Portugal Jow Forums - 100 years World War I Armistice Sunday Edition

>With the purpose of "honoring peace" and "honoring the memory" of the 100,000 Portuguese who fought in World War I (1914-1918) and the thousands who died in the conflict, the ceremony began with the arrival of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, who reviewed the forces in a parade. After the deposition of a wreath next to the Monument to the Dead of the Great War a minute of silence was respected, moment in which f-16 fighters crossed the skies.



Other issues:

portuguese identitarians - nationalists, placed a gigant banner in the triumphal arch in downtown Lisbon against immigration, written

"mass immigration = invasion"


And remember,if a dog was born in a stable that does not make him a horse. Be portuguese is to be son of portuguese people (europeans)

>"Portuguese executive will allow the regularization of 30 thousand illegal and wants to open the doors to foreigners. PS wants to combat the demographic decline..."


welcome to the debate: other europeans bro's
not welcome: non hhhuteesss (jamal, brazilians, arabs etc..)

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Der schlimmste Feind des Deutschen sind nicht die Franzosen, nicht die Russen, nicht die Italiener, nicht die Briten. Der schlimmste Feind: Der Jude klug und klein in seiner eigenen Reihen .
Kein Amerikaner ist so gemein, wie der Jud in den eigenen Reien, wie der Jud in den eigenen Rein.
Passt auf, da steht der Feind der euch 100 Mal verraten.
Loben tun ihn vereitn die Linken und Demokraten.
Freiheit? Erlösung? Gute Nacht!
Wir sind um die Frucht unsres Leidens gebracht!
Was gemacht? Wir konnten uns nicht befreien von dem Feind in den eigenen Reihen.

F Portugese bro

No more brother wars

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faggot,we aren't brothers

go back to arabia or africa abdul immigrant

fuck you moor

who is this?

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the moors had a nice fate on iberia.

Attached: v1104_Conqueror1_port12_94w62.png (599x594, 19K)

yes,they facked all the local girl and shitted out moors like you

>Brazilians not welcome

keep dreaming immigrant shitskin on italy

>"Genetic distances and principal component analyses show a clear differentiation of NW African and Iberian groups of samples, suggesting a strong genetic barrier matching the geographical Mediterranean Sea barrier. The restriction to gene flow may be attributed to the navigational hazards across the Straits, but cultural factors must also have played a role. ... Iberian samples show a substantial degree of homogeneity and fall within the cluster of European-based genetic diversity."
>(Comas et al.)


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In comparison Portugal lost around 7,000 soldiers in combat in WW1, every other nation lost hundreds of thousands or millions.

Portuguese are denying arabs and there's nothing you can do about it

Not arabs, but jews

>what's proportions (% ratio with nº of pop)

Yes we are arabs and jewss, that by a miracle of god, genetically have no relation with them (image), only to other europeans, it's a miracle, for sure


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Based and redpilled coat of arms.

There are more like those,in all the country

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Afonso Costa?

where's our Bolsonaro, portubros? I'll vote for the first time ever if he shows up.

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it was him that pushed portugal for war. Imagine what race was he

Bolsonaro is a multiracialist, so, we don´t need one.
We need nationalists or identitarians on parlament...solutions? Pnr? Escudo Identitário?

mutiracialist is your best hope atm, you cant go back to salazar in just one election

he was an ethnic portuguese as far as i know, therefore white
But that 1st republic was a mess of fremasons and globalists

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So, portuguese are jewish? Because the jews aren't white

No, our path must be always the path of Identity, this is not the third world

He was not jewish, show me a prove that he was.

Why didn't they wait until November 11th.?

Genealogic background, Mário Saa's writings and books. Plus, he was a freemason, home to the jews.

its the average IQ of the average "portuguese" racemixing leads to low IQ

sacrifices must be made. soon we will have no identity left.

zero proves, zero. Why people do this? why people have to lie to make a point?
his genealogic backround is european/native as far as i know.


Jews aren't native european

You have to go back immigrant

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PS: João Franco was also a Jew (cristão-novo)

The President of Republic - head of state goes to France to commemorate in 11-11-2018

Don't listen to OP - he is a known 40-50 year old boomer and he doesn't even know the date of Armistice and loves to slide threads with pictures.
Os Judeus da República - Mário Saa e o Invasão também está lá

Nesse fórum, tambérm anda aí um descendente dos Burnay a dizer que o antepassado não é cristão-novo. Nice google.

