So Benji Boy invited Tucker Carlson to his "Sunday special" -- a big mistake -- and Tucker absolutely obliterates Ben on ideology and politics.
Tucker starts out by saying that as he's become older, he realized that the ideology of politics is less important than the actual results. If you believe in something, but the politics of your ideology will not result in those things materializing, you should re-assess those policy positions.
As an example, Tucker says, libertarian positions on immigration and identity politics will result in a non-white America, which will result in a socialist America and the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and its founding values.
Ben gets upset but really has no response. Ben knows his policy positions can not sustain a libertarian or conservative America because he openly advocates against preserving America's white majority.
You can literally see how Ben twitches on camera as Tucker goes:
>So in our ideal society, we want a middle class with 100 IQ, making 80 grand a year, where the family and freedom of conscious is totally unmolested.
That 100 IQ comment really upset Ben because he welcomes the browning of America.
Angel Campbell
God damn Tucker is a fucking retard
Jose Sullivan
Tucker does more stuff outside of Fox I see. I've even seen him on shows of guys who make shows with people like Michael E Jones. I bet he prepares for some kind of move that will grow his audience beyond Fox. Maybe he'll even eventually run as politician. But Tucker is third position for sure. Not necessarily fascist but he doesn't believe in either Socialism, Libertarianism or Capitalism.
Jeremiah Adams
>Maybe he'll even eventually run as politician. He frequently says he'd rather do something useful with his life like install aluminum siding than be a politician.
Easton Lopez
Yes, he is very family oriented. But something's up with this guy. I don't know if he expects to be kicked off Fox or what it is, but he is going a lot on shows outside of Fox these days. I bet we will someday soon even see him on the Jimmy Dore show where they will agree on most issues.
Mason Adams
I'm actually quite shocked at how far Tucker goes on defending a white America. He comes out and openly says that "diversity is our strength" has destroyed America and that replacing the founding population is evil.
Ben immediately gets upset and says "You see that's where we disagree..."
Can you ever trust a Jew??
Adrian Ward
he is promoting his new book
Adrian Turner
How is Tucker allowed to be so based on TV? Wouldn't his Jew masters stop him before he gets to these talking points?
Cooper Reyes
>Can you ever trust a Jew?? Can you relax around blax?
Colton Robinson
He doesn't like jews, that's safe to say. When Cenk brought up the Holocaust example he started grinning and tried to hide it on stage.
Daniel Moore
holy shit is ben still going around with if "you dont want foreign wars your are an isolationist" shit talking point
James Parker
Tucker really is a talking point spewing npc
Matthew Green
>he is going a lot on shows outside of Fox these days He just wrote a book and he's promoting it.
Alexander Sanchez
If you don't want foreign wars then who is going to fight for Israel?
Sebastian Thompson
both of them are fucking retarded bootlickers
James Gray
He really isn't if you actually listen to what he says. Yes he's trying to avoid the racist label but he's coming as close as is socially possible to saying that we need a white America again. He openly says that we need a middle class with above 100 IQ, lol.
Kevin Mitchell
Yeah I loved how Tucker said "I'm just going to ignore the Nazi reference"; that's the most based thing that he could have said under the circumstances. (If only he had the balls to say " the Young Turks behind the Armenian Genocide were actually Dönmeh crypto-JEWS!"...)
Chase Price
He does lot's of speaking engagements and interviews, and they're always good (see Alex Jones and Gavin McInnis- god-tier interviews of Tucker Carlson). The only difference right now is the high visibility of those appearances because of his books.
Grayson Brooks
...and eventually that "Isolationist" label will lose its sting as well. How many years do we have to be in Iraq and Afghanistan before we realise RON PAUL and PAT BUCHANAN were right?
Carson Foster
Lmao that's brutal
Luke Carter
>a Kid VS a MAN no shit he got destroyed anyone of these e-celebs would be destroy by Tucker
You sound like one of those fucking lunatics who think they're being gang-stalked. You should probably cut down on sucking Somali dicks at the glory hole.
and the first thing (((Ben Shapiro))) does is selling life insurance.
Xavier Long
i love his laughoutbursts.
Jacob Price
When Tucker starts criticizing "the elites", Ben immediately goes on the defensive and goes, "By elites... do you mean like people with power or just ELITISTS??? Because the 'elites' are actually the good guys who makes all the products that people wanna buy."
He is terrified at the gentiles taking back the narrative and going mainstream with it.
Tyler Torres
Hahaha, holy shit Shapiro is such a fucking obvious Neocon stooge, he kvetches about every point Tucker brings up
Jack Taylor
Tucker is absolutely gonna come out as NatSoc one day. It's obvious as he bashes corporations all the time and calls out the eternal lolbergtarian
Landon Collins
He's just parroting talking points in an unfunny way.
