Why does't Europe have tech?

Why isn't there a tech industry in Europe? Surely they have engineers and programmers, but they don't have a single major tech company like a Google, Apple, or Facebook.

>inb4 some obscure euro tech company nobody's heard of

If Europe is an educated, first world continent, why don't they have a euro equivalent of silicon valley?

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because tech companies are a jewish invention and therefor not a good thing

>he's not living in a medieval country
This is why you're unhappy. Enjoy your radiation, faggot.

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Tha's like asking why non-Californians don't have tech industry.

Because Europe is socialist country ruled by retarded EU regulations.

Not enough Indian immigrants.

All good programmers have fucked off to the US of A.

Dijkstra, Stroustrup, Alexandrescu, van Rossum, Hansson, thousands of them.

UK founded ARM, the Japs own it now

Linus Torvalds anyone? You cunts are happy to accept those kinds of immigrants hey?

Too much conformity and the need for consensus.

Nokia was going great until the company got that way...

Europe was a tech hub in past pre war germany.

But after the wars scientists were either taken by americans and soviets.

And after that there was an empty void. All the good scientists go to america now days. Theres ton of europeans there.

>Why isn't there a tech industry in Europe?

Only seven of the world's best-performing 100 tech companies are based in Europe.


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This and the lack of kikes doing financial frauds and questionable data mining shit.

him too, of course
that said, Commiefornia looks less and less sustainable by the day

I wonder where the next hub would be
normies mostly migrate to Texas I heard
or would it be something else altogether?
Singapore? SEZ in China, with some no-nonsense incentives? (like a qt3.14 assistant with benefits if you can code your way out of the bag)

or maybe it would be completely decentralized
the latest big thing, Bitcoin, was that
no one really knows who Satoshi is
maybe that's the future

I dunno

right. What was that, Jante law?

Ever heard of ASML? It’s a Dutch company that practically has a monopoly in making machines that make processors, for example for Intel.

You forgot about Nokia, Ericsson, etc. Especially in Scandinavia there are a lot of telecom and tech companies.

because of taxes basically

taxes for starting companies were too high in all regards and startups generally burn investor money for a couple of years. burn money + high taxes vs burn money + low taxes. it made and still makes a lot more economic sense to have your company in silicon valley

We have SAP Yandex and many others

Sweden's doing fine; Spotify and Skype for 10 million people.

plenty of that stuff in London
and, early Silicon Valley, with all the good stuff, had none of that shit, or at least very little
it's NY thing, not SF/SV.
it's more than just that

I mean, access to capital helps, but let's not go full commie/1488 here
that's stupid
stupid does not make good programmers

>Nokia, Ericsson, etc. Especially in Scandinavia there are
There _were_, Johnny. There WERE. Same for Canada/RIM.
Which is a shame, some decentralization would be nice.

Skype was Estonian

also 1C, Rambler and Oднoклaccники
tech companies
my ass

big tech was created by the us military / is the us military

You mean only hardware? I think its impossible in modern Europe.
Nokia Ericsson Alcatel but they are not only european.

Modern companies work in community MTS+Nokia=5g

Ericsson was bought out by Sony, Nokia... by MS I think?
My point is, they did not really survive, or at least they aren't independent at least.
Whereas Sony/LG/whoever, not to mention American companies, keep growing.

You are assuming that the leaders of Western European nations actually care about the citizens they govern over and want to improve their lives. You shouldn't assume that.

Lol they are same american as those are european

it doesn't seem to me that burger establishment cares about populace much more than European, yet the tech is blooming in the US
so it's probably not (just) about the elites

It's all about investors. In the US you have institutional investors & the MIC who are prepared to invest HUUUGE sums of money for VAST periods of time. They'll happily fund loss making endeavors for DECADES. Here in the UK you'll struggle to get an investor that'll last beyond 3 years, and you'll probably be asset stripped in that time, we are very short termist here.

My local town was Christened the "Information Age town of Ireland" around the millennium. To bring our country into the modern age of technology and such. But it's in title only. It's not the "Silicon Valley" of Ireland, it has like two shitty electronics retail stores. Small-sized, mom-tier stores that also sell refrigerators. Nowadays there are like a dozen phone stores also, but what town doesn't have at least that. It's a bullshit title. Also, I genuinely think we're among the worst website developers in the world.

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Linus Torvald is a dumb fucking monkey nigger

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Silicon Valley was created as a global enterprise. They were well positioned to take advantage of the dot com bubble,to the delight of venture fund investors. "The mothership of start ups"

I'm in NC and we have IBM, Redhat, SAS, Cisco, Epic Games etc...

> but they don't have a single major tech company like a Google, Apple, or Facebook
>biggest enterprise software company - double as large as Oracle

Shove that mess of a language up your ass. Not really, I love you too

based and terrypilled

>Google, Apple, or Facebook.
They are shit though.

Rich people control the market no matter what stupid ideology you like.

Every good tech in the 90's was trashed and replaced with shit (x86, Windows/DOS, ...).
All the big tech companies have ties with questionable shit (Google, Facebook, IBM, Oracle, Tesla...)
London is a known nest of evil kikes too.

