/novaera/ - Vitoriosa edition

Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.

Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Christian. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff
Paulo Guedes - Economy
General Augusto Heleno - Defense
LTC Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology
Judge Sérgio Moro - Justice

VP Elect General Hamilton Mourão interview in English: youtube.com/watch?v=ptHjt5W5ZnY

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g
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Based Witzel

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Why everyone suddenly hates /ourguy/ Magno Malta?

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>The secret is to not brainwash your daughter with the "strong independent women" meme mindset.
How is that even possible? Every piece of mainstream media aimed to girls is trying to indoctrinate them into feminism. Even the government and the schools are shilling feminism to little girls.

in what technical ministry would he fit?
none, and yet he wants to be in one

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He's useless.

He'll crack down on pedophilia

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Are you still seeing NPCs complaining?

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Pirula just made a video about global warming mimimi

He is deeply involved in the previous government. he represent old politics, He might not be corrupt but I wouldn't bet on it.

boy, i remember this talking point, at the time i even though it made some sense, he wasn't all that popular back then and PT was still strong.

LMAO this show is based

Lefty media will be on suicide watch when Senor brings it back

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huge red flag right there

(((Senor Abravanel)))

He has never been /ourguy/. Stop cheering for any random retard who sucks Bolsonaro's dick.
He has always been close to whichever government is in power. He's a traditional politician. He was rejected in his home state, they didn't elect him as senator. He lost to a couple of literal-whos.
He doesn't have the skills to be a minister, and Bolsonaro said he would nominate technical ministers.
His history with the paedophilia CPI is sketchy as fuck. The guy he accused was later proven to be innocent. He ruined the guy's life for nothing.

>hurr Bolsonaro trusts him
Yeah, Bolsonaro trusted Alberto Fraga, and look at what he's doing now with the Estatuto do Desarmamento.

Malta is a snake, anyone can see that, and we should put pressure on Bolsonaro not to make him a minister.

Yeah I don't like the guy's face. Doesn't look trustworthy.

>He is deeply involved in the previous government.
Is he, though? I mean, everyone has seen his pic with Lula and Dilma, but did he wield any power back in the PT administrations?

O judeu fecha com Bolsonaro.

If he got one pedo who later got freed he has a better track record than common courts

Btw this is Magno in 2014. Calling him an opportunist when he was the first guy to endorse Bolsonaro's run for president and campaign for him is retarded.



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The guy is good at predicting elections, I'll give you that. Best friends with Lula then Dilma and now Lord Bolso.

I don't think he's linked with the international zog hell.
But given all the game shows, the schemes and shit, he definitively got the joo in the blood.

how will you guys deal with the satanists in the catholic church?

I’m absolutely against him becoming a minister, but he definitely needs a job in an anti-pedo secretary or committee because in Nordeste there are plenty of miserable communities full of families who won’t think twice to sell some underage pussy for a quick buck.
hello Mallone Morais

Reminder that leftists biggest fear is Bonoro doing a great job and becoming the best president that Brazil ever had

> Calling him an opportunist when he was the first guy to endorse Bolsonaro's run for president and campaign for him is retarded
That's exactly what opportunists do, they lurk until they see an opportunity that most people don't see. Then they grab onto it. Malta hasn't been supporting Bolsonaro since 2014. AFAIK he only gave him his support after Dilma's impeachment. And Malta wasn't a relentless supporter of Bolsonaro - why didn't him accept the invitation to be vice-president? Probably because he believed in his ability to be elected as a senator more than in Bolsonaro's ability to be elected to the presidency.

it’s impossible, it’s ultimately the responsibility of the Vatican and they don’t give a shit, specially since we have a c.uck pope now.
I bet they got rid of Raztinger because he tried to dig some dirt.

The standards are so low that he only needs to not crash the economy to get reelected.

Wait, Bolsonaro invited Magno Malta to be his vice-president?

What the hell was he thinking?

Yes, and MM rejected it. Kek.

I love Bolsonaro but he's not a very intelligent man.

he just gave him a nomination, the same way he did for Janaina Paschoal and Luiz Ohilippe, it doesn’t mean he was intending on confirming him for the job

And mostly important, zero tolerance with corruption and crimes,naming Moro for minister show that this zero tolerance will succeed.
Bolsonaro election already bring a lot of investment for our country. Paulo Guedes privatizing, ending some state companies , plus Onix promise of cutting public commissioners will reduce and help on taxes.

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Wich day they want to vote the bad version of PL3722

they wont

If Magno malta becomes minister he will be like the hawkeye of the team, no one's favorite hero

Are you sure? Im kinda worried, the original version was great, it could very well pass next year
If Bolso hits that and previdence reform he is set

Was about to ask that.
Yesterday i saw a bunch of macacos posting about this shitty PL and wanted to know if it is/was just a ruse or if it is for real

I'm not one to trust wikipedia, but just read his to get an idea.

