>We like muh roads
>Just take muh plane
Well guess what faggots, people want trains in the United States. You can't just say "No." anymore, I say we bring our troops home, cut the military budget, and use the surplus on building some fucking trains that'll make Europe jealous.
>A Harris poll released February 8, 2006 found that, “as personal travel and freight transportation grows in the future, the American public would like to see an increasing proportion of that traffic going by rail...The modes of transportation which the largest number of adults would like to see ‘have an increasing share of passenger transportation’ are: commuter trai ns (44%), long-dista nce trains (35%), local bus service (23%), and airlines (23%).” The comparable percentage for “long-distance travel by car” was just 10%, long-distance bus service 6% .
>If you build high-speed rail in America, they will come. According to a 2015 survey released by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), if high-speed rail were available today, two-thirds (63 percent) of Americans are likely to use high-speed trains and this jumps to nearly seventy (67) percent when respondents were informed of the costs and time saving benefits of high-speed rail service.
Stop denying the viability of trains.

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You want it, you pay for it.

>Implying I'm not willing to pay taxes for some trains

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>Cut the military budget.
Nigger no. Military spending is 60% of our DISCRETIONARY budget. You want to know what's 60% of our TOTAL budget?
Fucking welfare. Cut that, and we can talk.

Why not both?

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Trains are the future. Everyone likes trains. There's no argument against trains.
Invest in trains!

You should have seen the thread last night with all the boomer-tier arguments
>I drive a Cadillac, what do I need a train for? I'll drive for four hours
>Train stations would be far away from people (as if airports aren't)
>Once you get off your train you're not going to have any vehicle to get to your destination (Just like flying), driving makes it to where you have your transport with you at all times
>I don't want to be like Europe
It was just dumb Boomer-tier posts that were against such an incredible invention that we don't utilize in the states

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(you're not)

>you will never ride a train from Los Angeles to The Grand Canyon and back in just a handful of hours and a reasonable cost

Welcome to the explosive shitmess that is our fucked up lives.

kill yourself cityfag

I actually don't want them to spend my money on a train that i won't use

I am though, because we're not going to get cool stuff by lowering taxes. If we're lowering taxes we should have just done what President Calvin Coolidge did and only let the richest 2% of Americans pay taxes.

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This post again

remember that time trump was going to introduce new infrastructure plans and how they disappeared overnight and his constituency didnt even notice?

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You don't need to lower your taxes to get cool stuff. You need to stop your government from stealing money or spending it on stupid stuff. The same goes for my country.

Why are you against trains?

This is not our typical train, the majority of Russian trains is even worse than that American one on the picture.

Hmm ride in the comfort of my own quiet personal environment? Or cram my self into a big metal tube full of niggers that makes several stops not related to my destination??

You can't drive modern fast trains when (1) many of the tracks are still from the 19th century and (2) aren't even electrified. A diesel engine won't run the 400 km/h or 280 mph that modern trains reach.
I know there was an attempt at a faster train in America in the early 1950s, but it failed miserably as the whole train began to wobble when it picked up speed, even though it had a suspension system with pneumatic air cushions. People got nauseous and the two trains that were built were recalled only two months later. You can still see one of them in the American Railway Museum.

So ... for a fast train, you've got to lay down new tracks, you've got to get the whole line electrified, and you've got to buy property which to build on. That's an investment America is not going to make.

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>major freight rail close enough that I hear distant train horns all the time
>nearest rail station is 20 miles away
It doesn't matter how fast the train goes if in a typical US city it takes half an hour to drive there, and mass transit takes an hour plus the time between buses.

Unironically the worst betrayal. $1 trillion would’ve been incredible. Suspect it was a Bannon pitch and died with him

Niggers drive and fly too you know you Boomer. With trains you can be productive to your destination just like a plane trip.

its the fault of republicans like pence that think public education is communist that any investment is immediately cancelled

Americans have no good trains though. U.K. has some good and mass shit ones (still get most places), probably similar to Russia. US intercity routes are fucking terrible and go at 10mph because of the car lobby

It's still worth an investment in. Americans would already like Japanese, German, and French investors to help invest in train projects too. I hear these type of investors are just waiting for the opportunity

Agree completely. It was naive to think an outsider president could undo 40 years+ of party behaviour without some kind of purge

>why does the american train not have a pointy nose like the rest of them

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I'm sure our freight trains are fine, at least.

because F40PH doesn't need a fake dick in front

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>using public transportation
enjoy getting jacked off on by a homeless nigger

Trains would be great, but I doubt you'll see them span across the country like the interstates. Even in Europe with the best train infrastructure, you'll prefer a plane to travel from Paris to Prague because the train ride is just so long. It's cheaper, yes, but American bus lines take about the same amount of time from LA to Denver for a similar cost.
However i can see the East coast setting up a large network, and Mayba a few cross country lines, but I doubt there will ever be a big web that Western Europe has.