Sidónio Paes was also a Jew (cristão-novo) pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidónio_Pais

zero arguments, zero proves were showed, therefore he is obviously a native portuguese, white.
sorry shitskin.

Stop projecting brainlet, i bet im younger than you,but by a large margin

Yes the entire europe was jooo

Attached: afonso_costa_crsitao_novo.png (578x690, 493K)

Jews aren't white my friend... I'm so sorry.
You have been provided with proof and yet you refuse to admmit this fact.

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We greatly apreciate your enthusiasm, friend. Please, if you will, join us
Invite - gg/PFy2FK

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Está escrito num livro por um gajo que via juddeus debaixo da cama. ahahahah
mesmo que ele tivessse tido 1 antepassado judeu no século xvii, tendo em conta que em apenas 100 anos tens 16 trisavós isso não faria dele um judeu hoje em dia. Nem de perto nem de longe

We greatly enjoy the Identitary Shield. We think that is destined to great things

>afonso costa
>sidónio pais

E mesmo o sidónio pais, com um trisavô cristão novo, isso não faria dele um judeu etnico

The problem is that it does... his grandparents, and parents don't cease to be jewish

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GTFO shill
go dream with joos behind your bed

wrong again, 1 ancestor joo from the xvi century is not even 5% of his bloodline. Back to the real world.

High-tier counter-arguing resorting to ad hominem about the writer. If someone quotes genealogy and Tower of Tombo's archive, you should counter-arguing the proof that he provides. Like going to Tombo's Tower and ask expertise to refute that.
This ain' "t let me win the argument" thing. You must refute Genealogy
>mesmo que ele tivessse tido 1 antepassado judeu no século xvii,
He's just a New Christian of jewish roots mongrel
I imagine that you probably say the same thing about mulatto Almada de Negreiros descendants, talking about how Portuguese they are and how they are white they.

Why are you so afraid? Does this apply to you? You are such in deep denial

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You were already debunked in the first hand.
First because the quote is not a direct source, it'smade from a book made of exagerations. second because he said he went to Torre do Tombo,i have not seen the direct source of any of that.
Third, my point still stands, if he had 1 joo ancestor in the xvi century and the rest native portuguese i doubt his bloodline is different from yours or from any portuguese native in a genetic test, it's stats, wanna bet?

I can prove my ancestry, from my all autosmal dna, i doubt you can do the same.. But we can enter that filed just to see how clueless you are

>I imagine that you probably say the same thing about mulatto Almada de Negreiros descendants, talking about how Portuguese they are and how they are white they.

Comparing the black mother of almada (from the xx century) with a scratch from the xv century about a possible joo ancestor, are you sane? recent-distant

This is one of my favourite stories from ww1


The Battle of La Lys was a disgrace, in fact all wwi and (wwii) was a disgrace for all europeans.

Mordem o isco da raça todos os threads. Todos, estilo Groundhog Day. Até merece uma medalha.

É por causa de gajos como tu, que todos pensam mesmo que os portugueses são árabes.
quem cala consente

>You were already debunked in the first hand.
>have not seen the direct source of any of that.

First - that other user wasn't me.
I came on defence of that user saying that Afonso Costa is a descendant of New Christian.
The burden of proof is with you, friend. He directy quotes other books and quotes that the writer, I always try to crossreference and linking it and I get. The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, 1604 report, and another one I don't remember.
Your counterarguement is don't believe.
It is amazing you didn't do it to Sidonio Pais'wiki the same logic,

>i doubt his bloodline is different from yours or from any portuguese native in a genetic test, it's stats, wanna bet?
Perhaps you should study more genealogy and genetics before you making up those statements. Let me example for you - In judicial cases of fatherhood impugnation and reclamation don't work or you saying since I'm in the heterogeneous population of Portugal I have the same bloodline of his.
I'm going to dine

That may well be true but a guy holding off a division with a Lewis gun is something that should be remembered and talked about

Its isn't arabs, but jews

Podem-me vir chupar o piço também, é quanto eu quero saber o que pensam os estrangeiros. Se forem portugueses, o que disse já não se aplica.

E eu sou filho do quebra-nozes.

>The burden of proof is with you

No it isn´t, he didn´t gave the direct source, he gave a pic of a book that claims a guy went to the Torre do Tombo and saw it. lmao it's laughable.
I can create a blog and wrote a text claiming that the the wwii didnt happend, then quote it and show to you here.

And yes, my point still stands, even if afonso costa had one joo ancestor on the xvi century, that would never make him a joo, just do the math, i have already showed you.

