Top Canada 2019 elections candidates.
No, this picture is not a joke.
Top Canada 2019 elections candidates
Jagmeet is based and a strong leader much better than cuckdeau.
At least turban guy is always packing a knife.
How is that khalistani terrorist even doing there, is canada so cucked
for starters the poo has about 0% chance of being elected, one of the worst polling ndps in history, even worse than the last one which almost sunk the whole party
its seen as progressive in canada, yes our country is that dire
Bernier polling at literally 1% btw + has zero candidates.
NDP is the working white man's party in case you forgot
They will overtake CPC by the end of the year.
Singh is going to be the candidate and probably the Prime Minister. It will probably be considered a hate crime to vote against him or criticize him. He's a snake. And he will be a worse SJW than Trudeau with the added bonus of IDPol shielding because he's a brown man.
If you faggots dont vote for the wizard man I will be disappoint
Your country is a joke anyways just embrace it
He's not even going to win his seat in Parliament
NDP is the Only party not supporting Israel
The party that most wants to protect the environment so whites have a future
The only party that will raise taxes on Bankers and put tarrifs on freetrade
The only party that will make sure a white man will have a job with a living wage to take care of his family.
The Cpc/ppc hate whites
Take the Orange Pill Jow Forums
Singh uses ID politics to hide from legitimate criticism.
NDP is the closest thing to natsoc bb
Yes. Vote for the young Gandalf. Amuse us as there is no reason for Canada or Canadians to exist otherwise.
poo looks more trustworthy and leader-y than the others lmao the state of the west
I can tell he's PC because of his blue turban
based brownies will get rid of the fag epidemic in canada
At what point did we consider brown a shade of white?
Recounting a personal experience where he was the subject of racial profiling, Singh has strongly supported legislation for a federal ban on carding. He has called the practice of carding a form of systemic racism. Singh also called on the federal Liberal government to scrap the mandatory minimum sentencing rules introduced by the former Conservative government, saying the legislation has not reduced crime and has a disproportionate impact on racialized communities.[75][76]
Singh has urged Justin Trudeau and The Liberals to allow cities to ban handguns.[77]
Singh at the Toronto Pride Parade in 2017
Singh supports LGBTQ rights.[78] Singh believes in training the RCMP in "LGBTQI2S+ competency training" to ensure interactions with law enforcement are not stigmatizing or traumatizing.[79] Singh also supports bringing a form of affirmative action for hiring of LGBTQ people and supports more inclusive shelter and transitional housing spaces in service of LGBTQ youth.[80] In terms of gender identity, Singh believes that gender is assigned at birth and supports self-declaration of gender on federal ID.[81]
Singh advocates for Health Canada conducting research on the health care needs and experiences of LGBTQ patients and advocates for policy changes allowing people to self-declare their gender.[82] Singh also supports immediately repealing the de facto ban on blood, tissue and organ donation by men who have sex with men and trans women who have sex with men.[83]
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>Bernier polling at literally 1% btw + has zero candidates.
what the fuck?
Yeah things are not going well. He's said he is hoping to maybe do 8% nationaly iirc, it looks like he might get 3-5% nationally in the next election.
A lot of this depends if trudeau calls the election early or not.