I wonder if deep down, some of these over-the-top SJW types secretly vote Trump at the ballot

I wonder if deep down, some of these over-the-top SJW types secretly vote Trump at the ballot.

Hear me out.

They are so sick of being a literal living joke that they desperately want out, while not being brave enough to admit it to their (((friends)))

I bet it's more common than you think, retards

Attached: 1540313765145.png (984x1266, 1.39M)

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Have to admit, I pretend to be liberal green while really voting for the Finns party. And only because there isn't a more radical nationalistic party to vote for.

Yeah man that's what I'm saying.

I bet it definitely happens, and to those that do it, thank you!

damn keanu what went wrong

>voting for the party you hate so you can virtue signal even harder than before

fucking wouldnt doubt itLOLOL

After Jow Forums

My thoughts are that at least a few of them must realize what an absolute pathetic joke they really are, but aren't courageous enough to tell their newfound shitlib friends

Couldn't handle the original red pill?

Smoking a cigarette with a smoothy for starters.

Lots of people just repeat liberal talking points to fit in but vote right.