Sperm Competition

Is there a connection among sperm competition theory and the black stereotypes of larger penises, promiscuity. and relative lack of paternal investment?

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No it's due to testosterone exposure in utero. Black women have a retarded amount of testosterone.

boom. science.

There are multiple studies that show no correlation between race and penis size/fertility. It’s anout how much testosterone you’re exposed to in the womb. My dick is longer and thicker than the majority of pornstars and I’m a 6’2 white male. It has more to do with parents and your own family’s genetics genetics.



No and i am a 5 foot 8 frenchman with a 7.6 inch dick. My 6 foot 1 friend from uganda and his cousin from ghana have 6 inchers. Its BS

Sure thing manlet

t. 7 ft man with a cock that I can hang people with

>being aware of your friend's dick sizes

Lmao totes missed that. Pierre is a cuck