Attached: oldsouthernafrica.png (600x600, 66K)
Africa Was Better Lead By Europeans
Lincoln Ward
Adrian Anderson
Who denies this?
Nolan Sullivan
Wrong, Africa is better off when only inhabited by whites.
Simply having whites in charge simply delays the inevitable collapse to tribal socities.
Carson Cook
Oliver Garcia
My mom
Jeremiah Green
Well, where else are the Africans gonna go?
Easton Price
During apartheid crime in South Africa was at all time low, when whites stepped down crime skyrocketed.
Blacks destroy everything others build. Look at Detroit, built by whites, destroyed by blacks.
Cameron Reed
>Blacks destroy everything others build.
I've noticed this little trend.
What I want to know is why?
If I can understand that, we might have half a chance of either stopping them or at least diverting them.
On this board in the past we've talked about white ethnostates and other solutions to get away from the problems blacks cause.
What about quarantining them?
Send them all back to Africa and lock the land and sea borders down.
Whatever that cost is, could it be any worse than the repair bill keeping them around?
James Martin
That's kind of true but when is say it to mom then she tell me these poor africans were killed by the british and she will compare the congo genocide to the armenian genocide which is bullshit but she also thinks the natives having the reservations being bad because of ''MUH GENOCIDE'' and she compares the reservations to my home country of armenia even though when you compare the reservations lands to the whole country of armenia than that's kind of stupid and retarded because when you combine all reservations than you get 87,800 sq mi but when you have armenia the number is just a measly 11,484 sq mi.
Nicholas Lopez
Anywhere but Europe