Quick question

Quick question.

How can we improve Japan to America level?
I want to make Japan superpower for once!

Attached: japan-flag.gif (390x265, 5K)

Open the borders. Immigration made America a superpower and if Japan opens their borders they will greatly benefit.

Improve in what way?

End the BOJ and let them build a robot army
0/10 bait

You need about 500 mil and a large amount land to have a domestic market impervious to international trade. That's how you get to say fuck you to international conglomerates like China says fuck you to Google and shit. Japan is just big enough to have its own industry in a lot of things but not big enough to have everything.

It is true that power is strongly correlated to population size.
It is no wonder that America became superpower by accepting immigrants.

So,,, exactly HOW MANY people should we accept?

It's not possible to expand our land these days.
Is there more realistic plan to implement?

Economic, social, cultural and millitary power.

We want to make Japan super power

You could fill in the Sea of Japan? Dokdo is Korea though.

Just make anime real.