Republicans have a better chance at taking both the house and the senate than the Democrats.
Uh guys what's happening?
What are the implications of winning the house vs the Senate?
where are they pulling these "chances" out of? Looks like a betting site.
We already own the house bigly. But are nearly tied in the Senate. Taking control of both even more will allow us to get more stuff done.
>Looks like a betting site.
LMAO first time i faggot on Jow Forums made me laugh.
Because the Dems have ZERO chance at the Senate.
The House is essentially the lower house. The Senate is more authoritative. Each state gets exactly 2 senators and house representatives are based on population
But the House is in charge of investigations, and starts impeachment
Basically if republicans lose the house, DC goes into gridlock mode because all legislation must past through the House before it goes to the Senate, meaning every piece of legislation will get blocked because FUCK DRUMPF and for 2 years nothing will get done.
The house is everything right now.
It is a model by 538. They have three versions. A polls only, one that adds Fundementals (like fundraising, incumbency and previous elections margins) and the third adds raters like Cook or Sabato.
The idea is that the house representatives are supposed to lobby for the people in their district, whereas the Senate focuses more on their entire state. But of course it's just turned in to voting for the party
Not much, other than the House can start impeachment proceedings but they are judged by the Senate.
If Dems take the house they will waste 2 years on impeachment talk that has zero chance of going anywhere. (Also takes 2/3rds of the Senate to convict and they have 0 chance of that.)
People panic about this buy the republicans held all branches of government for two years and didn't do jack shit anyway.
True but this time we have a Republican president that is actually doing something
The House initiates revenue bills and articles of impeachment, while the Senate approves treaties, judicial appointments, cabinet appointments, and actually tries the president after the House votes to impeach him.
What we told you would happen
Foreign student brainlet on burger politics here
What does the House do vs the Senate? Which is more important for Trump to have control of if he can only hold onto one of them?
Lets pretend the second poll isn´t just with 10 people (which it is), why are you afraid of Reps loosing the Senate?
Senate, purely for the cabinet and judicial appointments
you need 2/3 of the senate to impeach.
Ain't going to happen
Ha, wasn't it 6 in 7 the other day Dems would win the House?
Just polls only
>senate in charge of treaties
Can't Trump completely sidestep the House by putting all the laws in treaties?
>what is the filibuster
Everything is different now because of Trump. Democrats will stop at nothing to make him look bad.
Fuck off OP time stamps on graphic are the same.
Senate will be red, house is unknown.
Don't forget you need proof of wrongdoing.
No, you need 2/3 of the senate to remove from office. A simple majority in the house may impeach. (Won't happen.)
of course they won't, its not even about impeachment anymore even if they say it is, it's about completely stopping every piece of legislation so that Trump has to go through executive orders to get anything done which can easily be reversed.
This is why they went to such great lengths to trash Kavanaugh's name, that seat can't just be reversed, it's a lifetime appointment and will be the final 'answer' on many issues that get appealed all the way to the SC.
Trump has put 100% of his energy into bullshit rallies instead of doing his fucking job
Technically yes but there's no specific safeguard to prevent a partisan house from impeaching anyways with articles which they know are BS and will be tossed out by the senate.
His job is getting Republicans elected so he can pass his agenda.
And he can't do his job without Republicans in the house and senate. So he's campaigning.
He can't do his job if the Republicans lose power, user...
>you need proof of wrongdoing.
imma make so much money when the republicans storm the house. keep them odds low bitches. 2016 all over again. if i knew about political betting in 2016 I'd be on a yacht.
So how does it work? Can stuff get done without house approval or legislation being started? And could they hold back Trumps agenda?
Or is the house just a bunch of community organisers that focus on shit like habitats for endangered moths etc?
No, his job is to do *his* job. Not talking shite to rednecks. Other Republicans can rally for themselves on their own merits. He has been given the job for 4 years, he should be doing it 100%.
What do you use
Hold on, I think the shit I took this morning might be more accurate.
He has been doing his job WHILE rallying, he basically single handedly remade NAFTA while rallying
The Senate needs to confirm for it to be anything more binding than a House Resolution that Tuesday is not Pizza Day.
how can someone so JUST looking be okay with themselves looking like that on TV
my god
Brainlet here.
But won’t the Democrats risk everything for 2020 if they go full blockade mode?
Bullshit, rallying is like pillow talk. It must take a huge effort to maintain the schedule he has set out, and that should be energy spent on being the president, not acting like he is not the president.
Their push polls will lose all credibility after this election.
The big twist is that republican gain in the house and lose the senate
screencap this
The most important job of being president is being the figurehead of the administration. They don't have nearly as much power as people think. He's actually doing his job, picking up the slack for these GOP shitters. If he keeps the house, then the new duty of the acting president will be doing these rallies.
Both legislatures need to pass a bill.
Look how wrong you are.
Yes, they need to do something worthwhile in these next 2 years, like literally fucking anything. They're currently running on not doing their jobs which on panders to the most rabid anti-trumpers. They need to rebuild their platform and start offering something to voters again to even have a shot but trump is going to snipe dude weed and healthcare before 2020 and leave them with nothing.
Of course he's wrong. Look at the flag.
they can't
their only power is blocking trump from doing anything
it's not a winning strategy in the long run. they have no message, not even a slogan
they should unironically make their slogan "Orange man bad"
Well currently they don't exactly have the best crop of candidates for 2020. 2020 is looking like a pretty solid win for Trump if everything keeps going as it is.. Incumbents are incredibly hard to beat in Presidential elections, and Democrats know this.
