: better to die on your feet than live on your knees, and they can't rule a land of corpses.
I was just going by what I heard speaking to people over there. Even so when a 400 dollar piece of hardware can render a 4 million dollar one useless (and it's 400 million versus 30) it sort of exposes a flaw in "the government has drones" logic.
xD what a funny cartoon i can totally relate with my lifestyle of smoking weed and watching gamers stream dumb shit
Give me 20 Jow Forumsomandos and ammo to spare and we will be running the place inside of a month.
No of course niggers don't care about laws. There is a government in Somalia. There is a President, a cabinet, a Parliament, and a constitution. There are regulations and taxes, for the most part they simply aren't able to be enforced. The point is that gun ownership is a protected right in the USA. It isn't protected in Somalia where there have in fact been numerous attempts to disarm the population, by groups such as the UN as well as the Islamic Courts Union (ICU).
Is this supposed to be funny?
Because gun control, big government and high taxes would turn Somalia into some sort of Utopia.
They really aren't even self aware are they?
>all these strawmen
this thread is a total fire hazard.
>Be US Government
>Bankrupt because have to fund a million shitty chinese cop bots
>They only end up rounding up niggers
>BTFO anyway by a bunch of neckbeard neets who spend all day killing bots for fun
Please this
I mean but I hate niggers too...
i agree, the nation of shemites or semites
ie fake jew kike amalekites should have
all their guns taken away and melted down
to make hosing for niggers.
>sharia law and anarchy are the same thing
When will the somalia meme die?
>10 years ago leftists were against big corporations
>Now all leftists support big corporations
It's fascinating that even when you see your own hyperbolic generalizations in writing, you still don't stop to consider that you're just regurgitating misinformation into an echo chamber to convince yourself that you don't need to understand other viewpoints. I genuinely hope this post-truth society thing is just a phase.
That's not an uzi though. I'm not even well acquainted with guns and I know that's not an uzi.
Ironically terrorists would support gun control if they had half a brain. All the guns for me, but not for thee.
>Al Shabaab tax natives
>Al Shabaab is its own form of governance
>Al Shabaab regulates natives, includeing banning use of plastic bags
Really Akbars my Allah
Yeah, looks pretty Czech to me
>was going to mock the "Uzi" as not being an Uzi
>2 kommandos already commented
It's funny how Horsey forgets that fully operational rocket launchers could be legally purchased until about 1968ish.
They're also not that hard to make technically speaking. In a civil war scenario even 'le drones' argument fails spectacularly as many of the military weapons manufacturers in the US and other individual engineers would make / sell AA and AT explosive devices, not even counting kitchen made IEDs
At least gas chambers and free helicopter rides minimize collateral damage...
How would you even begin to get rid of guns in America? America owns like 56% of the world's guns and there's more guns in America than people. You can't even get rid of illegal aliens or marijuana and you want to try to get rid of the guns when everyone has them and feels like they have the right to have them (because they do) well good fucking luck with that.
Automated policing is a pipe dream because the arrest statistics would come off as insanely 'racist' to an outside viewer.
the cringe is real
so done with fucking liberals ignoring the fact niggers commit the majority of gun crime usually with illegal guns too. i wish i could tie the people who made this shit to a chair facing a wall of gun violence statistics
first, heavily restrict the sale of firearms, then make it illegal to pass them on in your will upon death. NY is already doing it.
This always struck me as a silly. If you remember attacks like the Las Vegas shooting, the Mumbai attacks, the Paris attacks and the like, a small number of men with firearms can easily kill triple-digits worth of people. A terror attack like that would scar the psyche of a country for months (and possibly years) to come.
I mean, it's not like anyone dropped a Predator missile on Micah Xavier Johnson, for instance. Brevik got to kill around 60 people before anyone realized what was up. Hell, it only took a single bullet to kill JFK. I can't imagine anyone fighting the American army in open combat, but if a small militia (A domestic terrorist group, basically) was really pissed at the government, they could do enormous amounts of damage before anyone could respond.
>lefty pol bringing their faggot memes here
get out
I imagine someone could adapt a home rocketry kit into sort of improvised anti drone SAM. Wouldn't necessarily need an explosive warhead, just sufficient velocity to break a wing or the nose.
(for academic purposes only)
How many of you would like to see shit hit the fan?
Knowing that the shit would hit fucking hard for the majority of americans, cities be no go zones and basically majority black areas could and would turn into somalia, prisions be emptied, mass deaths etc.
Would it really? I mean, you have the greatest army in the world. It'd be fairly easy to put down a domestic revolt. Anyway, the idea of a Liberal uprising is basically a joke, isn't it? Those people don't even like guns.
>racecar johnny
>leftist meme.
Don't blame him. Canadian (you)s are only worth half of a (you) for first world countries so they have to shitpost twice as hard.
Hate niggers too... Otherwise, I'd be there.
I hate niggers too, guess they missed that square.
A liberal uprising is a joke, because you cannot beat a gun with a cucumber.
It could never happen but if it was the other way around then it easily could.
Either way liberals lose in either outcome.
I don't adhere to flowery ideological dogma. All power eminates from the barrel of a gun. Simple truths are the fabric of reality. Don't get caught up in rhetorical details that ultimately amount to nothing of meaning.
>completely disregarding the fact that chaos in Somalia is caused by aftermath of communists horrible reign
Sassuga lefties
What? No, I was thinking of simple logistics. Why work to rebuild an area after bombing the fuck out of some libshits, when all you would have to do is break out the power washer or light the burn pit?
As far as I'm concerned, my guns will remain in my cabinet until;
1) I go shooting at the range
2) I go hunting
3) someone breaks into my house
4) a revolution happens
5) liberals kill me and remove the guns from the cabinet
I will never turn them in, I will never feel pity for the 11 million jews that died in my town (pittsburgh) and I won't feel pity for the roasties that got toasty at yoga. FUCK OFF AND MOVE TO A DIFFERENT COUNTRY
I was thinking about this earlier and what if they put all the drone pilots in some hidden underground base or floating at sea in an aircraft carrier where we can’t get to them?
>kill your enemies efficiently
Yeah sure. Sounds reasonable
Hell, once the Day of the Rope finally comes around, we might be able to capitalize on it. How much do you reckon tickets would cost?
the students behave
Tyrone actually pays the fuck attention in class.
>implying that black and muslim countries are bad place to live in.
Is he /ourguy/?
>well drones have pacified the entire middle east
Yes those are foreign lands, and soldiers have no problem with that. But inside the nation against their families it will not be so etching most would be comfortable doing.
Also l will note most will have no problem with using them on border invaders. I do not know why the left seem to think the military will just easily go against the people if they tell them to.
Imagine how easy it’d be to take over somalia. 70 IQ inbreds.
it work very well in france.
Interesting cartoon. But it is a falsehood. US governmeent cant use military to attack in the US. Its the law.
But if it ever gets to the point where this is occurring, there would be a lot of infighting withing the military. And I bet, those drones would self destruct.
Also, I don't know if you know but a 50cal machine gun can take out a drone.