How do I be a multimillionaire by 30?

I am 21 now, I have 3,000 dollars to my name and was thinking about investing 2000 of it into the stock market. I pay no rent and do not need to buy my own food, my only expense is gas and a gym membership. I'm currently in college and all my shit is paid for because my mother is poor and single. I have no student debt yet and am working on a computer science + law degree.

How do I turn my 2,000 dollars into a million by 3,000. I thought about investing all of it into P&G or maybe only a thousand and then diversifying my investments.

I'm not asking biz because they are all retards who loose all their money on trying to get rich quick schemes always loosing everything in the blink of an eye. I want to play the long game, and I'm willing to be patient.

I need to get enough money to sustain a political career in the future. Being a poor fag puts me at a huge disadvantage. I need to have at least a million by 30 if I ever want to make it anywhere. What do?

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Yeah you came to the right place for advice you fucking muppet

suck cocks

it's to probe how people think.

if it were serious, just put half of it in bitcoin and be glad you didn't lose everything in the coming market crash.

I use Jow Forums to make all my important life decisions. Considered it a big social experiment, like I'm an NPC and Jow Forums is guiding me through life and we'll see how it turns out. I've been doing pretty well so far.

make some kinda software / web app and sell it

Invest all in ChainLink.

You think I look like pic related or something? I'm not going to get paid enough for that shit.

I know that's you biz

By 30? Probably not possible, unless you get really lucky, for example, working for a startup that goes big or gets bought out.

By 40 or 50? Now we're talking. Invest into an index fund with the lowest fees, and put all of your spare income once you get a job into that fund.
Once you get a foothold, diversify into precious metals, commodities (oil, pork futures, etc), and crypto. At some point, pull enough out to make a 20% down payment on a mortgage you can pay off in 5 years or less, so that by the time you're 30-35, you have no expenses but utilities and essentials.

The fact of the matter is, the biggest factor isn't picking the right stocks or whatever, its having a stable income which you continually invest, and after that, the biggest thing you need to worry about is distributing your risks.

Post your feet first.

get cs or engineering degree
work as hard as you can and dont spend excessively
invest savings

thats the realistic option if you're smart and hardworking, or you could dump it all in a meme investment and lose your 2k

Crime pays fren

Day trade. buy high sell low. Will turn your 2000 into 1 million in 1 year.

Oh, and as for how to get a bigger income once you get a job, work your ass off, come in early, go home late, play politics to make sure people in high places know your name, and are fond of your work, and take any opportunity you can find to be a leader. Once you have a modicum of interpersonal influence, keep subtly implying you're being paid less than you're worth.


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get lucky

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Invest in Hypersciences if you can afford the risk. The rewards can be much greater. Venture capitalism or seed venture money the way to make money user.

Minimum investment of $1000 so you'd still have money leftover for the stock market.

I in fact do think you do look like pic related. I think that you are stupid slut who thinks she can make it big and doesn't know a women's place. I'm not going to tell you shit until you post you're naked body. I want to fuck you vaginally until you head goes numb. If you want to be a millionaire by 30 just be my personal cock holster and stop trying to play adult.

2000 dollars is not much. You would need luck to multiply it in the stock market.
Use that money to learn something and start a business. Learn how to sell stuff.

Bet it all at the casino and win 9 straight roulette spins. When that fails start turning tricks.

Doesn't matter, find Jesus, be Catholic

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10 years to get a million dollars, at least.
Year 2028.
A recession is predicted to occur before then. We also have a huge debt crisis going on that makes could drop currency any second if the right opportunity appears. 2028. If you want to start a business and build a clientele, you could. If you want to make an averaged $100k/yr., you'll need to surpass the wages of very smart college kids. They have a huge comparative advantage on you in terms of investors. I don't think you're interested in starting a company though.
I think finishing the law and cs degrees are the best way to secure your future unless you see opportunity with your own eyes.

put an ad on craigslist to lick mens butt holes and suck their penis for 10dollars a pop, collect all the money and save it up! easy!

I'm shooting for a six figure salary. I'm going to make my initial 2000 dollar invest men and make probably a 500 dollar yearly contribution.

I'm shooting to land a six figure job but live very much below my means. I'm talking rice, beans, and a 2 bedroom house at most, maybe even 1. I want to live off of 30,000 a year or less, and invest the rest of my salary into the stock and into a Roth IRA. And also reinvest all my dividends back into the stock market. I was also think about buying up some property near a college campus and using that to rent out to college kids so i can have another source of passive income.

