It took them less than 4 generations, 100 years, to completely change the West, replace us in our homelands

It took them less than 4 generations, 100 years, to completely change the West, replace us in our homelands..

this is insanity

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We have some work to do to fix this then.

how can you fix anything if your entire govt and globalists are against us

Many German city were flattened by RAF bombers in WW2. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were obliterated. Everything can be rebuilt, OP.

>German city

We won. Just accept it.

nice memeflag kike

If you won why are you such a fucking loser?
Checkmate jews.

fuck off
i was in Duisburg last week, the amount of muslims there is just mind blowing

Part of the reason why things are the way they are very informative.. Protip watch out for shill

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Everybody lost. Just accept it.

Life comes at you fast.

so you admit communism is inherently anti white and evil

what exactly did you "win" faggot?

>It took them less than 4 generations, 100 years, to completely change the West, replace us in our homelands..
...and that's a good thing.

Only whites could be so cucked to allow this. So much the 'great race'.

communism has been reduced to beating up trash cans these days.

if you're black you will be a slave like we are
you're just too blind to see it

they want you to be slaves in mega corporations

4 generations and 100 years for you. it only took 3 years in europe ahahaha

It's also entirely based and redpilled. Hitler before his death acknowledged that the "people of the East" had proven the superior race by beating him. This is natures law. It doesn't matter how pretty the streets are or how superior the supposed 'culture' is, all that matters in the end is might.

>Our homeland

And that's a good thing.

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Form a community of likeminded people and engage others in your community.

This. Also keep in mind that today there are still more white people in these countries than there were back then when they were all 90%-100% white.

It can all be fixed. You just have to convince enough of your fellow whites to work in their own self-interest again.

No You Destroyed It Yourself. You Sold Out The Average Person For Capitalism/Profit.
You Took From The Average Person.
Stock Market Has Taken From The Average Person/Worker
>Pay Increase
>Over Time
And You Gave It To The Share Holder. You Took More And More And More And Now People Have Nothing And Don't Care I.E Crime And Instagram Whoring For Money.

You haven't won get kike faggot

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good dope days

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Yeah, you won using American bullets, American boots, American food, American tanks, American guns, American artillery...

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haahahhah 10/10 bantz