Florida is fucked

Florida is fucked.

Republicans are only ahead by 28k now (down from 58k).

Apparently in the last 15 hours Democrats early voted 30000+ times. It went from 988k to 1.18k. WTF? Something is really off.

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Man, who knew being a kike shill and selling out the republican party to appease libfags would make republicans stay home

Nothing is off. People know the truth of DeSantis being a sellout. Gillum is brining legal weed, end to pollution, background checks for WEAPONS, letting Hispanics create a booming economy down in south Florida, updating our driving laws and so muh more.

DeSantis literally word for word supports anything and everything from Trump without a second thought. I respect him for his service in our military but he is no politician.

Surfs up drumphies

>voting increases as the election day gets closer
must be a giant conspiracy, dont you think?

>republicans ahead

Gillum has already won. That's a huge turnout for Independents and independents typically are only mobilized to vote in referendum of the current leadership, especially in midterm races. Yes, Republicans will have higher turnout on election day but the 60-40 split that Independents will go for Gillum seals the deal

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That's what happens when you live in an echo chamber. The blue wave is real. The blue wave has been real since day one. You just didn't want to see it; you cherry picked your facts and polls and pretended like we weren't going to win. Well, reality is about to smack you in the face, because here we are; election day is coming up and Democrats are gaining on you guys. Dont be surprised when we surpass you guys.
The blue wave is here. And make no mistake, its about to flood this country.

holy shit dems are scared

>background checks for WEAPONS
We already have those you fucking retard.
This nigger wants to ban AR-15s, put mag cap restrictions and infringe on your 2nd amendment.
Keep that nigger out of pwer

Dems are excited because we're going to win the midterms retard

I suggest you go look up the early vote for Florida in 2016, 2014, 2012, any year really. Unless the Democrats are ahead by a few hundred thousand going in to election day they lose, being behind at all, even by one vote, is unprecedented for them.

Who writes this shit? Genuine question. I don't personally believe there are a shit ton of shills on Jow Forums. I feel like posts like these are just some pretty esoteric and sad shitposts

Illegals, the dead, and rigging.
Not to mention mail-in fraud.
The democrats are at war with this country and will stop at nothing to seize power.
If Gillium gets in then I can almost guarantee that florida will be ground zero for the next outright civil war.

That doesn't look good for Dems going by previous election trends.

It's over guys. If we don't won bigly on Tuesday, I don't want to live to see the inpeachment and speaker Maxine Waters.

Doesn't sound like it. I'm getting my mailbox stuffed full by Democrat shills every day now. Sticking their stupid flyers in my door knob, cracks in my door, leaving the shit taped to my window. Meanwhile the Republican sent a hot blonde to my house 2 weeks ago and that was it.

this too: like where did you guys come from and why are you so angry at us?

They think just because the polls were rigged in democrat favor once that it will always be rigged. Now that we have actual polls of dems winning they are shitting themselves trying to say “RED WAVE” when everyone in my school is voting straight blue. They can’t comprehend that there is a silent majority of people sick of shootings, racism and spiteful little children. This is the first time 18+ are finally registered, finally interested in politics and finally fighting the good fight. The democrat fight.

It's all over. Don't botther voting. Just stay at home and fap.

I guess it was too good to be true.

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So what are the Dems running on? What's the agenda? First time voter here, why should I vote for Dems?

And you have no right to vote.
If I could then I'd reach through my screen and strangle you, you fucking kike shill
>muh weets! Muh protection!
All you're gonna get is income taxes, gun grabs, higher crime rates and economic depression.
The dumb nigger failed in Tallahassee and made it into a bigger shithole and now wants to do the same to whole state.
>he'll make da Spics Rich!
Lmao he'll cripple the market and make sure the dumb poor spics that voted him in stay dumb and poor.
You obviously don't know shit about fuck, kid. Stay home, I wouldn't want you voting even if you were gonna vote Republican.

t.A Registered Democrat

I legitimately don't buy the blue wave but think the left will pick up seats in the house and maybe the majority there. There are a lot more Republican seats up for grabs and midterms are typically referendums on the establishment meaning historically this race would go to dems anyways. I think what we're seeing from Republicans in early voting turnout is unreal and Trump's a genius for focusing on this caravan as it does a tun to mobilize his base. So Democrats will win a good amount of seats but not as much as they should given historical trends and the partisan makeup of the seats for grab

I vote blue, because I don't want the KKK making decisions for me and my family.

