"The Cold War is over"

>Unfortunately, this long-game outlasted their communist government
The view of many people through-out the west is that with the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Communism was defeated. They are wrong.
Communism was never a national movement confined to the Soviet Union or tied to any other single country. It was always International in scope. In fact, the internationalists rejected Stalinism in the 50s, which raises questions about the official explanation for the Sino-Soviet split (Ostensibly because of DeStalinization, which is strange because the Chinese Communists and other International Socialists rejected Stalinism marxists.org/history/etol/document/fi/1950-1953/fi-3rdcongress/1951-congress12.htm )

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Other urls found in this thread:


In fact, the collapse of the USSR in 1991 helped
the Communist cause far more than it hurt it, because when the USSR fell, westerners were happy to be done with the Cold War, they let their guard down and repeated loudly and often "We won, Communism is over", despite the fact that Communist governments everywhere but Russia and Eastern Europe were still going strong. m.youtube.com/watch?v=et-s_GnUNBw
In reality, and completely off the radar of people who group Communism and the USSR together as one entity, China has been directly and indirectly funding leftist student groups and the Ethnic Studies programs around the US since their Third World Movement in the 1960s.
Bill Clinton, the first President who was a product of leftist education in the 60s pretty much handed them carte blanche in 1997, when after the US Navy base in the port of Long Beach was closed during the post cold war BRAC, he gave the land and port to China. During that time, many other Dem led state governments sold airports and toll highways (though not the long term maintenance, which we still pay for) to China for a quick cash infusion and there was a massive scandal throughout the 90s of China giving political donations to Democrats and the DNC. nytimes.com/1998/05/18/us/clinton-says-chinese-money-did-not-influence-us-policy.html
This may have been their plan all along

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Putin keeps launching daily cyber-warfare attacks against the West and threatening us with nuclear annihilation, so he needs to stop his Cold War "active measures" shit.

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Russia, along with the rest of Europe, is facing an existential demographic crisis in the next five years (Europe is in the next fifteen).

So what's Russia's endgame here?

Stabilize their borders and create a long term market that allows them to replace the impending losses in their domestic economy with energy exports until they can get their population pyramid to grow again. NATO expanding right to their borders and pushing Germany and the rest of Europe to not use Russian energy is an existential threat to Russia.
In five years, the number of Military Aged Males in the country will be cut almost in half. Those who are that age now will age out of their conscription period. That conscription period (18-26) also coincides with the the biggest consumption period and biggest entry level work periods of the average person's life. Not only will the economy suffer from the drop in workers, but if the border and energy situations are not fixed before then, Russia is fucked hard with not enough new workers and not enough new consumers, and an incapable military.

You are wrong about that, the number of military aged men in Russia will continue to rise until 2030, after which a short dip will occur but recover again because Russia has natural population growth for the last 6 years.
I wonder where you get your stats from to even believe such a thing like Russias male population will be cut in half in 5 years. My god.

And a country that explicitly says that it will end human life on earth if its national existence, whether by conventional, nuclear or any other type of attack is under threat would sure as hell ban abortions and contraception tomorrow if halving of the military aged male population would come in 5 years.

Sounds like they're in a dangerous state of desperation politically.
What's their relationship with China? I'd assume they're working together against the west but have ultimately adversarial interests.

No, China is historically their most peaceful border. No big clashes in the last 400 years.
You Westerners don't know shit about either China or Russia.
The threat is always Westerners.

It does look to be heading for a more top-heavy situation.

Attached: russia-population-pyramid-2016.gif (610x425, 57K)

>The threat is always Westerners.
What a load of shit. The threat has never been from just one side or another.

Yes, there will be a dip for a decade after 2030 but a recovery is already visible in this stat from 2016.

It always was the West, never anyone else after the Mongol Empire.
Russia voluntarily chose the Mongols over Westerners when they had to choose since they were invaded from both sides.
The Mongols allowed them to stay Christian.
Wars with Turkey and the Islamic world was always wars of Russian expansion.

And to stress the point, if there was no recovery Russia would ban everything that makes formation of families harder tomorrow.
They'd even do things that the West could never dream of doing in order to achieve their goal.

I didn't say their male population would be cut in half. It already is. Military eligible/ entry worker Male population will drop precipitously as the children born between 1996-2002 come of age.