Get a bunch of certificates in Network Engineering or Systems Engineering, go immediately into those fields. Max your 401ks, roth IRAs, etc. Live like a Spartan. Keep getting higher and higher level certifications. Move jobs. Keep maxing your IRAs.


i dont know why but this post just smells like shit to me. what do you think 3000 is worth today? how long have you been working? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself, my good fellow


I would only start a business if I saw a really good opportunity, had the funds, had moderate risk that if it fails I won't be completely destroyed even if I end up loosing out, and thought that it was sustainable long term. At most I'd want to buy a subway franchise. or something.

>buy knee pads.

Don't even reply to me again.

Literally the only way

Just so you know, a six figure income is not easily attainable. If we're looking at the majority of students coming out of the best universities in the country, they're making 60-80k starting. As we move towards the average, it's 30-50k. You have to be realistic with yourself.

Nigger every polac is dead weight
The only reason I am so rich is because I own an underage prositution ring in italy( who are also on welfare) and a begging business in finland , belgium and sweden.
I dont spend money on food cause I shoplift cans of food and eat at restaurants without paying. I also dont waste money on fuel cause I own a tesla and I steal the electricity from a neighbour.

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This man earns.

I’m a chemical engineer about to graduate and just got an offer for 85.5k. You can easily make 6 figs by 30 if you choose the right major and go into the right industry at the right time.

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You're throwing pearls to swine

become a pilot, seriously. You have $3,000 right now, go take a discovery flight and see if it's something you'd enjoy, it only costs about $150 at most. Pilots are in HIGH demand right now and most airliners will pay you anywhere between $20,000-50,000 just for signing on with them, on top of the typical 80-90k starting salary with full benefits.

I know a guy who went into CS with no internships and only moderate grades and he somehow landed six figures right out of the gate. I know that's lightning in the bottle and not my intent. I know I won't be making six figures right out of college or an time soon after. But my goal is to get to a six figure income by my early 30's. I don't know how realistic that is though, but I thought with CS + law it'd be more doable than most.

What in hell airline could you start with and be bonused with something nearing that?

Shut up and post your tits

you're about to graduate and you already have an 85.5k offer? I'm doing a fucking physics degree and the best I've found was some nuclear decommissioning company that does like 35k
3 day weekends though, due to the radiation, so that's a plus

>Takeing advice from here.
Your life must be shit huh.

Learn how to become an asset to any project or organization you are part of. The cream will always rise to the top.

Learn to swallow your ego to put your efforts into what is needed to be done, rather than what you would prefer to do. It is basic human nature to be lazy and do what is easy. Wisdom is learning to tell the difference and work on what is truly important, not what is easy.

Concentrate on making those around you successful. Lead by example. As they achieve success, they will want to make sure you are with them in their success. This spreads the chances of you being successful much more than if you think success is a solo journey.

Starting a small law firm specializing in CS+law would get you 6 figures if you were properly located. As long as you study up and know your subject, yeah you could definitely be a millionaire by 30 and the sky is your limit after that. You could do some helpful consulting.

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That seems like a good idea but I'm already pretty far down the CS + Law path and it's my dream to be a politician, which I need law for.

I am a man

buy bitcoins 7 years ago

Do your research, my flight instructor signed up with a small airline company and was offered a $40,000 signup bonus. Damn shame he will be with them by the time I finish my PPL. My CFI is only 32 (started flying when he was 29) and is about to start making serious bank. He's a damn good pilot too and dedicated.

ur an idiot

Tesla is going to be a trillion dollar company by 2030, work hard and invest what you dont need

What's with all the retard posts suggesting you can make a million with a normal job?
The only way to make that much money is by starting your own business

Working under someone else will never give you the full flexibility to earn all the money you get from clients

read this book:
Millionaire fastlane by MJ deMarco....
I read about 2-3 books per week, on varying topics, mostly business however. It's the single best book i've ever read. When you read it you'll understand why...
He's got another book which is good too, but read millionaire fastlane first. Also check him out on youtube, he's fucking smart. Not a billionaire, but doesn't give you bullshit. Don't waste your time on garbage like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, etc. they're all just in it to make money. MJ made his money before writing the book. You have nothing to lose by reading it, download a pdf online if you dont want to pay for it, it's not hard to find.

I really count my own success because of this book alone. Everything else just gave me skills to get there, but this book showed me how to do it properly.
You're welcome OP.

Can't have a social life.

>2000 of it into the stock market
>into multimillions in 9 years.
Unless you're the next Warren Buffet, you'd probably have a better chance at winning the lottery.