Niggers don't ride in MY vehicle.

yeah cause no one cares about trains faggot, they want these fucking browns out of their country

Once you got trains that's where all niggers and illegals will go. It's hell for those of us who take it.
I've seen a nig without a ticket snap and scream at the train officer calling him a parasite. No, i did not say it wrong, the nigger actually called the officer a parasite.
Trains are useful, but nigger presence worsens them by a lot. And, i mean, your country is 56% white, much worse than mine. Get trains, and in a year they'll be the nigger centrals.

ICE and TGV are shit tho, they often are to late for 60 Minutes or more.

Boston to DC route has the Acela, which is ok-ish by global standards

Europoors and Asians are used to being cram packed into filthy public transportation, quietly sitting their effeminate while nigger kids scream and jump around and Tyrone makes sexual advances on their sister.

1 trillion would be 20 billion per state. That's a drop in the bucket considering the amount of dams, bridges, and roads we have.

We need atleast one security guard patrolling the train at all time. Loud, disorderly, and unhygenic ""people"" should be thrown in jail.

it was airports, bridges, highways, public works, public investment and grants, etc.

trump hasnt even mentioned infrastructure once since being paired with pence


If I were to go from my home town to Munich, it would be cheaper and faster going by plane than by train. And I guess that goes for your country, too. America has massive distances between its populated centers, and to travel those by train takes time, even in fast trains.

My guess is it could be profitable on your east coast, or in the LA sprawl, or between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Where there's many people fed up with stop and go traffic on the freeways and relatively short distances to bridge.

So what, are we just supposed to wallow in filth so we can't have nice things we can afford? Americans have a sheer love for mediocrity in this day and age, wanting to be more should be something we should strive for.

you're forgetting
>but the train can only go where there's tracks, unlike airplanes, what if I want to go somewhere else?
>there isn't enough people even though we've built gianormous superhighways
you burgers crack me up at times with your quaint ways

Again I don't think you understand Hans, niggers would fuck up any train route in US making it as miserable as the subway. I've traveled on our Amtrack a sheboon let her kids run up and down the aisle all night while she got drunk.

The "Americans are afraid of trains" thing is bullshit. My city, one of the largest in the US, has great public transit, and I used to take the train to and from university every day. There were few ghetto types on it and it was always nice and clean. I'd love more trains.

You know what all of those trains have in common? None of them turn a profit.

>Live in DC metro area
>Because of how the roads are structured and urban sprawl traffic is absurdly bad.
>Tolls have dynamic pricing allowing them to charge more at peak times
>Trains also have peak pricing charging at peak times
>Due to car centric design most people drive to a train station and pay for parking

DESU, trains won't really solve much unless towns are restructured around them. Public transportation is considered charity for the most part.

why doesn't the US have an intercity rail network? No reason they shouldn't have one really

Obviously a transcontinental rail system wouldn't be viable, but a rail system that is within each state going from one city center to the next, then connecting small towns within the state, would be a step in the right direction.
I drive three and a half hours to go back home on holidays to see the family after each semester is over. That could easily be a hour and a half trip if we had trains comparable to Europe since taking a plane ride from that short of a distance is just a dumb idea.

(1) Germany's HSR uses upgraded old tracks, not newly built tracks like France, Japan or Spain
(2) Diesel trains can easily reach 250 km/h

No regular trains reach 400 km/h, it's not even economical to go significantly above 300.

You're retarded :^)

hey buddy
the thing about public goods, and why they are called "public goods" is because theyre not for profit

I'm not "afraid" of cauliflower but I don't like it and do everything I can to avoid eating it or even being around it. Trains would be great in a white ethonoste

Oh, OK. I thought it was beside the point of this thread, but I agree. We have sandniggers who all ride trains without paying.

I love train threads on Jow Forums, they're the only time when burgers actively argue that burgerland is at least le 56% face nigger colony while Europe is a white ethnostate with no niggers.

Almost all US cities do but it's for freight.

Most of the left of your graph is military welfare. Our spending on the right not only guarantees our protection but most of those countries on the left as well.

>Lessening transit costs for poor people and browns
>In a country that's going to be minority white soon
>Where the non-white population will then spend all that infrastructure funding on extra gibs
>Implying the rails won't break down a few decades after they're built because of a lack of funding and people smart enough to fix them
You are by far the biggest, dumbest retard gorilla-nigger I've ever seen. Fuck you.

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he actually has since being elected (i believe the 2017-18 budget fight) but in the last year it's been radio silence.

trains are not as efficient as you might think. we need something else

The coast are 56% garbage agreed. But our nation is huge and I live deep in the central white part. Europoors don't understand how big this county is.

