What happened to ISIS?

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CIA stopped funding them.

trump happened

Trump took them out because (((globalist))) controlled Obama didn't want to.

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Is called alqaeda now

we call them the taliban again

got bombed back into the stone age
which was a bit of a waste because if we'd just left them alone they would have ended up back there anyway


Russia eliminated them in Syria.

most were bought off and switch sides to SDF to work with the americans when the russian/syrian/iranians started to make progress against them
they still hold several pockets that are protected by the united states.

which one

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proof ? cia woudnt fund terror group, saudiarbia would

returned to europe

Onigger stopped sending them cash.

What happened to BLM? All these groups vanished the moment Obama left

In mexico

are we not gonna get anymore ultra hd execution videos?

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You damn sure should know, you fucking cockroach.

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Trump got elected.

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what are you implying?

>cia woudnt fund terror group

they are in Europe.

Someone post the pic with John McCain sitting with ISIS terrorist lol.

Came here to post this.

They didn't. They are relocating them to Afghanistan and Africa

Jesus Vadim you work for (((them)))?

The CIA IS a fucking terror group.

You don't say

fresh off the T_D boat i see

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satan tell the truth.

Guess why usa is pulling out of Afghanistan. ISIS needs a new staging ground.

i miss the beheading videos
they were entertaining

Focus is on demographic replacement in Europe now they are not in the middle east anymore.

2nd post best post. This too.

That`s you're guys problem

Trump destroyed them, and launched a MOAB.

The US state department stopped funding them when the obama administration ended.
Under trump the opium production slowed to a crawl

hiding in the caravan

>cia woudnt fund terror group

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>cia woudnt fund terror group

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