Kevin Russell
Shapiro is most annoying when he goes off on how great globalist America is because muh iPhones and TVs are cheaper now. I'd like to see him bring up the price of housing and education, you know, shit that actually matters for raising families and living fulfilling lives, not useless consumerist bugman shit.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
The average iq usa is 98.
Nathan Green
Yes, he crushed Cenk so hard that evening, I was surprised that Cenk didn't cry out OY VEY at some points Tucker made. Tucker gets across all the important points we agree with and does so in a safe way. He's admirable in how he does that.
Owen Hernandez
What I love about Tucker Carlson is that he has interview after interview with JEW AFTER JEW AFTER JEW... And makes all of them look like dishonest, lying pieces of filth. You could probably make an hour-long compilation of "Tucker Carlson vs. The Jews"... In fact, someone should really do that!
Alexander Johnson
Wasp v. Jew: Electric Bugaloo
Isaiah Evans
Yeah, why doesn't he care about those poor FOXCONN employees in China who are abused so much that they have NETS on the side of the building because so many people try to commit suicide by jumping off??? Oh, right, he's a JEW; that explains everything!
Jacob King
Tucker actually addresses that point directly in the interview and confronts Ben about the uselessness of cheap plastics from China and how suicide rates and depression are sky-rocketing in America. Ben just says, "But we do buy cheaper cars and refrigerators."
The truth is that Ben doesn't really care. The guy is a dual-citizen of an ethnostate on the other side of the planet. Whenever shit goes down, he'll be the first one to leave.
Brody Allen
Ben agrees 100% but is uncomfortable because Tucker is saying the quiet parts loud and he thinks that will only hurt those efforts in the long run. Historically speaking open white nationalism isn't a winning position long term.
Ian Fisher
Tucker is full of shit.
I saw his dismissive attitude to 9/11 it was horrible.
It's just the most jewish fucking thing, someone points out real ways Americans are suffering under America Last economics, and Shapiro goes "BUT WHAT A DEAL THE CHEAP PLASTIC AND ALUMINUM CRAP IS, GOY".
I also noticed Shapiro never commented on Trump's comments on rock throwers in the caravan this week. I'm sure his instinct would to DESTROY Trump on it, but he knows that would mean contradicting himself on shooting rock throwers in Israel.
Charles Garcia
I remember when Tucker Carlson was on Crossfire with that Jew Jon Stewart, and Stewart shit talked him for 15 minutes while the audience laughed at his jokes, then when he was asked a question in a Q&A session, he basically answered his own question he posed at the very beginning of that show: “Why can’t the media do its job?” He had a Freudian slip and said: “People don’t want to dance in the fire so they go on shows like [The Daily Show].”
Tucker Carlson is a god among men.
Parker Johnson
T t t t tucker? When you say isolationist does that mean we will still defend Israel?
Eli Howard "Once I start telling myself I have the job I have beacuse I'm a genius, my soul corrodes" (((Masterrace))) BTFO
Nathaniel Anderson
I watched Tucker's appearance on Rubin. He drops 'autistic' and 'coalition of the ascendant' in the first half hour. Dude must be listening to FTN
Joshua Jenkins
I hate this two faced rat kike so much. He shat on trump, wants endless wars in syria for israel, and he wants the US to lose its white majority.
Remember when Jow Forums was sucking Ben's cock circa 2015? How times have changed.
Samuel Cox
>open white nationalism isnt a winning position. look at this shill, its as if you think you should only do something if youre going to win. fuck off kike
Ben Shapiro is a pundit for the Israeli lobby, what the hell are you people expecting from him...
Nathan Bennett
Shapiro was interviewing Tucker, it was not a debate. I don't get where is the obliteration you saw Shapiro would crush Tucker in a debate, Tucker is all about feelings when Shapiro is all about facts and arguments Tucker speaks kike a politician when Shapiro speaks like professor
Benjamin Nelson
lol wingnuts brown people are socialist. only wingnuts can save us. btw they're childish both ideologues and supremacists.
Robert Adams
You are the definition of retarded. Can we put your face in a dictionary?
you know who cares about ideology? these people. most of the public gave up on rigid ideologies 20 years ago
Brody Nelson
20-30 years ago
Benjamin Jackson
Holy shit Ben Shapiro is actually here lmfao....What a fucking loser. Get to synagogue Ben, you're a week late if ya know what I mean WAKA WAKA say the line Ben! >Okay, now this is epic
Destroyed? It was a good, level headed, respectful conversation. Ben didn't react at all to the 100 IQ comments. Also, I wish Tucker was my Dad
Gabriel Williams
Tucker gets it. Middle America is dying, and it will take the rest of the country with it. I know a lot of truck drivers who are worried they are going to lose everything. It's amazing that these people are not going hard left.
