I wonder if deep down, some of these over-the-top SJW types secretly vote Trump at the ballot

I wonder if deep down, some of these over-the-top SJW types secretly vote Trump at the ballot.

Hear me out.

They are so sick of being a literal living joke that they desperately want out, while not being brave enough to admit it to their (((friends)))

I bet it's more common than you think, retards

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Have to admit, I pretend to be liberal green while really voting for the Finns party. And only because there isn't a more radical nationalistic party to vote for.

Yeah man that's what I'm saying.

I bet it definitely happens, and to those that do it, thank you!

damn keanu what went wrong

>voting for the party you hate so you can virtue signal even harder than before

fucking wouldnt doubt itLOLOL

After Jow Forums

My thoughts are that at least a few of them must realize what an absolute pathetic joke they really are, but aren't courageous enough to tell their newfound shitlib friends

Couldn't handle the original red pill?

Smoking a cigarette with a smoothy for starters.

Lots of people just repeat liberal talking points to fit in but vote right.

At least a few of them, almost definitely. But then there are probably just as many in the same situation on the other side. People want to be liked and accepted by other people around them, generally speaking, so they will say and do things publicly to try and be accepted. Voting is still a private affair though.

It's called 'shy tory' syndrome, been around for a long time.


for sure...secret/stealth trump voters are always gonna be a factor in elections, that no pollster can account for really.

100%. I don't think the rabid twitter lunatics do, although some might vote for him because it gives them meaning in life. I'm sure 50% of the outspoken celebreties vote Republican though.

His approval ratings are too high to assume every person you talked too is rabidly anti-Trump.

Even people here say "No Canadians like Trump!"
Yet Doug Ford wins a major landslide and Liberal SJW tactics get them out of official party status.

"I'm not an SJW, I just play one on TV."

no. this is boomer thinking. boomers always imagined that liberals, blacks jews etc. secretly are conservatives. no sjw's secretly support trump.

stop this kind of wishful thinking, it's part of the cuckservative mentality.

>drinking a protein shake
>smoking a cigarette


the cigarette is probably partly for appetite control

I wonder if anyone votes for Trump because they LOVE that they have a big boogieman to blame for everything since they had their Jesus Christ Superstar Obama who they acted like was the personification of HOPE and PROGRESS when he really didn't do shit.

>Welcome to the shit Tay

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This is true in a lot of circles. Not just crazy sjws. A lot of black people vote trump but are afraid to admit it.

I've seen pictures of him doing this before. He just sits on a park bench eating a sandwich. he looks like he be a construction worker on a coffee break.

>A lot of black people vote trump but are afraid to admit it.
A lot of White normies voted and will vote for Trump, but won't tell anyone. It's getting dangerous to admit in public to supporting Trump. You could get beat up. People who support Trump are getting coffee and drinks thrown on them, etc.

He’s a bit of a loner.

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Have you heard the shit he's been through? More like what went right

I just wanna be his friend and smoke spirits with him

He seems like he’s a legit down to earth guy to hang out with. He doesn’t live that Hollywood lifestyle.

Coffee and drinks
>2018 not eating your coffee

I wondered that about Gamergate - what if a significant number of the journos/developers whatever didn't like it because it forced them into a position to have to pretend to be SJWs, and provoked the genuine SJWs so much to start talking about socjus that it became a pain for the fakes to keep playing along. Also what if the fakes just hoped socjus would go away on its own and saw Gamergate as a thing that would make the genuine SJWs more entrenched and dug in.

That’s the face of a man that was forced to date a tranny to get funding for his movies

Fucking hell, I just googled that and it’s real. I take back everything I said bajut him. Fuck this trans loving faggot

Attached: 35B8E843-61C4-4A6A-97B9-FF1DD132C5E6.jpg (620x500, 114K)

maybe sometimes, idk what happened on 2016 election day but i think you had a lot of people decide 'yeah ill try voting for trump for laughs' within 3 days of that election. it was a nutty final 3 months at least...... peace bro

here in michigan you had a lot of people fill in the presidential ballot blank or with joke entries which undoubtedly had to have helped trump in the end because those werent HRC votes. crazy isnt it. michigan is fucking weird. must be being so close to canada, or something.

Telling a coworker I was voting Trump was one of the biggest workplace mistakes I've made.

James Woods says there are plenty, but they stay quiet so they can keep acting

well yeah people are generally blue pilled retards dude.

He has had a really tough personal life. Hes successful at acting but he straight up just gives most of his money away because hes too depressed to enjoy it

For example, of the 114 million he made from the matrix movies he just gave away 80 of it

I’m a registered Democrat. I voted for Obama and Kerry and I voted red down ticket in 2016 and I will again Tuesday.
I’m still a registered Democrat and that won’t change.

Cut him some slack lad. Last time he knocked up a woman, his son was stillborn. Dude's all kinds of fucked up.

why are u here fucking faggot go away

Twitter won't give him his blue checkmark.

So your plan is to stay registered as a democrat and continue voting red? Do you think the democrats are going to magically change in 2024? 2028?

He’s also gay and not planning to come out, which isn’t easy on the psyche pretending for so long.

>dad leaves him when his 3
>suck at school from dyslexia
>best friend dies
>girlfriend has stillborn child
>few weeks later she dies in a car accident
>his sister gets leukemia right after

Keanu on his last day his dad bothered to see him
“On our last day we sat on the veranda and stared at the dark sky. He hardly said anything that evening. The next day he brought us to the airport. Then we didn’t hear anything from him for 10 years. No calls, no letters, nothing.”

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We’ve all been through some shit. We didn’t all starting dating men pretending to be women because of it.

I really thought he was one of the few good Hollywood stars left in the world.

Nigga ain't got shit on kelsey grammers life

nigga knows how to shoot too, he's not like all the other hollyfag actors that just play with them on camera

Basically what made the 2016 US presidential election what it was.
The media made Trump a dirty word, so it completely blind-sided them when just under half of the country supported him.
Their pride made their loss 20x worse than it would have been otherwise.

>he looks like he be a construction worker on a coffee break.

You mean a Mexican

Nothing went wrong, Keanu is peak aesthetics

no, what happened?

Not only knows how to shoot, he's exceptional. Very few people can reach this level.

I've always been "that guy" at work, so I give no fucks if the entire world knows that I support Trump.

>I wonder if deep down, some of these over-the-top SJW types secretly vote Trump at the ballot.
Just as well - they likely all get high and pass out and never even get out to vote, then wake up well after the vote closes.

I pretend to be liberal irl because I need the social advantages, nothing more. I have no collectivist inclinations in my mind and do not live life that way. Words however can be true or false within casual conversation without much negative impact. Rather just lie all the time then deal with constant argument that I perceive as literal nonsense in the the context of my experiences on this planet.

Fuck off.
His pregnant GF died in a car crash.

holy fucking shit, this truly disappointing that keanu dated some trans freak :( and yes i am a incel neet hikikomori, i just put this out here inb4 anybody else so if i get sued for saying trans freak faggot, they can't use it against me because i said it first!!!!!!!!! SUCK ON THAT SPOOKS AND GLOW NIGGERS!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was registered D but changed it to R this year, already voted straight red absentee.

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why do you faggots register in a party? What difference does it make if you vote whatever the hell you want?