No Buddhist
Fucking bigots
That incorrect capitalization really pisses me off.
... and they all fall ill because the Pakistani coffee shop owner wiped his bottom and then did not wash his hands "for cultural reasons" before serving his customers.
Real story from real life.
And the muslim blows up the entire shop after a joke
This is what pol wants. What pol is pissed at is leftards and atheists have some moral authority to tell others you cant make fun of muslims and their weird constant obsession to bash christcucks.
Suck my dick, atheism is the only non retarded viewpoint. And I most.certainly don't have.a.problem with.critisizing Muslims (nor.does.the.left. Charlie hebdo was a crazy leftwing magazine you fucktard)
Buddhism is a religion you fucking jew
Godless religion tho
>jew is dressed like a banker
Im calling the ADL.
> muslim and anyone else go into a coffee shop because alcohol is haram
Note the muslim still has his detonator
Coffee shops fucking suck.
No. Only atheists who believe it's all bullshit are naive enough to believe we can all just indulge each others' lunacy.
Judaism, Islam and Christianity are abrahamic religions
And tell the story of their gods differently so they can't become friends. Plus the athiest won't agree on shite of what the other 3 say.
>A Muslim, a Jew, a Christian and an Atheist walk into a coffee shop
>They place their orders, wait for their orders to be filled and pick up their orders, all in utter silence. They stare at their phones and only speak to the staff. They all either walk out alone or sit down at a table alone and enjoy their purchases in silence.
>They barely noticed one another and went about the rest of their lives without ever recalling the encounter.
That's what happens whether you're an asshole or not. Guarantee the cuck made this on his laptop in a Starbucks hoping im vain that someone would notice his woke-ness and give him the opportunity to "start a conversation".
What the fuck did i say have to do with Charlie Hebdo? You need to stop sucking Merkels dick more like... syphillus reached your brain.
>"Coffee shop"
Did they enroll in the military right after?
The pagan heathens are already in the bar drunk as fuck.
Lurk moar
The muslim starts kicking out the females.
Then tells the Athiest and christian this is his area now, please leave before we hurt you.
The Jew appeals for everybody to be peaceful to the Muslim
the horror
This fails to acknowledge that assholes do exist. And there's no way to stop it. There's the ideal and the actual.
>the muslim didnt order anything because the coffee wasnt halal
>the jew went to his office in the back
>the christian got to work
>the atheist sat alone in the corner and sent pretentious tweets
It is immoral to be an athiest in my country.
It's called being a decent human being
>the jew makes the muslim explode
>the christian starts sucking the jew's dick
>the atheist ignores what's happening
Now if only we could get, Muslims, Jews, Christians and atheists to stop being assholes. Especially the first two.
>Jow Forums wants perfect stability in a multicultural society and for no race wars to occur while kikes kick back and sip foreskin milkshakes.
It’s immoral to be an edgy atheist anywhere in the planet.
...and they all talk, about the wimmin they oppress backfiring OPs virtue signalling
Religion is for idiots. Islam is probably the worst of all.
This is not bigotry. People are entitled to their dumb opinions and I'm entitled to ridicule them for being dumb.
Stop acting like religion is a race you fucking mong.
>he forgot about that time muslims tried to make drinking coffee punishable by death
a child rapist, a goblin, a closeted faggot and a normal person walk into a coffee shop...