Quick question

Quick question.

How can we improve Japan to America level?
I want to make Japan superpower for once!

Attached: japan-flag.gif (390x265, 5K)

Open the borders. Immigration made America a superpower and if Japan opens their borders they will greatly benefit.

Improve in what way?

End the BOJ and let them build a robot army
0/10 bait

You need about 500 mil and a large amount land to have a domestic market impervious to international trade. That's how you get to say fuck you to international conglomerates like China says fuck you to Google and shit. Japan is just big enough to have its own industry in a lot of things but not big enough to have everything.

It is true that power is strongly correlated to population size.
It is no wonder that America became superpower by accepting immigrants.

So,,, exactly HOW MANY people should we accept?

It's not possible to expand our land these days.
Is there more realistic plan to implement?

Economic, social, cultural and millitary power.

We want to make Japan super power

You could fill in the Sea of Japan? Dokdo is Korea though.

Just make anime real.

None. Your country is fine the way it is. You don't need immigrants subverting your culture.

Get rid of all Japanese and replace with whites. Japan will become great .


Are you jokeing

We didn't become a super power by accepting immigrants you retard . The immigrants coming are a result of our economic status . White people plus freedom equals super power plain and simple

wait, so you think native americans build your nation and later some immigrants coming into your nation?

haha. all of you are offsprings of immigrants. Are you aware of it? you are not native in America...

Japan could easily accomplish superpower status by absorbing Korea (80 mil), Manchuria (120 mil), and Taiwan (23 mil). That would bring Japan close to USA-tier in population and large part of the world's industry.

And you're aware that we genocided our natives

Attached: native_genocide.gif (1047x542, 351K)

>So,,, exactly HOW MANY people should we accept?
I wouldn't put a hard quota or number on it. Basically just accept anyone or any family that wishes to move to Japan. That's what the US did, we took anyone we could. Now the United States is the most powerful country.
No one in the world is going to let Japan do that. Better for Japan to just open the borders.

From what is available for semi peaceful conquest:
Paying every inhabitant of Madagascar to leave the country 10 times the the annual income of $400 to get out of the country.
400 x 25 million should be manageable by Japan.

Attached: Q2wr8bv.jpg.png (1300x700, 60K)

Keep doing what you are doing and bide your time. America's fall is soon, and after a long night the world will need a new hegemon

>So,,, exactly HOW MANY people should we accept?

The US has the area to back up the increasing population,
For Japan any immigrant with an IQ below 105 is only unnecessarily using up limited resources.

Attached: pisa-native-immigrant-gap.jpg (1134x672, 89K)

coronize austraria


z e r o

Let the yakuza print money.

its the number 3 global economy by total gdp. japan got a free trade deal with europe who they had increase their exports to by about 9.3% in the second quarter of this year and increase them to china by about 11%

what a super power is kind of is just a matter of opinion. i mean some say russia isnt one and others say america is the only one. at this point you would need to be number 1 in everything to end any debate

>long life expectancy
>high iq
>low crime rate
>low unemployment
>high literacy rate
>health care caused bankruptcy nonexistent

japans not doing that bad relatively speaking

gr8 b8 m8 r8 (14)8/8/

Adding to this, people with an IQ below roughly 85 are considered worthless, even as cannon fodder, by the US Armed forces.
So even with infinite resources immigration of this kind could be considered a net loss.

Attached: world-IQ-map-becker-2018.png (1155x619, 173K)

We tried that once. Didn't work out too well. You don't want your DNA altered further for another 100 years do you? Best just find a qt, raise a family and know your place.

Attached: 1537495810751.jpg (490x392, 75K)

Exchange Article 9 to Section 9.
Bring back your God-Emperor as rightful ruler.
You see those islands? Those are yours to take.
Chinks? Fuck 'em, with a bayonet.
Gooks? Fucke 'em, literally.
Start taking back what's rightfully yours.
Burgers getting annoying? Make sure you send all the Zero waves you planned. Fuck Hawaii.
Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oink Oink Oink! Get those waito piggus the chinks are already subverting them. They are yours. Fuck 'em.
Build some nukes. Pay back with interest. World don't need to know you got them. Hide them in your demilitarized vassal island that think they are autonomic with their own flag and shit speaking Swed- some other language than yours.
That's a start.

Japan is already one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Literally do not do this, unless you want to destroy Japan forever.