(((vote by mail)))

Posts like yours just show how right I am. If it weren’t for anonymity you’d be jailed for hate speech “kid”

It's a blend of paid shills and useful idiots. All are shills. Never quite seen 7 shill posts in a row to start a thread though. Shareblue must be flush with funding heading into the midterms.

At least try

Dude, your fucking election is all over Canadian TV right now, the news is trying to drum up world-wide agitation to make it seem like people are really motivated to vote. I'm not much of a conspiracy person but this could totally be cover for some illicit shit happening.

this the dems pushed this hard, y? we know y, but how are they using it to their advantage?

Higher taxes
Fuck Whipipo

Adios drumpfkins

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>we're several hundred thousand off of where we need to be
>Republicans leading early voting for first time ever

Right back at you

Like Chicago, dead people are voting in droves

It is the dead voting after the hallowen

>for first time ever
You retards really do live in an echochamber

I do think Dems are going to take the house, but in regards to what your said couldn't this be an instance where there are more independents voting in favor of current leadership given the alleged #bluewave?

I can’t wait to see how suicidal you are come Wednesday morning

democrats imported puerto ricans from the hurricane into florida and now theyre voting

This is probably one of the lowest quality shilling I have ever seen. Do you guys even try?

the kkk was founded by the democrats you literal retard

Yer a fukken retard. Goyim is just another commie, racist nigger. Apparently, some people think that's cool. Chicks are especially vulnerable because instinctively, they want to be controlled as part of a harum. We wouldn't even be talking about this nonesense if they couldn't vote.

Of course that could happen user but it almost never does. You have to consider the psychology behind it to; the mindset of an independent, they're the kind of person that necessarily doesn't care about politics. In mid-terms the party in power always has a hard time motivating their people, they rest on their laurels and when you see high turnout from independents (who as mentioned mostly aren't politically active and willing to vote in midterms) it's almost always a referendum. Anger is a better motivator than anything else

“we” hahaha.

Don’t worry, I’ll go vote for The Repubs Tuesday.

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R's were -94k going into election day in 2016 and Trump still won Florida. This time R's are +28k going in to today, but will probably be around even by the time election day rolls around. Still a net +94k vs last cycle.

Don't let these dipshit shills fool you. We're looking good down here in Florida boys.

>ignoring independents and trends in independent voting habits
I used to live in Fl, I have family and friends there, this drives me insane but Gillum is going to win

DAMN, that's good for a chuckle.
I learn a more well-rounded view here than I would anywhere else, thanks to devil's-advocates and straight-up opponents to the "echo-chamber" posters you speak of. Your blue wave is a hope, and has no bearing in reality beyond the obvious left-leaning cesspools. I legitimately think the Democrats will need to rebrand, because they've fucked themselves at every turn. Anyone with consciousness realizes that race is a boring and stale topic, and this is the only leg the dems have chosen to stand on.

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Blue Wave first in america and then the whole world.


Nice shilling. Democrats won early voting in 2016.

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Ever wonder why even in heavily red areas it's always really close? They wouldn't rig it would they?

Based on these numbers say hello to governor Gillum and senator Nelson. You literally have to hate math to not understand which way this is all going.

Maybe the blue tsunami is real, it's time to start drafting our damage control narrativves for when we get BTFO, my fellow .pol.yps....

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murdering black children

All the polls have been pointing to this retard, you just made the conscious choice to ignore it. And now you and your ilk will face the consequences come on midterm day.

>ignoring independents and trends

they vote trump

I love the blue wave came from destructing republican and impeaching trump to winning the house

Get ready for the blue wave and for article the following day that read as follows: Florida had 250% voter turnout, and here's why that's a good thing.

You guys better be on your guard. All sorts of fuckery is afoot. I am seeing tons of out of state plates here the last few days.