It seems possible. I saw on television that Maia may allow it because fraga was pressuring him. It should be voted this week if no one intervenes. Also little question: what doed the original PL says about rifle ownership?

Either Minister of Family or Minister of National Integration (btw, I work there). Why this? Because half of Espírito Santo is at Sudene region

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If i'm not mistaken it doesn't change anything when it comes to which guns are legal or not, it's just a PL to review the bureaucracy required but don't quote me on that

Bolsonaro himself said they have been together for over four years, he even wanted him as VP and said they prayed together every week for the last few years either he's the smartest forecaster in the world (who should be hired by Nate silver), calling him opportunistic is dumb

That was the original version but the current version doesn't remove the bureaucracy, the 25 years age requirement or any other requirement, and it decreases the number of guns you can own.

We are so close godammit

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Even if he ismnt opportunist he shouldnt be a minister. The "ministery of family" sounds like a bad meme, we dont need that. Put him in a important place but not a minister

Bolsonaro didn't say four years, he said TWO years, which coincides with Dilma's impeachment.


>what doed the original PL says about rifle ownership

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Seems alright, except for the part that it would allow even criminals to buy weapons

who cares about brazil, you're literal chimps living in the jungle, fuck off shill.

Mais de dois, não dois.
Read congressional speeches by both if you started following politics this year and you'll see you're wrong btw. It's easy to find in the websites of the chamber and senate

Fuck off Michel you suck at baseball.

t. Arab

go eat sopa de macaco at the favela gulihermo

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t. had arabs for presidents

we are your masters and overlords, even before that, since the portugese raped you and before that we raped them.

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Meant for

There's a big difference between two and four. It's obvious Malta jumped ship when Dilma's popularity fell.

Regardless, being friends with Bolsonaro is not how ministers should be picked.

>muh malta
Why do people pretend to care about this guy now?

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This isnt the one going to voting is it?

It's not obvious, it's actually false. Do what I said since you're obviously started following politics this year
Also learn2read

bunch of demented cunts had to ruin all the free advertising they were getting in the name of tolerance.
jesus what the fuck.
this is our version of the 2016 U.S. elections, the cuck factor will be up to eleven if bigger orgs see this angle as a potential sales increase.
remember skol's 'comentário quadrado'?
can't wait to adopt my chimpanzuelano and raise a corgi instead of a kid.

If you get a speeding ticket or go to jail for not paying alimony you shouldn't lose your rights

Bolsonaro said it himself in the video that it's over 2 years, not 4. Are you brain dead? How is it fake if he said it himself?

Nope, it'll be fragas version that messes everything up

Wait what happened

we never did, shills tried to force this guy here. Everytime we would call them on their bullshit they would only reply something like "t. Pedo".

user, 4 years > 2 years.
Humanities student?

No they arte talking about the original version.

the original 'nova era' and 'tá com medo petista?' memes for some reason involved pitu's brand.

Ah nevermind, I see it now. Those fucking cucks.



It's near two years or he would have said more than 3 years or 4 years.
Do you not grasp human language monkey?

.t Got jewed by anglos

I don't have portuguese blood so I don't care about them or their spawn

Then why did he say 2, and not 4? It's patently obvious that if it were for significantly longer than 2 years, Bolsonaro would have said 3, 4, 5, whatever. Why the fuck are you so intent on defending Magno Malta? Jesus.

>mfw Brazil goes full Citizen and births the Federation

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Old news, but sure spread it.

I wish I lived in Japan

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Because the current team is awesome, including hin to the team would make them all look bad( and the ministery of family is stupid)

>I just decided to eat a hot dog minutes before the test would start

This is totally the version he's telling his parents to justify his lazy ass getting there late.

I don't want Magno Malta but he's bound to take some meh ministers eventually, we don't have enough based people to fill an entire team here.

Yeah but you shouldnt be allow to own a gun legally if you have commited murder. It should be forbidden to anyone who has commited a heinous crime


Of course we would! The ministery is literally the only seat he could take because its a meme that needs 0 qualification. Get rid of that and we get rid of Malta

Bolsonaro teria conseguido se eleger se não tivesse participado do Superpop toda semana para conseguir popularidade?

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based velho barreiro

Super pop quase fodeu ele com a polemics do "vc deixaria seus filhos pegaren uma negra?". Also sempre vou amar como rolou boas previsoes la


He thought he still needed the TV time. Well, good for him that no one cares anymore about it. Next elections will be full social network

Essa porra foi no CQC.

By the time he started going to Superpop the country knew who he was already. It really was the kit gay that propelled him.

He is just a preacher and think he deserves to be at a ministry. I know Evangelical people think their preachers receive knowledge from God, but this is no excuse to put him in charge of something important like the pension system.

Somehow Bolsonaro's opponents didn't explore the fact that he was a chicken fucker

Lula admitted he fucked a goat before even being famous.