Apologizes now
Other urls found in this thread:
the cops ruled it a suicide
the fbi ruled it a suicide
it was on every fake news channel until they ruled it a suicide, and then they abruptly stopped because it doesn't push the narrative anymore
>Instrumentalizing suicides
The tolerant Left.
lynched himself, when will this black on black racism end?
Is niggers lynching themselves a thing?
>it wasn't an accident
so the lil nigga deserved it
A young black man was lynched
By himself... in a suicide
dindu an heroed
Even CBS is mocking her in oddly transparent reporting
The mother makes a claim that someone did this to her son and that it wasn't an accident.
Well who? What circumstances? She doesn't say. Obviously she's just trying to deal with the trauma and refusing to accept the reality that her son killed himself.
But if a liberal can manipulate a woman's suffering to further an agenda, you can bet your ass they will.
Based nigga lynched himself while white cucks feared to do so.
The image, it misspells nigger and makes a convincing case for proving the existence of god.
Fucking "Danye".
Based nigger killing the closest nigger to him.
Some jobless loser that spent the entirety of 2014-2015 protesting 24/7 in ferguson killed himself?
Must've been the secret nazi militia keeping tabs on these future black engineers, scientists and doctors.
What's up with black Americans giving their children retarded names?
Keep your profanities off my thread
So you're saying God lynches niggers by making them commit suicide
Australians, the absolute madmen
>you better start turning in on your folks,
what does that even mean?
But when i say black people are based Eurocuks call me monkey, i will never understand.
Yikes. I'm no fan of niggers, but a mother's suffering is still sad.
>His pants were rolled down, not put down," she said. "They were rolled down.
She's trying desperately to cling to things that she knows are right and that you're getting wrong about the circumstances, no matter how small and insignificant, because this reassures her about the overall case, that it must have been a murder. There's no way he could have killed himself, because his pants were ROLLED, not PUT, down.
leftists are so very dramatic. OMEGALUL
She's garbling her words because she's emotionally distraught. She means she wants the people she thinks must have been involved, the ones that she can't cite at all, to snitch on each other.
Womp Womp
>black men are now lynching themselves
Wow. Just wow. I can't even. Internalized racism.
>using [current year] unironically
>suicide is literally racism
Brazil is back on the based block until further notice because of ballsanaro
Suddenly it became black on black violence
Cause you are a monkey hue user
It was a suicide. Nigger used his own bedsheet. Real racists would have brought their own rope because it's more reliable and easier to work with.
still monkeys, but based monkeys
I prefer Davy Jones
Keep your poo off the yard
doesnt this kind of stuff happen in Indian like every day
She wants people to break the golden rule of black peoples and start snitching
>With who
Can't into English user?
You answered your own question.
not on your life!
How's he supposed to hold them up if he s dead?
When you get pornstars hanging themselves over mean tweets you'll get people doing it over anything.
We should make it a thing.....#diyb4whiteydoes
Convince them it's gonna take away the joy we would have otherwise when we do it
If you kill yourself, you win!
His Mother posted these pictures online claiming he had been lynched.
>Danye Jones
>Lead singer of the Monkeys
Looks like a case of failed autoerotic asphyxiation to me.
That's standard nego nameology
That's what I was thinking seeing as his trousers were around his ankles.
>wonder why blacks dont get hired?
Lmao retard niggers naming their children DEM UNIQUE NAMES SO SHE SUCCEED. Literally resumes get tossed as they are handed in until they need to meet a diversity quota.
With Sprinkles...!
4 men close to the brown family or the protests have been murdered, three shot in their own cars, two of them burned, one of them on the night that darren brown was cleared of charges.
If you don't find that at the very least suspicious you're a bootlicker.
Source that uberfaggot or sit down and shut up. Nobody cares about niggers especially other niggers
He was just about to open his own real estate business.
What reason would law enforcement have to kill a bunch of niggers when the case against Darren Wilson never stood a chance?
>spoonfeed me daddy
>dumb people don't do dumb things when made virtually free of consequence
don't worry sport cops are your friends, ignore the fact they select for low-iq an have no legal obligation to protect you in any way shape or form.
>What reason would law enforcement have to kill a bunch of niggers
same reason we pull stupid pranks, it was fun and we were bored
also it's not necessarily cops, stop leaping to conclusions, guilty conscience
They're not my friends but I don't care because I don't go around acting like a nigger. So I'm not in danger of being shot
> 4 niggers involved in gangs die in 4 years...
> 3 shot while rolling thru da hood in they whips
> on lit on fire and burnt
any time only 4 niggers die in 4 years, this is cause for alarm. call in the FBI and find out why these niggers arent dying at the usual rate!
>cops only do bad things to bad people
better not drive around with too much cash there, goy. don't you know owning currency is illegal now? asset forfeiture says you're a drug dealing scumbag and i don't need to prove it. give me that money or i'll shoot you.
>be at work at the call center
>customer calls in to bitch about a freight order that got fucked up
>see their previous call history, the last rep they spoke with was named Lashantay. Or Kaneesha. Or Shakiana. It's always a niggress who fucked up.
>angry boomer on the phone demands an explanation why our staff is so incompetent.
>can't say "Niggers"
>can't say "The woman who took your order was named Wakandria, what do you think the problem is?"
>can't even hint at it
>can't hint that I can't even hint at it
>any intimation at all that our diversity quota hires are demonstrably less capable than our white staff would get me fired and replaced with another shitskin
>just have to take abuse for sheboon incompetence while cleaning up the messes they made for the boomer cucks who eroded the barriers that insulated our societies from sub-human ineptitude in the first place.
I should have went into a fucking trade, lads.
◄ Deuteronomy 21:23 ►
you must not leave the body
hanging on the pole overnight.
Be sure to bury it that same day,
because anyone who is hung on
a pole is under God's curse. You
must not desecrate the land the
LORD your God is giving you as
an inheritance
the hamite/nigger is cursed, by
hanging himself, he cursed all of
us. i bless him and forgive him
and thankh him for removing
himself from the war.
bless those who curse you
pray for those who mistreat you.
hint when you pray for those
who mistreat you, it's not so they
can have their heart opened, it's
to pray for punishment on their
behalf cause they won't.