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You are retarded to believe that no one after the age of 25 will be drafted.
Every male who can walk and operate a gun will be drafted.

So you think China and Russia will be long term allies or will the Chinese turn their sighs on Siberia eventually?

>The view of many people through-out the west is that with the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Communism was defeated. They are wrong.
That's because one can defeat a nation with physical force, but it can never destroy an idea. It lives on.

You're not in a good spot either.

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Yes, Russia and China will always be either allies or at least neutral as they've been for most of their history.
There's always a first time for everything but an invasion from the West for the 25th time is much more likely.
The threat is Westerners.

Just look at the Germans. They're really screwed

Attached: germany-population-pyramid-2016.gif (610x425, 59K)

Go fuck yourself low IQ burger. Is that a large scale war like WW2, WW1, Napoleonic invasion, Swedish Great War and so on?
Show me a war on that scale between Russia and China. Never happened. You can't pry Russia away from China.

You're not reading it right. That is flat population growth from 2006-2016 and it doesn't approach the population levels of the lending ages (ages 45-65) or the retiree ages (65+), but when they come of age they will have to work to support all those retirees that out number them almost two-to-one.

And if we remove the number of foreigners from that chart then it looks really dark.

For an offensive war?

If the west does end up falling though, and China and Russia are the two remaining powers, I don't see why they wouldn't be at odds.
There's been peace between them before there was nothing to cause tension along that border. Now China is moving to 1.5 billion people. The Chinese are also very historically minded and proud. It wouldn't take much for them to justify taking Siberia if time comes.

It's true. But the idea didn't even waver, the international communist subversion push has been from China since the late 60s.

Go do this pilpul in your synagogue, I'm done interacting with you

It does, all of this stuff has been calculated through by the Russian gov and they've made the necessary steps to ensure continuity, don't worry about Russia.

I would have thought the opposite!

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the chinese are souless vile people that dont care if people die infront of them, they are so used to it they dont care. Chinas time is almost up anyway, alot of people are going to perish and its not gonna be communisms fault this time.

Don't worry, your people will still be around in a hundred years.
But your situation will probably be shittier than today, who knows.
And no, we Slavs do well with Chinese because our culture is partly Asiatic in nature.
We understand each others mentality that's why we can live at peace with them for such a long time.

Who knows at that point what's worse. Could go either way.

>In five years, the number of Military Aged Males in the country will be cut almost in half
Where the hell are you getting such BS from? The males that are currently being conscripted are born in 2000, and we had a steady increase in births since that year. Moreover, only less than 20% or males are being conscripted by now.


I haven't brought up jews once.

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Maybe that's why you do so badly with Asians and Russians. Believing this kind of stupid shit.
Remember kids, every day now Russia and China will seize to exist, they are about to implode.
Also remember, they are soulless drones. That's why they should listen to us and learn.
I have yet to see a Chinese denying that Westerners have no souls. Seems like they are on average more sane than people like you.

North America is self sufficient at this point. Canada is in some jeopardy, but we won't let our little brothers down.

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I think it's very hard to say. The world is changing at an ever increasing rate and predicting the future is essentially impossible. We could have fusion power in half a century. We could have high level AI, quantum computing is likely to work out, genetic modification, nanotech and many other technologies all the the potential to completely reshape the world. So does climate change and nuclear war.
Any prediction you're making is likely based on the implicit assumption that the world is moving forward in politics only, because it's impossible to take into account all the other massive changes and how each will interact with the others and the world.

Because they are not a threat to my people and never will be again.
It's your problem, you go and bring it up in public. I don't care.

This conversation isn't about the Jews.

Yes absolutely, I hope for a better outcome of course.
But that will not happen if we needlessly increase hostility towards the others, like is done right now against China and Russia.
If you think trade is unfair then don't trade or decrease it, no need to dehumanise the Chinese or anyone else.
The only prediction that I make is that our peoples will still exist in a hundred years unless there has been a catastrophic war.


Workin' on it big bro. My white wife wants 5-6 kids at least to "start a new family empire" here in leafland. Wish us luck.

Go take your psychological disorder to someone who is specialised in that. I'm not your therapist.

Always a good idea, much success with that!

See the graph here

Good Luck.

