Makes documentary about South Africa, which led to some countries giving white south africans refuge

>makes documentary about South Africa, which led to some countries giving white south africans refuge
>about to release a new documentary about how migration is destroying europe.
Why do people here hate her when she is doing more than almost anyone to push our narrative?
Because she's an attractive woman? Because she's not radical enough? What is it?

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I hate her because she hasn't posted a pic of her tits yet.

This. Also because she is not as pretty as her sister Jessuuuu.

i like her but what i like even more is trigger people

because Jow Forums are turbo autists who cannot see longer than their own nose tip
they don't realise that there are more than one road to the same goal and that counter-signaling people with a slightly different aim/strategy than yours is a waste of time

>I can't tell Shareblue shills from genuine pro-white Jow Forumsacks.

/pol is filled with CIA nigger who wants to derail real cause

She's just not sexual enough. She needs to expose more of her ass and tits. I refuse to fap to pictures of her that don't expose 80% of her body and unfortunately that's most of the pics she releases. I mean it's not like she doesn't have a nice body because she does. She's got a great ass and nice size tits. She just doesn't capitalize on them.

Jow Forums has long since been overrun with shills and trolls.

she posted pics of her feet
good enough for me

is ridiculous how this hot chick does more for based people, and how those white supremasist false flag fags do all the oposite, fuck all brainwhased white supremasist puppets of nigga obama

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>Jow Forums getting irrationally mad about pointless garbage

You have to remember that the middle tier opinions typically get poor representation on Jow Forums. Mostly because middle tier posters get tired of posting. The Zeitgeist of Jow Forums is usually fairly average when you account for amount of posts rather than the same poster ardently defending a die hard opinion.

For instance, it'll be something like
>Jordan Peterson, opinions?
>Jordan Peterson is pretty much generic dad advice for people, but the left hate him so he's probably doing something right. t. probably opinion average.
>Jordan Peterson is a cult like leader, and really doesn't offer anything to anyone with common sense. t. the dissenting opinion average
>Juden Peterstein won't publically denounce the Jews, therefore he is a Jewish shill. t. Loud opinion that probably isn't that common.

You'll see this pretty much everywhere on Jow Forums.

Good thread.

i wanna see her take black dick.

She fucked a nigger.

I've fucked a negress, indian, and a bangladeshi muslim.

She makes shitty retard tier docs that are fraudulent and naive. Ppl who actually study the issues do not take her seriously, and easily point out her nistakes. So if you believe what she says youll just be wrong on the issues, and why would you want that?

Women should be at home tending to the household and children. Period. End of story.

I'm sick of all these non-trad "trad" crypto-feminists and their paypig cuck orbiters.

because she isnt fucking them

Mostly because pol is a band of trolls. Lazy trolls with no balls.

Because stormglows are thirsty as fuck

Congratulations, you’ve fucked your own nonwhite kind. Very surprising indeed.

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You say she 'pushes our narrative' but she doesnt, she makes our narrative into a joke, fringe position while 'singing your favourites hits' and dog whistling back to you. She'd have her work shown at festivals otherwise. U actually need to hope she stops.

People hate her because she's a coalburner. That isn't something you can correct.

>I get my political opinions from an old, drying up hole!

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If a woman has real talent and drive, like this one does, then that's retarded. I agree that most women should stay at home, but the rare few that have drive and talent should be allowed to use it. Otherwise you'll just end up with feminism again.
I bleached them. Felt good.

Because of the bucket of crabs mentality. Most people on here would rather spend entire threads arguing over muh purity spiraling and who is a crpto-zionist or has some tiny Jewish heritage somewhere in their bloodline rather than acknowledge that while they are sitting in their basements doing that, these people are actually out there on the frontlines fighting for the cause they supposedly believe in so much.

Not what I said, is it?
She doesn't appeal to me personally, but I know she has an effect in the wider landscape.

Legitimately it's because she reminds a lot of dudes on Jow Forums of the girl who shot them down in high school

This. But it's actually a net gain because there's so much bullshit posted on Jow Forums constantly that any time you see something you have to go look into it yourself and decipher what's up. Anyone who doesn't gets jammed in the pleb filter, so the shilling actually protects the truth - it's the bodyguard of lies. This lets Jow Forums be a source of information for all kinds of crazy shit that might otherwise not come up, while simultaneously making it too chaotic to effectively infiltrate, derail, and steer through false consensus. To be on Jow Forums for any significant length of time is to be cynical, contrarian, and paranoid. It's a naturally hard-sell environment.

Because in the beginning she was a typical product of indoctrination, who only cared about money. Now she is a woman who cares about family. People can't get forgive the words she said when she was a child.

I on the other hand am glad she is becoming a spiritual leader of our people. Hail Frya!

>Yeah, that's cool and all
Daily reminder that her sister's hotter.

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Too skinny

Faggots here hate her because it was leaked that she after all indeed does not have a penis.

>that hollow neck

Cause half the people here are either incels, kikes or 88 puritans.

Im all for 1488, but you gotta keep that thing down if you want to survive the government, and you especially have to keep it down if you do media

>If a woman has real talent and drive
An ex cosplay hoe has real talent and drive? I don't think so. She's making mediocre clickbait tier videos catering to mentally challenged inbred faggots like the Finnish.

It's obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells that she's just in it for the attention and money. She doesn't care one bit about the cause and like most women she'd sell the entire white race down the river in a heartbeat if it benefited her.

She's a tradthot. She should be pregnant, barefoot in the kitchen, married to a white man, and pumping out babies. Instead she sluts it up with shitskins and you faggots white knight her.