They are comfy as fuck though, I love riding them.
t. never rode an American train and maybe they are twice as comfy I have no idea

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There's another advantage of public transport I learned when I commuted (daily) between home and university. (2 hrs 30 mins each trip) You can sit down and use the time to study. Writing doesn't work unless you have a laptop as the train's too shaky, but reading works fine.
What also matters is that you have a bus or a metro that takes you from the train station to where you're going. I now live in the Ruhr metropolitan area that's very well equipped with a public transport mesh.

>not only guarantees our protection but most of those countries on the left as well.
Why should I care about protecting another country? That money should be to defend our country and investing in our nation. You're arguing that using that money to invest at home isn't useful but these countries can basically use us as a mercenary force to defend them from a boogeyman that doesn't exist.

>literal flyover boomer
>thinks his opinion matters

Wow every country run at some point by a facist emperor has great public transport

It does for the most part. You can take Amtrak from DC->Philly->Jew York->Boston, etc. It's just time consuming, and for Boston you might just be better off flying. Like the big incentive to travel by train is to avoid airport bullshit like driving to the airport, going through security, waiting around, delays, etc.

>american trains don't have long pointy noses
>oy this is a shoah

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>americans want to pay billions for trains that niggers will ride for free and vandalize to the point where no one will want to use them just like buses

no thanks libtard

Nobody wants trains in the US.

I should be specific, I used facist emperor sloppily.
I mean some form of autocratic rule.

Proof? Because the studies I listed show otherwise.

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Of course it matters who do you think funds this country or put Trump in charge? If we don't vote to use our white money on infrastructure it doesn't get built


this. a thousand times this.

You don't talk shit about F40PH

Nobody in America rides trains outside of cancerous big cities like Chicago and New York.

Try studying with Jamal blaring his ooga booga music, while you keep your hand in your pocket next to your gun in case of a chimpout.

Niggers are in our schools so might as well never invest in public education, niggers are in the work force so might as well never fix working conditions, niggers drive cars so might as well not do anything. Nigger this and nigger that, having better stuff would probably deter them away

>Ctrl+f self driving
>0 results

The big argument I'd have for not starting new infrastructure that's rail focused is that I seriously doubt we'll have driven autos in a decade. I really have no idea why a train would be better than a self driving car.

зaчeм пocтить шлюхy(pюзкe дeyкy), кoтopaя c yдoвoльcтвиeм чeчeнцy oтcocёт?

Passenger trains are not wanted in the United States. Almost every passenger route is subsidized and runs a loss

Fuck off

We rather spend all our money on the military than infrastructure

Because Amrak does not have money and has terrible performance time, and private companies let their freight trains go first.

>I really have no idea why a train would be better than a self driving car.

Attached: brainlet10.jpg (221x250, 9K)

Amtrak is fucking great for coming up from the Carolinas.
>round-trip cheaper than a flight
>6 hour trip to Washington
>scenic route through Virgina
>no TSA bullshit
>a snack car

The only problem is the bathrooms; some slob might shit it up, and the crew don't clean it, as far as I can see

Don't invest in public education, send my kids to private school, don't deal with niggers in workforce (self employed) and yes niggers drive cars but they don't ride in mine.

public education has not been an investment whatsoever, it has been a detriment. even niggers are getting screwed by that one.

Unlike highways which totally make money amirite?

I don't know if this works with niggers, but once I sat on the metro train trying to read while a guy across from me made a 30 minute phone call and talked so loudly he was entertaining half of the car. So I stared into his eyes. He looked away, then looked back. I didn't back down. I stared at him for like ten minutes, and whenever his gaze wandered, he met my angry eyes. It took like 10 minutes, then he hung up and went into another car.

>enjoy getting jacked off on by a homeless nigger

In Europe you don't see many homeless or nogs in high profile public transportations because if proper maintenance and oversight. I assume americans would also be able to achieve the same feat?

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We can’t have public transport because of diversity moron.

yeah, fucking CSX basically owns the southern lines

We fly between cities instead, after WW2 passenger train traffic started dropping

shure you did, Hans

Зaчeм этa caмo-нeнaвиcть и cтepeoтипы, зeмляк. Tы бы eщe "тян нe нyжны" нaчaл тyт вeщaть.

I actually like riding the train, the problem is that US rails are old AF and trains are even slower than driving - and will remain slower until we replace the rails.

Intra-city trains would be nice, but last time I got on one of those, I almost got stuck twice with a used heroin needle, and there was human feces on the next seat over (Portland).

Driving is nice because of the additional privacy, storage capacity, and flexibility - e.g., going on a long road trip, you can make any impulsive sight-seeing detour with minimal planning or impact, or inside the city, I can get home from work in 6 minutes but it would take an hour by bus.

Boomers unironically think that long-distance trains work like a city bus where you can just get on without a ticket and start shitting it up.

Maybe you've gotta be 2 meters tall and have shoulders that completely fill a door frame like I do for it to work. But it did.