You're a retard friendo, hopefully you take this lesson in politics and apply it in the future.
>inb4 shil reeee
I'm as far right as they come but the numbers and data don't lie, educate yourself so you don't post retard gibberish online

Nice double seven post checking you

Dont worry I havent voted yet

Probably the most blatant pre-written script I've ever seen.

I certainly agree on the psychology of the independent, but given the extreme climate of politics at the moment I think we'll see more people "taking sides".
Many center-left independents are put off by the ant-men anti-white rhetoric by the Democrats while center-right independents are put off by muh Drumpf.

It's just such a strange and unique time in politics that I feel like there is a good chance the entire voting population could behave far different than they normally would.

Beta Beto is losing and you dropped tens of millions of dollars on his failing campaign.

Isn't Florida where Beto is busing in people from other states to vote and has people send in fake early votes?
Yes it is, it's been admitted on camera, love how they can't help but to brag.

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don't bump your fucking jew nose into the monitor now, schlomo

I dropped nothing on nobody, all I spent was the gas to get myself to the polling booth to make my voice heard.

today is the day after jews organized in a synagogue

Nice! Now say all of that again, but this time without crying :)

>dems all go out and vote early
>vote early
>vote later
BTFO refucklicans

Democrats traditionally rig votes by casting ballots for people who are dead and still left on the rolls in their favor, as well as busing people around to vote multiple times in different locations.

They've finally come to realize that this is a needless risk to take. There are hundreds of thousands of young people registered to vote when they get their drivers license that will not actually vote. They can cast ballots for them in their favor and no one will ever suspect anything is wrong. Young people usually vote more democratic anyway and now all the votes are coming from people actually legally registered and alive. What are they going to do, check footage to make sure that person actually voted? Even if you go ask everyone, half of them will be too ashamed to say they didn't vote and just say "yeah sure, I voted democrat."


LOL checked xD

The FBI isn't a political party.

If Dems weren't at war with America, they'd be demanding succession and the creation of their own states. The fact they want all of America, shows their power grab.

>muh voter fraud

you are a double nigger for choosing lies instead of reality

Fucking this. It's all so tiresome.

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>who care what happens to Florida?

xDdd checkum

Early voting always leans far Dem. The fact that it's not strongly in a Dem lead is a good sign by itself.

It's Sunday. Souls to the Polls. They busses the sheboons to early voting after church. Dems are fucked, this was their last surge.

Republicans are bootlickers. Texas and Florida are blue states.

it’s hilarious how fucking delusional your types are. this why the blue wave is happing. You did this to yourself. Enjoy.



unfortunately, you are wrong. entire world is turning to the right and there will be blood

I live in Tallahassee and I have reason to believe they're cheating. On Halloween I went to a party with some madlib acquaintances and I was told by someone working at the supervisor of elections that volunteers there can interpret votes however they want, and encouraged me to come in on friday since I hid my power level in public. I didn't go but I didn't doubt the guy, this city is corrupt as hell.

I can't imagine what it must feel like being this stupid. After all, they say ignorance is bliss L O L

Too many crackers in Florida, they will never let a nigger get elected.

He is right.

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historically that has never been true. The youth nowadays are more involved politically, because of social media.

Texas and Florida have been red but there are people voting democrat that have never previously done so, or voting against “family tradition”. As if there’s anything wrong with thinking independently lol

He is right winged yes but his worldview is erroneous

When I went to early vote I heard senior citizens asking the dumbest questions and saying stuff like “well I don’t know who any of these people are!” I double they know Gillum is black

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hahah I voted Democrat and it’s hilarious to see you fucking slimes shill and troll and try to subvert our politics. Gtfo

according to past elections in FL this means gillum loses. hopefully governor desantis makes it legal to hang niggers.
impeachment for what, being president? dems might do okay in the house, but will lose more seats in the senate. senate is where the power sits. house is nothing more than a monkey zoo for entertaining plebes.

Florida is kike controlled, that's why all the false flag hoax come from there.

>his worldview is erroneous
Why? The world is shifting right. The US is right wing, Eastern Europe is right wing, Italy is right wing, Brazil is right wing. All those countries went from progressive candidates to far right ones.
The world is shifting right.