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True, the final „Red Pill” is communist long-range strategy. It never died, but changed its form.
Russia and China are and have always been allies and they cooperate against US. Their military technology is up-to-date and powerful and can easily rival US thanks to Israeli two-facedness and betrayal (by stealing and selling Western tech).
The West is still powerful globally. The only way it can be defeated is by economic collapse, deception and internal revolution-destabilization. Communists did their job during The Cold War by propping leftist factions and subverting western culture. Around the time of staged Soviet collapse they started working on conservative right but with a ''reformed face''.
Lately you can see Alt-right types cucking for Russia and having ties with pro-Kremlin ideologues. Some of these groups recieve funding or media support from Kremlin and zionist groups.
Take a closer look at american and european far-left and far-right (but mostly right). What do they have in common? They both usually hate NATO and are supportive of Russia to varying degrees. You don't even have to go that far. Moderate conservatives are also cynical about US and are looking at Russia as an example of ''traditionally oriented country''. Such view can naturally surface if you’re constantly barraged by leftist SJW types, who demonize you and also demonizes Russia (the enemy of my enemy is my friend). See, leftists mocked conservatives for accusing everyone of having communist ties during the Cold War, now conservatives mock leftists of accusing everyone of having ties to Russia. These we could fairly call useful idiots. But there are willing and/or paid agitators who do their share of work as well.
Come to think of it... all the talk about ethnostates in the USA basically means balkanization and weakening of the state. Such activism has been observed in European states as well. What outside forces could benefit from that?

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That's exactly what I was talking about. Right now the amount of men aged 18-20 is at the lowest point, but it will only increase in the future. Zero problems with conscription so far.

So what you are saying is that leftists in the US secretly work for Russia because they make Conservatives so hostile to the US that they rather be friends with Russians.
Russia rules the earth and you are insane.

The population currently aged 16-22 is close to 25% lower than the group aged 27-36.

>Faked Soviet collapse
>Restructuring and covert communism mode
>Western capital in former USSR
>Demoralization and subversion of The west
>Dissolution of NATO
>Eurasian union

"War in America will start with an internal revolution in America, started by the communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other nations, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos and America will burn in one hour." The nuclear missiles will land in California, Las Vegas, New York, and Florida."
- Dumitru Duduman

Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”

''In his book Wedge - The Secret War between the FBI and CIA'', Mark Riebling stated that of 194 predictions made in New Lies For Old, 139 had been fulfilled by 1993, 9 seemed 'clearly wrong', and the other 46 were 'not soon falsifiable'.''

''The Long (Soviet) Deception''

''New Lies For Old''

Final stages of Perestroika deception (demoralization)

''New Russia''

Most Important KGB Defector; Exposed the Soviet Union Collapse Lie

The Golitsyn Predictions

What is Duginism and why it matters

How Russia stole the truth movement

Putin's reign of terror pt1:

Putin's reign of terror pt2:

The American Awakening - "With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies"

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No serious actors are taking about ethnostates in the US.

The US will either be in a civil war or split in some way.
I don't see how you can possibly bring the two militant political sides together in a peaceful way.
At least that's my prediction. Such levels of internal hostility and conflict is almost impossible to solve without something radical happening.
But of course I hope that's not what will happen and that instead peace will resume somehow.

i dont hate the chinese or the russians, and i hate this kike ruled shithole for doing bad shit to them honestly. Also
>comparing the chinese to white people

>t.fucking retard

You live in your country, Chinese in theirs, so do Russians - no need to compare anyone.
I don't see this changing in the big picture, unless the very unpopular mass immigration is going to be resumed somehow.

We aren't wh*te, we are Slavic.

The US is the biggest supporter of jewish world bolshevism. I don't know why people hear "commie" and think "China". Look in the mirror, jew rats. How many supposed "right wing" politicians do you hear using the Marxist language of "class struggle" on a daily basis?

"Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in Jewry."

-Joseph Goebbels

>after the cold war, they started working on the conservative right
They started in the 60s with Irving Kristol, Neil Podhoretz, and the The New York Intellectuals creating the neoconservative movement. It's no cohensidence that all of the Neocons who pushed us into the Iraq war were Jews who belonged to groups that were Trostkyist before they became Neoconservative.

