What does Jow Forums think of 5G? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about it from conspiracy theorists...

What does Jow Forums think of 5G? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about it from conspiracy theorists. Is it really a kill device as a lot of people claim?

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since its very likely your 5G connected devices will act as repeaters for the 5G network, all the eyes and three-letter niggers will get more data on you

Is it true it will kill or heavly distrupt wildlife and even humans?

they gonna radiate us to death anons!

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Yes, 4G has already killed all bugs in cities. 5G is exetremely toxic.

Think about this, when was the last time you saw someone use a squegie at the gas station

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WHY was blackberry destroyed?

Wifi engineer here. It's worst than you can ever imagine. I have one tip for you : LEAVE. CITIES.
and get into an isolated town with neighbors at least a mile away from each other. I'm not even kidding.

Why? What is so about about it? If it’s so strong, is nowhere in developed countries safe?

what makes it dangerous?