The last documentary she made actually changed policy in international politics. That's more than you'll ever achieve. You are a weird dude, sounds like you're personally invested into her.


You've gotta play the long game, gentlemen. She'll gain a little weight after a couple kids and still be a God tier milf.

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It's sad to see how pozzed this board has become. White knighting for a thot is pathetic. Doesn't matter if it's a tradthot or not. No fucking wonder the white race is in the position it's in if you weak faggots are all there is to offer.

Because the "whites" on /pol are underclass tier. They come from broken homes. They don't have college degrees. They can't get pussy.

Studies show that in America, German Protestants are about the worst performing whites. Now imagine the least successful members of the least successful white group in America protected by anonymity on a Hungarian Whip Enthusiasts Forum.....that's why you see the hate.

The "whites" here are n*gs

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>half the people here are
Hah more like 80 percent of the posters here

Gay and fake israeli agent.

Botox lips
Fake last name
Jew lover
Coal burner
Internet whore


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this. I get called a fed cuz I only sorta hate jews.

Nobody is knighting her, you clearly have some insecurities about women that make you delusional. You can't view a woman doing something useful objectively. Seem like a woman yourself desu.

insecure aspiring chads think that publicly hating prominent and effective women on our side makes them seem cool i guess, i don't understand it myself

>They come from broken homes. They don't have college degrees. They can't get pussy.

delete this

Shills hate her, you fucking faggot. The rest of us love her fiercely.

too many of them love Varg, and he thinks their shouldn't be women in our movement.

Are you on vacation Finbro?


That's fine, white men can fuck whatever they want, but white women should only fuck white men. It's a double standard I know and I dont care


Seems like these fags are obssessed with trying their best to appear like they are not white knighting or giving women too much attention. Think they're incels that started reading PUA recently.

there is always going to be disagreement over some issues, that is why there is debate.

This is the 2nd thread I've seen of this hag in 5 minutes. Where are the mods?

Because she fucks nonwhites and only does these docs for money

Posting docs about how europe is being destroyed only cements the reality that its being destroyes. It helps no one and instills a sense of futility in men. Then she tskes her pay and goes to the club with ReadytoDirRone

creating more mutts is not a good idea for whites. don't forget white men fucking around created the mestizo and gave us latin america. and that's a problem we will probably have to deal with for eternity.

nah man, she's always been cool. Regardless of past, Christians forgive.

She didn't make a documentary about mass Third-World immigration, and ethnic and racial cleansing of European Canadians. Why is that? She's just another e-THOT capitalizing on thirsty beta orbiters.

Good god.

wouldn't the traditional approach be to keep women out of politics? that it is a man's game? i don't really care about southern one way or another, but i can see the argument that if one is traditionalist, they should live up to those morals.

It's mostly divide & conquer shills or just actual brainlets that promote hatred towards Lauren Southern.
She is by far the best female promoter of white nationalism right now. She is qute & non-edgy, thus acceptable by undecided normies and that bombarded them with tons of red-pills on white genocide & the rapefugee invasion.

Because your ideology is misogynyst and there is no place for women in it.

Lauren Southern, the anti-feminist, will learn the hard way why do we need feminism

The day of liposuction when?

You need money to live.
She could be doing plenty of other shit for money than going to places filled with shitskins that could kill her. Would probably make more as a generic instagram slut or whatever.

>cannot see longer than their own nose tip
that is very hard for jews

Faggots, the both of you.

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Still too skinny

Stop conflating shills and redditors with all Jow Forumsacks. It's fucking infuriating. Jow Forums is being ruined by immigration, but it's not all rotten yet.

The reason is simple

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wasn't she a confirmed coal burner?

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No. She was a confused teenager, but she never gave away her virginity.

>unmarried barren career womean old slut
Oh yes, the perfect woman.

That guy is not "half black", he's a Sikh.

bleaching lats is easy.


>white people
>on Jow Forums
Most American flags are Hispanics lIke myself

>while simultaneously making it too chaotic to effectively infiltrate, derail, and steer through false consensus.

Agreed. All the different shill operations happening here plus the austistic shitposting NEETs make an effective barrier that stops any one group or narrative from controlling the entire board.

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I've got you, Bongbro!

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Too ugly

Getting blacked really fucks your social status over big league. Sorry, that's just how it works.

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>but she never gave away her virginity.
>She was a confused teenager
The absolute state of this Laurenfag
Great so instead of a negro he's a streetshitter? well that's bett... wait a minute...

Agreed. Any piercing is an instant boner kill and she would be so much fucking better without it.

Perfect figure.

You are homosex

whites don't have enough kids on their own. instead of the lats getting bleached, we get browned.

>Getting blacked really fucks your social status over big league.
And that's only one that we know about it. I'm going to guess that she's fucked other non-Whites, and is still riding the cock carousel.


>Great so instead of a negro he's a streetshitter?
She comes from the Sikh capital of Canada - Surrey, British Columbia.

Lol that dude doesn't look even remotely Sikh.

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No one is giving us refuge.

Home Office won’t even give me a British passport despite my father being born there, even though I have a DNA test proving he’s my father.

I give up. Happy hunting.

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Not the UK since this country is thoroughly cucked. But Russia and Australia will.

>migration destroying europe
How so tho? Let's be quite frankly honest here... nothing is going to change m8. People will keep coming to western European countries because of the job availability. There is no ultimate destruction of europe, it's more as if western Europe or Europe as whole is trying to become a USA 2.0.

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