My life is pretty okay, but It could be better. It used to be absolute trash but Jow Forums helped me turn myself around and now I'm doing pretty well for myself. Jow Forums, and /sig/ generals are really what did it. Jow Forums made me have a reason to improve beyond doing it for improvements sake.

you cant be serious

Hey bro, good advice. I thought Tony Robbins was good though? Well shit yeah he came across as scammy to be honest.

Im about to start my own online business, and get my revenue through affiliate streams

What is your plan? Give me some advice bro

this is the definition of a get rich quick scheme
you'd unironically be better off doing cryptoshit with Jow Forums because it's the only way you're going to 500x a pissant investment like that(and yes you're more likely to lose it all that way)
time to get a jerb

I also read that book. It's one of the better ones.

It actually motivated me to start my own business. Which I did.

Post your chest and/or dick to prove it. Otherwise se you are a larping roastie. I can tell by the way you type you're a women. If you don't post you're bare chest with time stamp then it proves my case.

Also, don't waste your time in the stock market. No fucking young kid makes money in the stock market, even the biggest players in the stock market don't make their money that way. What they do is buy stock in a company, put their own directors in that company that make decisions in it, and change the entire company themselves so it makes a profit, then sell the stock.
You do not have enough capital to do that, investing in the stock market will never make you rich.
If you want to invest, invest in starting your own company (help others, provide others with something that improves their lives, makes their lives better, think of the last 10 products you bought and why you bought them), buy rental properties (people always need shelter and the cost to rent will only go up, it's how i made my first million), there's endless ways to make money.
Just read that book i recommended. It took me about 2 days to read. It'll set you on the right track and answer all your questions.
If you don't get it after that book, you never will.
Don't ever be one of those jackasses that's just out to scam people either.
Why do you want to become a millionaire OP?

Hey kanker brother, give me some advice. I'm about to start my online business too. What is your best advice? How you started? How much you make ?

>dreams of being a politician
people that WANT to be politicians are cancer and more than likely liberal to boot, you just gave me every reason to not want you in political office

It's merely step 1, I'm not relying on that to get me to a million.

This doesn't work.

Did it at several different places just to get what on my some boomer who'd had the position for 30+ years or some that who was sleeping her way to the top.

Get a job, have kids, invest in storage units.

I have a job

Hey why don't you just read George Soros on investing and try to crash a country's economy so you can buy their resources on the cheap?

It's so easy even a dumb Nazi could do it! Why aren't you geopolitical supervillains yet, you supposed geniuses? You'll never beat us Jews!

>Don't ever be one of those jackasses that's just out to scam people either.
Good advice

I have the mindset to start a business.any advice on online business? I'd like to start a business where I sell digital info products like digital books

Except I did literally this. I graduated 2 years ago, got hired a year ago and a bit, did exactly what I described, and now my salary is $10,000/year higher. Sure, this is an anecdote, but I've done nothing out of the ordinary, except for what I described.

Oil and gas is very good right now. Especially if you come to Houston.

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First of all I do recommend that you read the book to learn about the importance of selling a product that scales.

And I would strongly suggest to sell a product where the profit margin is bigger than the advertisement costs it takes to get a customer. So you don't have to get traffic of find customers yourself. Because that's quite hard.

Robert Kiyosaki didn't become a millionaire through business and entrepreneurship like he claims. Oddly enough i know him (people in any industry are well connected, don't waste your time on that until you're successful though). The guy wrote the book to make his first million. Don't get me wrong, he does have good advice in his books, and he does work with a panel of successful people, but what you want OP is to become a millionaire while starting from nothing.
Very few people do, almost all those successful people came from wealth in one way or another, the difference is that their parents showed them how to create wealth, not that they had it handed to them.
It's important you seek people that came from a background like you and built something from the ground up, learned how to on their own. A good way is to read documentary books on people like that.

That shit only works maybe in America

Well then its fortunate that OP is American, isn't it?

I want to be a millionaire because I want to become a politician and because I want to own a nice home. I need to have large amounts of wealth if i'm going to compete with other politicians. Superficially I want a large home because I want one, but that's a secondary reason. Something very classic with nice traditional architecture. Nothing modernist or fancy.

i'm in the process of starting an online business right now. Digital books are tough, it's a saturated market due to companies like Amazon.
Another good book on exactly this is blue ocean market. Don't waste your time reading that book, it's got a bunch of useless information, but i highly advise reading a summary on it online or on youtube. It's got need to know information, but it also contains a lot of useless information.

MJ actually made all of his money on the internet through websites he made and sold. reading his book is perfect for you.

I want to either do Amazon FBA (which is risky) or just promote a digital product with as low ad costs as possible and then when I see that it works to scale it bigger

Come on bro tell me how much you make and what do you do?

