The reason why the gaming industry is so shit right now is literally because of capitalism. No system would allow multi gorillion dollar to shamelessly squeeze every little penny out of the consumer's pocket while providing an ever worsening lineup of shitty games to be consumed by the brainless masses. Capitalism is also making the video game industry miserable. The free market is obviously a hilarious farce, who are you kidding? Take the final red pill user, the revolution awaits.
The reason why the gaming industry is so shit right now is literally because of capitalism...
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The reason the gaming industry is so shit is because people have shit taste.
better dead than red
>complains about brainless masses but wants to give them the means of production
anytime someone brings up communism i instantly understand that they are retarded and beyond saving.
Marx was a fucking juden
Never trust a fucking juden
>SJWs are commies
>SJWs are killing gaming by forcing companies to bend to their retarded commie politics
>capitalism is killing gaming
Hmm, really activates those almonds.
Do you have the original gif of this?
>implying video games would ever exist with communism
Video games take too much time away from working that factory comrade