>It is amazing you didn't do it to Sidonio Pais'wiki the same logic,

Already answered before, go to read.

>Perhaps you should study more genealogy and genetics before you making up those statements.

No it's the other way around, you have no ideia of what you are saying, (image) travel back 450 years, 1 single ancestor of the xvi century, wouldnt be even 3% of his dna. Why do i have to explain such basic things?

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>not heterogeneous
>Not heterogenuos

So you acknowledge that portugal had a jewish background but its magically white now?

already debunked too
jewishh populations do not genetically cluster near to portuguese or spanish, not even remotely close. With all samples ever taken

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>its not even debunked

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If Portugal had a jewish background, we would be close to joos genetically and we don´t.
so sorry

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So Cristãos-Novos would fit in thoses areas?

All studies tend to show the homogenety of portuguese population:

>>"For the Portuguese population no data were previously available for autosomal SNP genetic diversity and population structure. In this work we characterized 52 autosomal SNPs in the three regions from continental Portugal (North, Centre and South) using the SNPforID multiplex assay. Comparisons made between the three regions revealed genetic homogeneity of the studied SNPs throughout the country, allowing the use of a common database. Allele frequencies are presented for all markers as well as observed heterozygosity, discrimination power and genetic distances (FST) between regions. No significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected. The high power of discrimination obtained in the Portuguese population confirms the utility of the 52-plex in identification studies."

>(...)frequency distributions, Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) and genetic distance analyses at both Y-SNP and Y-STR levels revealed a general genetic homogeneity of Portuguese sub-populations. "

Attached: Genetic_Map001_of_Europe_nytimes60.jpg (600x392, 39K)

an ethnic joo (cristão novo) would cluster with sepahrdic joos,not with portuguese and all portuguese ever tested are far far away of joos.
sorry once again.

I can even show you studies on that.

Except empirically.

So, Afonso Costa, Sidónio Pais, etc etc... aren't Portuguese

A seguir vais listar os hotéis? Peço desculpa mas por agora não estou interessado.

already answered. it seems you have reading problems, not s suprise tho.

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you are contradicting yourself. It's a shame that you think that jews are portuguese. Because they clearly arent

Eu sei que dói anão, respira fundo que passa rápido.

yes they are not, it's a pity you were claiming such, that i had to come here to debunked you. It was easy tho

You say that jews aren't portuguese but then say that Afonso Costa and other jews are portuguese...

>then say that Afonso Costa and other jews are portuguese...

already showed you that afonso costa was not an ethinic joo. Go read again. do you know how to read?

The problem is that they are and, just like on other thread you didn't show nothing at all

Judeus não são portugueses, mas um trisavô judeu não faz de ti judeu. Muitos neste fórum se estivessem no NSDAP eram convidados a sair por autismo deste tipo.

The problem is that facts debunked you, once again, and every single time, yes facts, data, dna, basic stats and numbers.I know it's hard, you are a brainlet, but try harder, you have to try a little bit more, so it's just boring... even leftards give me more arguments than you m8

read again:


Exactamente,muito menos um suposto antepassado do século xv. É por causa de malucos como estes que ninguém leva os identitários a sério e somos a comédia que somos em termos de organização.

nm nunca vos vão levar a serio se todos foram tao iluminados como tu.
Boa sorte.

Eu não tenho culpa que tu sejas incapacitado, se eu te mostro um mapa e tu não percebes, que queres que te faça? nem com desenhos lá vais.
Parecem os comunas, pode-se mostrar 1 milhao de vezes que o marxismo dá sempre em merda,mas eles não percebem, ou melhor não querem perceber, nem com o 2+2 á frente

Lê uns livros primeiro. Pode ser que ajude. Aliás, ´só ires aos threads anteriores, ou juntares-te ao discord que está tudo lá.

>Mario Saa didn't gave the direct source. Church records of his visit and The Inquisition archives with process number 6633.
No Escudo Civicuck, não aprendem a ler o quê?
Deve estar casado com também com uma das 2 netas "portuguesas" do Almada Negreiros, só pode. Vai levar a tua teoria de branqueamento racial de mulatas, pretas e judeus pró caralho.


Eu já li parte disso e sei o que lá está, são lérias e meias verdades, outras são exageros muito próprios da época, inicio do sec xx.

Não são lerias meias verdades, são livros com referencia cruzadas a documentos que remontam até ao século 15. Estás a ser desonesto.