Have to admit, I pretend to be liberal green while really voting for the Finns party. And only because there isn't a more radical nationalistic party to vote for.
Jace Ortiz
Yeah man that's what I'm saying.
I bet it definitely happens, and to those that do it, thank you!
Eli Scott
damn keanu what went wrong
Isaac Cooper
>voting for the party you hate so you can virtue signal even harder than before
fucking wouldnt doubt itLOLOL
Ethan Nelson
After Jow Forums
Lincoln Rodriguez
My thoughts are that at least a few of them must realize what an absolute pathetic joke they really are, but aren't courageous enough to tell their newfound shitlib friends
Jacob Ortiz
Couldn't handle the original red pill?
Camden Morales
Smoking a cigarette with a smoothy for starters.
Nathaniel Reed
Lots of people just repeat liberal talking points to fit in but vote right.