Levi Carter
they're like libertarians that yammer on endlessly about tiny details of a free market that never existed
Xavier Martin
They would if the left didn't call for white genocide and for replacing them with brown people.
Luis Morgan
Tucker is absolutely based. This interview singlehandedly convinced me to believe what he does instead of the economic argument. I can't defend the economy after listening to him.
Sure, we all have a better quality of life today. But by what measure? We live shorter, we have higher suicide and depression. The only positive thing recently is more "colored plastic crap" as Tucker calls it. He's right. I also now agree with him on how we should be less focused on the means and more focused on the ends, ie. do whatever is necessary (ban self driving trucks) to protect our people even if it costs us economically, because ultimately the economy doesn't matter except for, again, plastic crap.
And what he said about imperialism. We should either stop being imperialist and colonists, or just admit and be proud of it. We can't do it AND be ashamed at the same time.
Colton Powell
Here are your (You)'s, ladies now kindly fuck off back to sucking nigger dicks.
Tucker is trying to jump ship from the failing the cable news networks. Even if Fox is doing well, he's obviously aware that it's gonna all fall apart anyway.
Bentley Bailey
This is why Ben is dishonest. He's dishonest because he has to be. His positions are fundamentally fantastical and divorced from reality. The premises are faulty and the consequences don't materialize. He's pushing a religion masquerading as a political ideology.
Ben is a crypto fascist plutocrat not a republican conservative. He made that pretty much clear in this "interview" where he felt the need to birfucate into cuckservative preachermode.
Blake Lewis
Did you watch even two minutes in? He speaks in depth about his past views, changing views, aging and change of views and owning up to mistakes.
Elijah Johnson
Tucker was laugh hysterically at Adam Corolla making fun of helpless blacks/hispanics. middle of the interview
Michael White
You are absolutely right.
Samuel White
he's promoting a book, it's called...a book tour. there's a 0% chance he walks away from $15-20mm Fox News is going to pay him. but I think he does realize he could say one wrong thing and be off the air the next day. otherwise he's the future of that network for the next 10 years, easily. that's a cozy $100mm-200mm in Tuck's bank account
Henry Fisher
He's also a rank propagandist. He's been on tv since he was 10. He's a tool being used to manipulate the youth. There is no such thing as political prodigies. There's a logistic limit in terms of volume. It's not like math or music where you can speed through the fundamentals and innovate in your youth. Politics requires a knowledge of so many different fields plus the time to synthesize it all and of course life experience. I will never trust people who are parroting the ideas of others. It's disingenuous at best and diabolical at worst.
Sebastian Robinson
outside of an indian, most of his best friends are jews
Hudson Lewis
he's been obsessed with pat buchanan for decades user
Luke Sanders
Most of my friends are shitlibs. You don't say the things he said like calling out that jew live on TV for having dual citizenship in order to question his loyalty if you do believe that jews are loyal.
Wyatt Walker
wtf I hate tucker now... i'm now a #benjimissile
Ethan Williams
Societies are organisms, and the economy is our digestive system. Yes, good nutrition is important to well-being, but it alone is not well-being. Look at any fat depressed American who can't stop eating to fill the void in their existence - our nation is experiencing the same thing.
are there people in real life who listen to this kike's podcast? whenever i see his views high or podcast ranked top 25 on apple i assume he has billionaire kikes astroturfing him. it's fake. this dude is creepy af and annoying
Hunter Jackson
He religiously denies it this discussion in essence that corporate power can rival or topple state power it's like his deliberate historical illiterate.
He too ignored Tuckers point that lil Benji has to get their vote and telling them to find Jehova or move away won't get it.
Bannon and Tucker Carlson types blow Benji out of the window because they see the writing on the wall if people are fucked they take you down with them.
Nathaniel Brooks
hasn't tucker been on tv for like 40 years. and his daddy was also a tv exec
Adrian Williams
This was a really great interview. Tucker wasn't willing to push in a few directions that I think he should have. He backed off from Ben's questioning in a way that seemed insincere.
I think one of the biggest issues is that guys like Ben can't have low taxes and cheap prices. You want low taxes? Then you're going to have to pay more for products because they're going to have to be produced by Americans earning good wages. You want Cheap prices (which you are mostly getting from importing labor and exporting jobs)? Well, then you're going to have to pay lots more in taxes for wealth redistribution. The only alternative to these two scenarios ends with a fucking guillotine. But it's clear from the interview that Ben is actually incapable of understanding this. I think Tucker does based off of his level of discomfort during that segment, but he wasn't willing to really engage with it, unfortunately.
reminder that benji sold out the maga movement during the primary trying to bone that chick who said le drump bought a nuke from Iran and shot it at her
Carson Lewis
lol tucker really is a fucking nazi.
He's actually a national socialist.
Jayden Barnes
Well I hope Tucker Carlson doesn't show his whole powerlevel too soon.