2020 Predictions thread

Here's what I think Harris vs. Trump would look like.

Make your own: 270towin.com/

Attached: Capture.png (1128x868, 144K)

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Biden vs. Trump

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Trump vs. Sanders

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What about Trump Vs. Hickenloop?

Don't know enough about that guy. Maybe he'd make AZ more competitive because he's from nearby

Attached: 2020Biden.png (959x748, 111K)

He is an old school moderate democrat who is desperately trying to pull the party away from the left. He said he is "strongly leaning" towards running. He is no ideologue so he would do well in the general election, provided he could get past the primaries.
Take a read, he might mix things up in 2020.

who the fuck is biden

Well if that's the case, he will have a hard time against a base that wants to push the party further left. He's also a straight white male, so this will doom his candidacy.

Sorry blumfpies

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How's our girl Tulsi looking?

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The DNC hates her, so she won't be nominated.

She's one of the few who can take the left-nationalist and working class vote though, and win the election. Gabbard/Webb would be a winning ticket for the Dems if they don't want to rely on regressives forever.

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A white man, which makes him that much more palatable than any Jayqueefa Black or Paco the Taco.

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big if true

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He’d be eaten alive by the crazy socialist wing. He was pretty much a meh governor.

Biden ran for president several times and flamed out every time. His only claim to the nomination would be because Obama picked him for being a crusty white dude who posed no threat to him as his VP. I don't get this delusional meme of Biden being the Trump-killer.

Gabbard is by far the best candidate the dems can run. They wont run her because theyre incompetent but that would be their best choice.

He has strong midwestern appeal, which could undermine trump's path to victory. He's also viewed as a leader in the democratic party by way of his vice presidency

He was vice president with Obama. Are you really that stupid?

Michigan and Minnesota would go Harris

Minnesota will not go red for Trump unfortunately. They were the only state that didn't vote for Reagan.

the vice president doesnt do anything

>He has strong midwestern appeal
no he doesnt
he is an extreme elitist

He’s unelectable based on name alone
You would be a moron to put your chips behind him

Trump lost Minneosta by less than 2%, that's often forgotten. It was closer than Colorado.

This plus NV and NM

Electable as fuck

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I'm not saying I agree with it, but he's viewed as a normal guy who has the backs of blue collar workers. He would be quite successful in the midwest

Don't forget retards that politics is mostly visual. What candidates LOOK most like a president?
None of the women do.
The only men that do are Joe Biden, and (possibly Cory Booker, except he's got a weird style and bulgy eyes)
Americans aren't gonna cast someone as President, unless they look the role. Remember what Shakespeare said. All the world's a stage.


How is florida doing?

Gillum will win. The senate race is the ultimate tossup

Cory Booker is an even shittier version of Obama. I don't he can capture the zeitgeist of 2008 again.

>Utah's lower Republican turnout is a Democrat gain
Those votes went to a third party candidate

Oh, absolutely not. There's a big difference between the FIRST of something and a shitty copy. That's why sequels are never as good as the original.

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Stop thinking AZ will go blue.
It is always funny when retards who have never been here think they know the situation here.

I hope you all know that Mark Cuban will be running for the presidency in 2020

good bye orange man

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Ok, whatever you say, pal.

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Not so sure about that.

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Subject to change, pending Democratic candidate, state of the economy, etc.

Dems won't get caught napping in the midwest again and Trump has turned off the Philly suburbs (which are growing from year to year while the north and west of the state shrink.)

Attached: 2020guess.png (643x499, 54K)

The least believable part of this is Minnesota

He's got Bannon's approval, like based Tulsi. Tulsi/Mark 2020?


>not a retarded capitalist cock sucker on economy
>has endorsement from Spencer
>has met with Assad, Trump hasn't even done that
Yeah she's our girl. Not nu/pol/ AKA /neocon/'s girl for sure.

The new Confederacy

Now see that same map from the perspective of the average SJW libtard.

Attached: what_libtards_believe-2020.png (770x600, 107K)

Lol yeah ok

Occasio-Cortez will show tits at the presidential election debate and win 99% of the electoral vote (the remaining 1% dies from a heart attack from the act or excessive fapping).

>Richard spencer endorsement


>has endorsement from Spencer
So does this lefty thot.

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Any friend of Russia is a friend of mine.

>friend of Russia
lol not anymore after ditching his fat Duginist wife/handler.

>Creepy Joe
Trump would make Joe disappear in minutes.

Putin will call Nina Kouprianova on the phone, say the sleeper agent password and she will smother Spencer with both her weapons before he can have any influence.

would be worth it just to see them

She's not even eligible to run in 2024, let alone 2020.

>Dickie traded these milkers for a flat boy-like thot

He keeps making blunder after blunder.

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In what world does he have Midwestern appeal. Where is your proof of this. He has the charisma of a wet dishcloth