If technology and automation exceeds too far then the (Kalergi) narrative that we need all of these black and brown people to prop up the economy, do the jobs we don't want to do etc will completely fall apart.

Taxes being too high and the absurd amount of regulation makes them very uncompetitive. All of their talent comes to the US

Only tech company you mentioned that is actually relevant to the tech industry is Alphabet and subsidiaries.

>inb4 some obscure euro tech company nobody's heard of
>Mentioning these irrelevant companies.

Also...we do have major companies leading in smaller fields, but the big american companies have so much liquidity slushing around the world they cannot repatriate to the US for tax reasons, that they buy up and absorb everything that seems to have any kind of future value.
look at what microsoft payed for skype or Minecraft and such

Because Euro cucks aren't ambitious.
Startups in Europe aim to get brought up by big tech companies as opposed to becoming one.
In the US, you at least have successful startups that refuse offers for the sake of growing.
Snapchat is a perfect example. The owner turned down a few billion from Facebook because he saw his company as having an opportunity to take over the social media market.

>we have Cisco
>name is literally derived from San Francisco
>logo is literally Golden fukken Gate bridge

In Serbia Home company gives 1200$ per month.

Murica gives +100 000 $ per year.

Understand now?
Europe has doer companies, that just do stuff for others but no real innovators.

Siemens, Bosch

Try doing anything in agriculture or flood control without sucking our cock begging for our tech.

Europe exports luxury goods, also mechanical stuff, optics, etc.

$80B a year in revenue
Biggest R&D campus located in NC
World's largest privately owned software company
S&P component, dominant in open source software
>Epic Games
Created the biggest pop culture phenomenon in years with Fortnite

I would wager NC alone has more tech companies than all of Europe

I'm a senior software developer/architect. I don't even want to start a company in Canada because of too much regulation and lack of talent (everyone good moves to the states)

Why the fuck would I want to do that in Europe where there's even more regulation?

>why don't they have a euro equivalent of silicon valley?
Europeans rely way, way to much on government approval and funding since they love dat socialism. All Euro tech is derivative of US tech at this point. The most innovative tech economies are places like Latvia, Finland and other places that either don't have huge military industrial complexes and/or were under Soviet aggression and are just as rabid capitalists as Americans.
Latvia's telecomms and tech sector, for instance, was built by hackers in the '90s and '00s and looks a lot like a tiny version of the US tech sector.
Socialism = stagnation.
Hackers = advancement.

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ARM microprocessors is British

Everything takes more time to change in Europe because we have a strong culture. You are a state of immigrants, you have no culture, you are a melting pot from everything, thus you don't really have a huge ancor to slow you down in innovation. That's how I feel it. Here in Belgium, we have a way to do things, and we don't like to change it, even if it is better. Just because we don't like change. People living in the US are immigrants who craved exploration, change, and innovation.
I'm not saying this to offend anyone

50% of your white engineers come from Europe.
We have a lot of tech companies but they are mostly pro-faced.
The question is more:
>why doesn't Europe have tech giants
And the answer to that is: we have no VCs ready to throw 120 millions in Juicero, in fact we have no VCs at all and banks will laugh at you if you take a loan for anything but building real estate, entrepeneurship just isn't rewarded, people will only agree to fund you once you don't need their money anymore.

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IBM moved here, Cisco opened offices here, Epic was founded in Maryland and is owned by Tencent.
I'll give you SAS and Redhat. NC State produced the only two high value local tech companies. Says a lot about what an awesome school it is.

We certainly have more poos than Europe. Morrisville is little India.

>USA optics on any topic
>We're the best you're trash lol

What do you mean 'tech'? Google is the greatest company (as they think of themselves) for searching porn at web, but really it is not 'tech', just a tool for control of users (mostly Americans)

unironically because Murica is (still) the land of the free

In Europe you have plenty of very competitive companies in sectors like farmaceutics (Bayer bought up Monsanto),chemical companies or mechanical companies (compare american trains or cars with European ones) or electrical companies. There is a reason why the US has a 167 billion $ deficit with the EU.
If by tech you just mean software+hardware it is basically due VCs swing their dicks and throwing 300M dollars in funding to anything that looks promising as there is little sources of funding in Europe outside of banks which are extremelly "conservative" in the way that they invest (real state+big companies+ small family business). For example Cabify ( a promising Spanish start up) barely grew despite amazing profit margins and a good grip on the Spanish speaking markets, until a Japanese company decided to invest heavily on it and Lyft is on its way to buying it. If the company was built in the US with the same results some VC would have thrown a shit load of money for the company to grow agressively fast

>Google, Apple, or Facebook.

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>this is how socialistic countries deal with not having economic incentives for innovation

Regulations and taxation.

Europe has lots of small companies that work on the backbone of the internet/tech, all the bits and pieces you need to keep it running.

What's interesting is that they weren't able to create these global companies that can compete with kikebook/jewtube/etc...or huge hardware providers that could compete with Apple/samsung.