your own son calls you a faggot
your own son calls you a faggot
based kid, hope he kills his gay abductors one day
>straight dad
Backhand the little shit.
>gay dad
Act like a faggot.
But he is a faggot.
Do you think he's here?
my sides of orbital.
holy fuck that's a funny headline.
I call my dad a fag all the time. He says it back to me. Just some friendly joking around. Guy who wrote this is almost certainly a faggot though
do we make a mini-chan? kid seems pretty based. dads a faggot, you know the little shit has current iphone.
>kid calls you a homo
>admit to being a homo a few sentences later
I'm confused. He's not even your kid to begin with, given that you're gay.
Butt fuck him is the only fair answer tbqhwym
>Zoomers aren't bas-
Based and redpilled
lmao reading that made me think of my own pops
he was a Marine Sergeant in Vietnam. He would have beat my ass if I ever called him anything
op you should be the one to tell us. when one is a faggot how is it wrong to call one a faggot?
I called my dad a faggot once, was the only time he actually struck me. Good times.
Write a medium article of course, describing the trauma in the hopes that the state parents my child for me
My brother has 2 kids and is a flaming homo now
He knocked up some paraplegic girl from church and then like 7 years into the marriage dropped everything to move to a new state with a man old enough to be his father(a good 20~ years difference)
Based and redpilled
Remember, Jow Forums, that as much as we despair about an entire generation of kids being raised by faggots, zhe/zhirs, etc, those kids grow up to resent their situation and their parents. Gen Z and the next generation are going to be the absolutely most redpilled generation we've had, because they lived it every single day. They saw what peak degeneracy is from their parents.
Hug him and say you too faggot
Ew faggot.
Start chargin' mah layzor.
I'd rape his asshole and yell in greek.
He'd be a sniveling broke back bitch afterwards and I'd send him to culinary school.
don't forget the likes and re-tweets, a vital impetus
laugh and high five
Im sure his faggot dad publicizing his son in the huffington post will make him think of his dad as less of a faggot.
>The Day My Wife's Son Called Me a Faggot
Wow dad, not only are you a faggot, but you're a crying bitch too.
Child rapists get the lake of fire.
His kid probably lurks here.
If I am an actual faggot like the author, admit to myself that not even my "son" respects my lifestyle. Faggotry is degenerate. Every normal kid out there gets it.
If I am a closeted faggot, kill myself immediately. Suicide for the sake of shame is underrated.
If I am not a faggot, and my son is just kidding around, slap the dog shit out of him - in a friendly dad kind of way to teach him a lesson about calling other men faggot. Then take him to the range to show him the everlasting ass whipping he got wasn't personal.
If I am not a faggot and he does it in anger with malice in his heart, beat him senseless. Beat him without mercy. He has apparently forgotten his place in the world and in the family hierarchy. I am the fucking pater familias. He is being a rebellious little shit and needs to be put in his place. Hopefully, being beaten out off his frame, will remind him that he hasn't fought in a couple of wars, sired children, and provided for his life and his sibling's lives to be what they are. He apparently has it too good and does not appreciate the nice comfy life I have provided for him. I earned my man card, he hasn't. He needs to appreciate what he has instead of acting like a little cunt.
gross user
Only an actual closeted faggot would write a post this long. KYS.
I'll be okay with the rotting of civilization if we keep getting more headlines like these.
If you don't want to be called a faggot don't suck dicks and wear leather hats while you and your boyfriend gape each other.
This kid is lurking here for sure... Give em hell kid.
>tfw your son calls you a faggot and instead of disciplining him you're so much of a faggot that you complain about on your blog on (((huffpost)))
the absolute state of western civilization
gayest post of the decade faggot
"no u"
I think it's an actual faggot though, what is he supposed to do?
trick question, he should physically remove himself of course.
You know its true, pater faggilias.
>helping day dads navigate fatherhood
Is he really the one teaching anyone about this?
So instead of disciplining the kid, the guy goes online to write abut his experiences?
Yep, sounds like a faggot, and not the gay kind.
He sounds like a huge faggot. What's the problem?
based and redpilled
Shush you faggot
its called educational anal, its the only way to get the bigot out
Quit working at HuffPo like a massive faggot
>huffington post
Good lol
He should beat the shit out the kid either way for lack of respect. He's probably too weak and limpwristed though hahah
The child is clearly a victim of the information age exposing him to toxic alt-right viewpoints. His father should take steps to broaden his son's horizons and expose him to new and stimulating experiences to give him perspective on what it's like being homosexual. Huge chance for close, intimate father-son bonding here!
>tfw making out with my son and he pulls his mouth away and calls me a faggot
it'd be the proudest moment of my life
Based first and best poster
Based kid
Dropping some screens shots lmao
take belt and beat him so hard
If you have a gay parent, it is your duty as a child to beat the gay out of him, just as a parent's responsibility is to beat the gay out of a gay child
Immediately act surprised/indignant and avoid talking with him or making eye contact with him for the rest of the day. Next day, act like nothing happened.
> No, flinching would mean that I was scared of him
Kinda depends. How old is my son AND more importantly ...was I acting like a faggot?
Why would you even publish this story? He comes across as some butthurt faggot who didn't know what to do so writes about it on his blog
I bet you the son was right, no kid would call his father a faggot if there wasn't any truth to it.
Bahaha, that's way funnier than I expected. I've got to read this article now.
>what do you do when your son calls you a faggot?
god damn it beat his ass you fucking sorry excuse of a man
How can one son be so based?
hes mad bro
Based disrespectful zoomer
This whole thing sounds fake and gay.
If someone told me to do my homework and I didn’t want to, if I was going to call them a faggot wouldn’t a more realistic response be “fuck off, faggot”? Why would I say “thanks a lot, faggot”?
>attention seeking long ass post
>would clearly be a horrible parent
>reddit spacing
they’re already all on Jow Forums, lurking or otherwise.
where's that video of the two guys rubbing their prolapsed anuses together when you need it?
Don't post a link to the story or anything.
you beat your son until he can beat you. then your job is done.
>Act like a faggot.
Kids are honest, so I'd probably have a lot of reflection and change my behavior.
AKA not be a fag in the first place.
you just know
I hope you are joking about this
That's fucking awful. Kids need to be more respectful.
Just because he legally adopted the kid and it says on a piece of paper that he is the father, doesn't actually mean that the kid is his son.
Gays adopt children thats not their own and then cry about that child being brought to a world where they disagree that 2 men should belong together.
I called my dad a faggot once, he got pissed.
Surely hes larping at this point. Actually, nevermind. I guess there is a long history of sons killing fathers...
I call my mom a degenerate harlot all the time.
She calls me a bitch nigga.
We are both white. I love my mom.
>social studies homework
kids rebel at some point so this kid is going to rebel by becoming one of us ......because his dad is a faggot.