Cycling just doesn’t appeal to me. Too many nutjobs on the road and if it’s a warm day you’ll end up drenching yourself in sweat trying to get past Abdul’s stolen 2004 BMW.
technically 5 minutes., but then i have travel time between each job depending on what i've been assigned that day or week.
Noah Evans
poland will be a superpower again... soon
whether you like it or not
Tyler Adams
The question "How long is your commute?" is repeatedly responded to? What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Do you actually have functioning brains?
Logan Ward
superPOOer more like!!! heheheheheh!!!!!
Cameron White
Fucking pussy. Shut up and go away. You never say anything amusing or interesting and I'm sick of you. Yes, I know I am your only friend but it's over. Post a picture of yourself smeared in butter with you feet fully on display or I will never talk to you again.
Do you not remember the 'freedom of speech' one that soared over the demanded signatures, but all they did was go 'we believe in freedom of speech, but we have to protect muslims and jews'?
Brayden Butler
based wales
Asher White
man I'm so fucking sick of all the gays in my gym literally on average 50% of the men in there are bent I don't want to feel repulsed my entire work out
Chase Foster
Checked, and of course I do, but I stand by my point that we must make our voices heard now so that when the time does come for things to get more interesting we can go back and point out the cancerous growth of this petty tyranny and all the opportunities that were missed to avoid it.
Now are you going to sign or or buy guns? If I were you I'd do both.
Kayden Thomas
can we cross reference this with whiteness?
Alexander Lee
Never forget that American media blamed this Man,yes this one for ''White racism'' over death of some Nigger thug. However cousins from his mother's side are ''dreamers'' and ''undocumented immingrats'' and victims of White racism too.
>that we must make our voices heard now They don't give a fuck. How many "voices were heard" over Brexit and look how they're totally ignoring that.
I'm starting to get to the point where my problem with democracy is not "muh plebs" but just that it is so disarming and pacifying, as if enough marks on enough paper forces the state's hand through sheer weight of ink and wood-pulp.
How many petitions did the burgers make to the King before they declared independence user? How about the Russian and earlier French peasantry?
I know where you're coming from and I can see where this all ends, but we're not at that point yet, not for a good few years at least.
It's just a petition, they will likely ignore it, but we must show them there is pushback and a reservoir of people out there who know what they're up to and won't stand for it.
Sign. It.
Cameron Ross
>Votes agaisnt Leftist EU >Gets more Left than average EU
Literally doesn't even have a single conservative party anymore to represent them
Lads I think that being a bitch of EUrocrats is maybe better than being bitch of BBC Government
you are an absolutely shit poster and a detriment to brit/pol/ as a whole. You post the same anti English shit every time you are here - and that's often more than necessary. Do the entirety of the internet as a whole a favour and fuck off.
Parker Lewis
Its more a map of class The eastern suburbs of London are mainly working class cockney whites and the western and southern suburbs are more posh.
I doubt that many non whites voted considering they didn't really have a reason to care one way or another.
Xavier Rivera
> same anti English shit every time
Hey listen,I didn't came up with any of that.Bin that Knife is what London came up with.The rest of what I post are also actions of other people in UK,not mine.If they don't do it,I wouldn't be able to post it
Ladies and gentleman,the King of all Incels,half English Eliot Rodger himself.This son of a bitch killed 6 people because they didn't want to have sex with him. An inspiration to all future Incel shooters
>Will (Ben Foster) and his teenage daughter, Tom (Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie), had lived off the grid for years in the forests of Portland, Oregon, when their idyllic life was shattered... >
Kevin Fisher
Was out walking the dog last night and could hear a big display off in the distance. The distant thuds and whizzing felt very strange, like hearing a distant artillery barrage or a bombing raid.
Andrew Hill
this is your conductor for Dee Pthroat Station speaking. The fast train to Nutsville will be departing in 10 minutes.