I'm really Trump's demographic. I'm an angry white guy over 50 with a high school education...

>I'm really Trump's demographic. I'm an angry white guy over 50 with a high school education. If I could just speak to the fellow angry white men, who are angry like me. Dudes, give it up! We've been running the show for 10,000 years. Let the majority gender run the show. What are you scared of?

Well Jow Forums, what are you scared of?

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Other urls found in this thread:



he could be giving up the hamburgers

Huh? I thought we are majority.

Why mess with success? Giving more power to women and minorities always ends poorly. Look at South Africa, Sweden etc.

We minorities now.

"Hey, I'm Michael Moore, I made a career of fighting for the interests of the blue collar workers in the rust belt. So when a candidate came along who fought to keep industrial jobs in the United States, I called for him to be killed because I'm a disgusting blackmailed pedophile who isn't courageous enough to kill myself."


Systemic racism STILL exists 250 years after indepedence.


>earth is 6000 yeas old
>white guys have been running theshow for 10,000 years
why are leftist so scientifically illiterate

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he needs to give up ice cream

Not a fucking thing. I'm tired of America becoming a shithole. There's no fear or anger, mostly, in that sentiment. I want my country to be decent. That means never voting for a celebrity endorsed candidate, or Democrat, ever again.

What's this landwhale afraid of? Heart attacks? Diabetes? If not, he should be.

Why can't that fat faggot get his heart attack done?

Attached: mike_is_fat_primate.png (656x660, 411K)

Also, fuck off DNC shill.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


If we get rid of all the Jews in politics, you’ll see the real problem were them.


OnE fReE cOlLeDgE pLs

So weird to see this guy is taking this position now. His whole career was based on confronting big auto executives and standing up for American workers. Trumps comes along and he does a 180.
>”actually I changed my mind. Fuck em. Entitled assholes, let’s import infinity Hondurans for Every”
Anyone know if he’s ever been asked about this flip flop? Was this his plan all along? Curious to see how’d he’d defend this but I guess he only goes on Kimmel.

>Using year old copypastas

If we kill the 1%, that would clear out half the Jews here in the USA.

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> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary since the 90s
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

>im just like you!
>owns 3 multi million $ houses

(((Former trump voter)))
Weak attempt

I'm not scared of a damn thing, after all I'm running the show :)

>...give up their power
...in their own homelands, the only place they can ever hope to prosper, be free, or continue to exist.

>Grug notice it 8000BC
>Grug don't know what that means
>only know he's in charge of the world
>Grug don't know what world is either

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Learn to math

How hasn't he died of a heart attack or had a stroke or something yet? Any time this guy has opened his mouth in the last 20+ years he just spews bullshit

Ignore this senile, deranged, overweight, old lunatic. He is the biggest (in both senses) hypocrite I've ever seen because him in 1989 would love everything Trump stands for now.

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I can't wait til this piece of shit gets knocked cold by one of his pet democrats.


Is this a joke

Why does he start off addressing "white" men and then makes it about gender? Why was mentioning race important?

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You're simply full of shit, and you also love the taste of black men's semen.

Female stupidity.

Hope you shitty little wife beater racecucks enjoy the last weekend of normalcy you'll ever have.

Look at you, thumping your flabbly chests, thinking you've won a big victory, your puny dicks hard for the first time in YEARS to something other than your shameful stash of Blacked.com porn.

Listen to me, and listen good:

Holy SHIT.

You have no idea the HELL that's coming.

We will not forget this.

We will camp out at the polls and scream bloody murder when old white people get close enough to cast their ballots.

We will get our Big Blue Wave and it will fucking drown you.

We will start impeaching damn near everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Every Jesusfreak. Every libertarian. Every mealy-mouthed cunt like Jeff Flake who pretends to be decent and then becomes a fly by night rape apologist when it's time to fucking count.

We will fuck shit up. ALL the shitty stupid shit White America cherishes.

We will set it on fire and spit and shit and piss on it in front of you.

And then we will go full Stalin and throw every sexist freak with social anxiety into a literal dungeon if they've ever so much as posted the word "roastie" online.

I'm not fucking kidding.

You...you think this bomber fuckshit is only making skinhead assholes more radical and racist? Fuck you.

Seriously, FUCK YOU.

It is making every single Democrat under 35 have a burning, killer urge to go full Stalin on all your asses.

It is making us hate the First Amendment a thousand times more than the Second.

We will take your guns. We will gag your speech. We will kick your balls. We will unironically use your fat white heteronormie white asses as fucking footrests for pink haired commissars with hella cool frames, and then we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a prescription for estrogen as soon as they're a month old.



I apologize that 44% isn't close enough to half for your discerning mind. The point is that white men aren't the ones in power, and giving up what little power they have left is suicide.

Gibs me dat fo free

This is the 10th or so time I've seen that copy-pasta. Stay mad, or consider the rope.

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my name is Mike Flloyd, I am a DAD and i will not allow you NAZIS to kill my son. my son is what you kids say "chad". Always pretty gals running after him. But he got some autism. So? He's perfect the way he is! You won't kill him MORONS. My son can beat you to hell if he wants and yes I AM A PROUD FATHER. Despite his condition he knows not to hate and loves minorities and supports gay rights. He can probably beat you senseless if he wants, hell, I'd really want to see that some nazi fuck being put in his place. Heh! You little fucks have no idea what war means. Hitler was a failure! He killed disabled people and 6000000 jews. so fuck you! i have jew friends and they would fucking destroy your livelihood if they heard you spewing your bile. My son has good genetics but what damaged by vaccination!! he is perfect and i love him. but i hate you. fuck you. I will destroy every single nazi fuck alive. YOU PISS ME OFF. IDIOTS. FUCK OFF.

this is not the last you'll hear from me. I'll fuck you all up. no nazi standing on MY watch. Hmm

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>like him
yeah I'm a not a fat jew


Fuck Michael Moore
Fuck Democrats
Fuck Gun Grabbers
Put trannies on the cross.