I suspect they may already know that 2020 is a lost cause and just focusing their efforts on gaining the House trying to cause as much disruption and chaos as possible to force the public to turn on Trump era politics back into more a more progressive socialist collective-esque policies.
Also you have to think about immigration demographics (a group that HEAVILY votes Democrat)
Think about how many less Republican voters there will be in 2024 and how many MORE minorities who are eligible to vote there will be.
2024 is what they are focusing on for Presidency, but until then it's anti-trump everything no matter what. There is no going back.
>As both the majority house and senate, I call to imbeach Trump for the crime of putting hot sauce in his guac
what he said
So when Ruth B. Ginsberg dies and Taco Justice's health fails, Trump's new nominees won't be put through the wringer like Brett K. However, we need the house if only to avoid stalemates and the necessity of making deals with traitors/democrats in the house.
but what about herp derp don't trust polls
oh wait you're all hypocrite bootlickers, nvm
owning the libs
House can impeach
DJT's job is to maintain a healthy America, and he's doing exactly that. If Russian armored divisions were spearheading their way through Alaska, I would support his continual campaigning.
when the polls that said that it was a shoe in that Republicans would lose bpth hpuse and senate suddenly say that senate is solid R and house in in play, you have to be sceptacle of them
anytime you use the term bootlicker you out yourself as either commie or libertarian.
Two different colored candies, same flavor of faggot.
Not even a little bit. You can impeach for any reason.
Bullshit. He did most of the things he promised except the ones that require supermajority. You're just an NPC believing What the media says.
But the senate would actually try the case. A blue house impeachment would get nowhere in a red senate.
kek is chaos
How did you get that 77.9% number? I got 84.5% when i went to the site
Obama golfed
Trump holds rallies and talks to real people, he's a hands on and personable leader.
For a guy who get's blanketed negative media coverage daily, he's doing a pretty good job.
ride tide
republicans will hold the house
republicans will hold the senate and may get a supermajority
trump will get two more supreme courts seats by 2020 (ginsjew and spic woman)
trump will be reelected in 2020
trump will get another supreme court seat by after reelection (clerance thomas resigns)
trump will obliterate the left
what an exciting timeline
>Too uncouth for my refined taste
nobody fucking cares, our country is doing better than ever, Q2 growth rate over 4% despite constant fed rate hikes, meanwhile your country is falling straight to zero rapidly. RIP britbongs
Democrats have been so focused on trump that they forgot the whole point of being in office is to be there for the american people. Meanwhile trump and his administration has been focused on helping the american people
Geeee.. I wonder why democrats are such fucking losers
who is that woman?
Trump has accomplished amazing things, though. We don’t necessarily want new laws every day, you know.
Trump's taken 149 golf trips, tho...
All on the weekend.
this is bullshit...with flake, mccain, cunt senator from alaska, and cunt senator from maine, trump has not had a reliable majority in the senate...i still seethe when thinking about loser mccain voting down the skinny repeal act in the wee hours of the morning
with kavenaugh on the supreme court, trump is now getting a reliably constitutional court, trump getting the two supreme courts seats alone makes his presidency worth it
combine that with the white hot economy hes growing, reduction in regulation, pulling out of the paris accord, rebuilding the military, protecting the border, being tough on iran, defusing the north korea situation, being tough on europe/getting germany and other states to pay their fair share for defence, ending the war on coal, making the usa the number one producer of crude oil, moving to make usa energy independent, lowering taxes, the list goes on and on
still not tired of winning though
Usually, presidents don't actively campaign during mid term elections. Trump has literally done nothing but hold rallies almost every single day for almost 2 months now, costing taxpayers millions upon millions of dollars.
When he's not listening to his cult chant catch-phrases at his indoctrination ceremonies, he's out playing golf and enriching himself on his own golf clubs.
if he were to lose the house, he would rule by executive order like obama until he won the house back to get his policies from the executive orders put into law, but hes going to keep the house so that a moot point
lol nate tin actually increased the chances of the reps holding the house?
seems like a win is inevitable for the reps.
McCain was a complete piece of dogshit for what he did to our republic.
Any what did Obama do? Hit the links at 9 am Monday morning? Can you establish that his 300 golf trips were not also on the weekend, if the weekend makes it okay?
KYS faggot. Commies arent human.
That’s exactly the problem. Jow Forums thinks it’s smarter than polls.
Trump is about to become an Emperor (as destined). History is already written.
Feels super comfy. Look what happens with Bolonsaro. This is 2016 all over again.
Trump will have a supermajority. Screenshot this.
It's over.
Pack it up boys, he's done.
Is that all you NPCs can do is mindlessly parrot the most basic rhetoric? Unable to make an argument, literally can't respond with anything but the most brainlet edgy kid reply.
Ask yourself this; if it was the opposite situation and Obama was holding 25+ political cheerleader rallies in a single month, how would you have reacted? Oh wait, we already know how, you would all be throwing an autistic tantrum about "king nigger" Obama.
Literally nothing happening for the next two years.
Why don't you look at something meaningful, like the fact that the GDP growth rate under Trump is going well above projected trends, Q2 just being corrected Upward 4.2%. Constant FED rate increases as well, which was completely stagnant for 7 years under Obama. Arguing about golfing instead of any quantifiable differences, good grief.
The have zero chance in the house as well.