I still have a hard time seeing civil war as a realistic outcome. Riots, maybe, but not war.

The New York Intellectuals were a group of American writers and literary critics based in New York City in the mid-20th century. Mostly Jewish, they advocated left-wing politics but were also firmly anti-Stalinist. The group is known for having sought to integrate literary theory with Marxism and Socialism while rejecting Soviet Communism as a workable or acceptable political model.

Trotskyism emerged as the most chosen standpoint among these anti-Stalinist Marxists. Irving Howe, Seymour Martin Lipset, Leslie Fiedler and Nathan Glazer were members of the Trotskyist Young People's Socialist League.[1]

Writers often identified as members of this group include Hannah Arendt, William Barrett, Daniel Bell, Saul Bellow, Elliot Cohen, Midge Decter, Leslie Fiedler, Nathan Glazer, Clement Greenberg, Paul Goodman, Richard Hofstadter, Sidney Hook, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Irving Kristol, Seymour Martin Lipset, Mary McCarthy, Dwight Macdonald, William Phillips, Norman Podhoretz, Philip Rahv, Harold Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Susan Sontag, Harvey Swados, Diana Trilling, Lionel Trilling, and Robert Warshow.

Many of these intellectuals were educated at City College of New York ("Harvard of the Proletariat"), New York University and Columbia University in the 1930s, and associated in the next two decades with the left-wing political journals Partisan Review and Dissent, as well as the then-left-wing but later neoconservative-leaning journal Commentary. Writer Nicholas Lemann has described these intellectuals as "the American Bloomsbury".

Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of (((Neoconservatism))).


Thank you for the videos, I will make my way through them.

The leftist fringe is trying to beat the drum, but they will be hammered hard the moment they try to pull another Weather Underground.

True. Communists never shy away from creating groups that seemingly oppose themselves. Also true that ''libertarian movement'' aligned itself with The new left in the 60s. Quite odd.

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>The view of many people through-out the west is that with the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Communism was defeated. They are wrong.
Off course they are, this fucking country is ruled by a literal commie and chekist rat. One must be literally blind to ignore the fact Putin's ideology is a vile mix of extreme left-wing and fascist ideas.

>Russkie === bolshevik
Just remember this is true for 98% of the population.

>How many supposed "right wing" politicians do you hear using the Marxist language of "class struggle" on a daily basis?
Bolshevism is cancer but ignoring class struggle is just a delusion so end yourself.

your a germanic mutt, you cant hide away from the past dimitri.

pick one Pajeet

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It's "Russia controls everything and mastermind behind everything bad comes to the west". Don't waste your time on that drivel

The thread is about International Socialists. That included the Soviets for most of the last century, but it was not limited to them, which is the point I was making. The Manuilsky quote is absolutely true and was eye opening to me when I first saw it a few years ago.

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Come on, that guy is a pig not to say a chekist instigator. Or do you really think those crooks who own this fucking country would allow some fag to film their houses along with other luxury shit or expose their corruption just for lulz?

Anyway Navalny said he won't persecute Putin, so fuck all his criminal deeds, all corruption and terror just let him go LMFAO... Disgusting and cringy.

Unless some politician shows up and calls for dismembering of Russia in no way would I sign up for any of them.

Important sources and links to books and excerpts:


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I don't think they fully understand what the consequences are of what they are doing or that it just starts dawning on some of them.

>Chinese Communists and other International Socialists

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>international banker jews are communists that want to get rid of banks and money
Really made me think.

>expecting logical thinking from Jow Forumsturds

They want power over society. In Capitalism that is money, in Communism you get direct control over every aspect of society.
You don't need money then anymore. It is just a tool under our current system.

Would you rather control the nation's money supply or the nation's entire productive capacity by collectivizing all industry and production under the state?

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Yes, watch that first youtube video I linked. Literally the Communist Party leadership standing up to sing L'Internationale. Look into the Sino-Soviet split. Look into Mao's Third World Movement. Literally click any of the links in my posts.

>>international banker jews are communists that want to get rid of banks and money
>Really made me think.
No, no it didn't.

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hi CIA how are you?

1st semester PolSci student? Anyways try godlikeproductions or some other boomer website with this gay CIA propaganda shit.

The CIA is a bunch of diversity hires like you who all love Communism now, pic related.

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