Jeezus, what power does a 50 year old working in the trades really have?

Thats a great amount of stability. The nigger nows when he is going to be shot and can count on it.

I wish I would now when I will get merkelt

Honestly what's the problem with men running the world, especially in current year?
I know a lot of edge lords will disagree, but women have just as much rights as men now and that's unironically a good thing. Men still run the world and that too is unironically a good thing. Men are just better at being leaders, whenever a woman does become a leader she acts like a man but isn't so the job isn't quite as good. Why can't women be happy with the world? Do they not realize if women ran the world it would revert into severe tribalism. We've come so far in terms of race relations on earth that were nearly at a point where we are living in complete peace. If women get in charge of things they'll be more worried about proving they can do a good job, that, that will become there full time job and they'll neglect the important work that needs to be done. This happens nearly everytime women take over a certain industry or begin getting some sort of power. Look at Marvel for god's sake. I love and respect women but giving them this power would only result in an uptick of social media update posts and international virtue signalling at every major gathering of nations.

Anyone who has ever worked at a job with a relatively equal distribution of men and women will immediately tell you what's wrong with that....women generally don't want to work, rarely come up with novel solutions, and are just not destined to be leaders because they either don't try hard enough or don't have the aptitude for it. Force fucking us into something that can't naturally occur is how countries die and gets Trump elected. Bad times create strong men.

Being right wing doesn't guarantee you will get laid and reproduce, but being a left wing feminist faggot will guarantee you won't.


And now, a poem. It's called, "Triggering Trumpflets"


Now that's something drumpfy could NEVER write because you don't fucking understand art.

Bait pasta but it neatly shows the hysterical narcissism of the average burger. Debating the detail of public policy is completely beyond them so politics is merely being a hero on the winning side. Replacement immigration continues unabated ...

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>multimillionaire film producer
Fuck you mike, you fat fuck. I work part time at a pizza joint, I’ll take all the power I can get.


So..where's Michael donating his fortune then? Does this mean I'll never have to look at his angry fat face again? MY DUDES I too am ready for him to give it up to set the example!

any truth to that?

With a face and body like that, it’s unimaginable how he manages to get himself out of bed every day. What a revolting looking pile of puke. How can people live like this?

newfags leave

You retard, why do you think using this copy pasta over and over again different threads will accomplish anything.

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>Let the majority gender run the show. What are you scared of?

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> army veteran
> afghan war veteran

Am I supposed to be impressed that you killed Sandnigger kids for Jewish interests?

I'm scared that women will not treat me as favorably as I would treat them in a position of power.

Guess I better give up my sweet job as a warehouse loader.

The only people who are angry are leftists.

Or else what you fat fuck

I just accoplished my tasks

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> h-hey fellow white men jus gib up your powa hehe

T-this, i dunno how to say this but is so absolutely retarded that it doesn't even warrant a response from me however I am seriously worried for your well being because for some reason you think that making trumps name sound like an aneurysm is funny or does anything but help us in making the point that the left can't meme or that they are so out of touch with a normal person that even basic humor is alien to them

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>Systemic racism STILL exists 250 years after indepedence.

So? Is that not working as intended in this evil white hetero christian capitalist patriarchial country?

>Well Jow Forums, what are you scared of?

ALL traitors must die.

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Let's see;
1. Poverty
2. homlessness
3. depression
4. suffering universal contempt for being a loser.
5. being a target for racial violence

I could go on..

This is just classic. He´s a jew isn´t he?

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Is this fat fuck going to give up all his money to people who need it? Case closed then faggot

I'm pretty scared of venomous looking spiders desu. I'm kind of afraid of heights too.

>changes from republican memeflag to democrat memeflag
I think we're done here.

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80 people were trolled by this post

Fucking liberals aren't even trying anymore. Jews are getting as lazy as italians.

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So, as a dem yours admitting that you can easily control darker skinned people?

why is this fatty so important that once in a while he appears and say the same shit over and over again? Movie director?

He should do the whole world a favor and kill himself if he feels so strongly about this.

It's what we call, a limousine liberal.

>We've been running the show for 10,000 years.
once again proving the left doesnt know a god damn thing about history.

a man’s gotta eat

>Dudes, give it up! We've been running the show for 10,000 years. Let the majority gender run the show.
If women were capable of running things, they would have done so in the past 10,000 years. The few times women have had power in the past 10,000 years, the societies over which they held power suffered greatly.

Well leaf, that would validate this fat fuck to be something other than that smell shit under your toenails.
It's not worth the effort, he'll be dead soon enough.

>once again proving the left doesnt know a god damn thing about history.
They honestly don't have to. Just throw out a sentence filled with buzzwords and NPC's systems start and their programs begin to run autonomously.

You first.

Did he give a reason why I should give up my well earned power?

Yeah, you're a cuck, you're so principled all you ever do is bend over for the left. You suck and need to get out of the fucking way.
PS no one cares that you were a mercenary for ZOG.

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Because white liberals believe that everything they have is privilege leftover from almost 200 years ago when (((people))) owned slaves. It couldn't be that college degree, or work ethic, being punctual, having goals, not committing crimes, not doing drugs. etc. have anything to do with it right?

>Have power
>Give it up for no reason


Blacks need to know their place. Detroit is what happens when they get too much freedom.

Are YOU going to do anything but post words like "full Stalin" online?

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>Hella cool frames
>Expects to be taken seriously.

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