Research XRP then buy it on Uphold dot com. Don't listen to the haters.

Storage units will pay themselves off in less than a year and net you tens of thousands per year, eventually hundreds. Keep investing in storage units, build them in different towns.

get a degree and a job, dipshit.
you've seen too many movies.

if u need to ask pol you've already failed

Dude, if you have to come here to ask, you have no clue and no chance.

hmm, interesting reason.
Might help you, but you need to be passionate, driven.
You only become wealthy by providing others with something they need, same goes for being a politician.
Make sure what drives you is your thirst to help others. Put others above yourself and you'll be successful. Think to yourself what you can do for others, what you can provide for them.
Then simply apply value to that. Don't waste your time on the same idea over and over, if it's failing, it will always fail. Move on to something that actually makes a difference in someone else' life, even if that difference is small.
From your iphone, to the knob on the radio in your car, they all make your life easier. Find a way to do the same for others.
Try to get involved in odd studies/fields, see if you can find something that can be improved, or create a new market all together.

My flag checks out b r u h

Rich lol you mean nigger rich

That seems like a really good option. I think'd i'd maybe want to get some development experience first on top of that so i'd get to know the ends and outs of the field better.

Perhaps if i share some of my ideas that i toyed with on my journey. I learned a lot of lessons along the way.
1) supplements (waste of time, but learned some valuable lessons)
2) fitness, personal training, blog (oversaturated market, no one makes money in this unless you're a celeb)
3) iphone app games (here i decided to move on, learned some valuable skills though which i still use today, made like a few 100 bucks)
4) web development company (lot of money here, but no customers)
5) that guy beat me to it, had the idea, started, then saw it for sale the next week. FML. Don't think he made money on it though lol me and an engineering friend were working on it
6) bought an investment property (took a while, but lots of profit! kept reinvesting into more properties and made more money! yay)


I make 500k euros a month.
I get 70k euros a month just by default from my welfare collectors, we split 70-30.
Also I stay away from dealing drugs, thats gypsy behaviour.

Invest it all into Iraqi Dinar currency speculation and hope.

>make probably a 500 dollar yearly contribution.
make that 500 monthly min.

>stock and into a Roth IRA
if you are going to chose stocks, choose a low fee index fund, don't pay for anything special. in the long run, indexes do better than stock pickers, and every bip counts.

Choose a traditional IRA, every little bit counts, and compounding interest over being able to defer taxes is amazing in the long run. This is a big mistake a lot of people don't get. being able to immediately get ~30% higher yield by being able to use pretax money is crazy good.

>buying up some property near a college campus

This will cost you 1.2-2.6 mill most places. Bad idea, not a short term investment or a good use of funds. if you want real estate, pick commercial real estate.

>buying up some property near a college campus
NO you are too risk averse. The biggest gains come from small business ownership. Be risky. form an LLC if you don't want to go broke.

I am very conservative, but I understand your sentiment. Most people who WANT to be politicians are power hungry self serving scum and I hate them too. Reason I want to get into politics is because I really can't stand the people currently in charge except a very small handful of people who even then aren't all that great.

I'm not a genius.

How the hell do you "start a underage prostitution ring" faggot

>become a commercial airline pilot
>be out of work in less than 10 years

become a pilot, yes. don’t you dare become a pilot for a big airline... ai will kill that job. So-become a pilot, go to major drug manufacturing countries like mexico and Columbia.. find a link to talk with drug cartels... become a drug smuggler. YOURE WELCOME.

Invest in knee pads

My reason for being a politician is because I can't stand the current people in charge. They have absolute contempt for the people they govern and do not serve their interests. I hate how they've screwed over millions of people for personal gain. I want people in the future to not have to struggle like they I have too. To be riddle with debt and be cooperate slaves, people can hardly raise a family or afford a home. I'll take your advice to heart.

I disagree with this. This is a statement from someone that is not in the airline industry. AI won't kill airline jobs for a very long time. They already fly themselves through AI, people are not comfortable flying with purely AI, and a two pilot system will always be used for redundancy.
At the very least you'll see cockpits go down to a 1 pilot crew, which even that i consider unlikely. You talk to any expert in the field, although AI was a scare, the legality of it is holding everything back and will for a very long time. Even after AI takes over, a pilots duty will be to ensure the systems are in check as a double redundancy. There will always be pilot jobs, even 50 years from now. I would bet money on it. Anyone that says otherwise has little understanding of the industry beyond what they see on their fb news feed.

If nothing to lose, do something stupid high risk and don't care when you lose it. Only sure-ish way for those kind of returns is work and time