Black people and construction workers

So americans. Can you tell me how much of percentage of black people employed as contruction workers in your country? I see lot of posts on twitter where black people claim that they built America or something.

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Most didn't do any land clearing and westward expansion. Most didn't arrive in large numbers untill early 1800's because of the cotton gin thus made the crop cotton more valuable. Mostly Enlgish Irish German and Natives built the foundation

Where ma reparashuns at?

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>how much of percentage
who cares?
blacks built america the same way a hammer builds a house

Chinks built America

And micks. Wouldn't have coal and the eastern half of the TCR without them. Niggers only picked cotton.

Not very many these days. Like ten percent or less? They have never been big in the skilled trades either. Mexicans however are building America these days.

>picture of a bunch of dead niggers
yeah, that makes sense

How much of the technology of the tools and machinery used was invented in Africa? Steam engines, pumps, reproducible manufacturing...

chinese people built america

Reminder to post this image to your facebook and twitter accounts at midnight tonight.

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Or at least the railroads. Chink invaders have more ground to stand on than the nigger farm equipment.

they built some parts but their claim of it being the whole country is false, businesses soon realized it is cheaper to make your slaves buy their own home and food, and that system persists today

They didnt build shit. They carried out the plans of the men who "built" things.

You have to have planning and direction in order to collectively accomplish a task.

It's true.
Look at all of the skyscrapers made of cotton, all of the bridges/roads made of sugarcane, and all of the transportation infrastructure made of bamboo.

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In terms of percentages in any field Black employment is low, about half of them don't work. That said, black men who are in the construction trade are some fucking hard workers.

Up here in New England construction workers are mainly white...and scummy. Black guys are token..and for quotas only.

The mexican workers have pretty good stamina, but they don't compare too the strength of a big strong nig or an alpha white man ofcourse.

That's like saying oxen and horses built america. The difference is that we only decided to give certain farm animals "rights". PETA should be all over this

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I think you're on to what could be a really funny meme campaign.

I do not see them working

Who do you think built Israel?

Sound logic. The tradesmen that built my house are allowed to come in any time they like. They probably enjoy the house more than I dislike the invasion of privacy. So the overall happiness in the world increased.

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die, spamleaf

>america is made in china
explains its low quality

been building houses for nearly 20 years now. i have never worked with a nigger. im in the south, they are everywhere, i just dont see them outside of gas stations (stealing) and taco bell, kfc, or mcdonalds. even pizza hut seems to be too high for them. lived around niggers my entire life, they do welfare and crack, not much else.

Are you me?

kek, cheers lad.

Attached: black construction workers.webm (198x360, 2.96M)

Attached: get back to work.webm (960x480, 820K)

Attached: nigger construction crew.webm (226x400, 2.98M)

Adam Carolla used to be a contractor and he said he never saw a black construction worker, just whites and Mexicans.

i listened to that one, aside from the jews i found it to be pretty accurate. i've never seen a jew do manual labor, but im also east coast not west coast.

Tucker Carlson agreed too.

Hush nig. Your superiors are talking.

Racist af. it's white nationalist cultural saw, no wonder they can't use it.

there are not a lot in residential construction/contracting, there are plenty in large, corporate construction. I used to work for HITT as a technical engineer and they had lots of "diversity." By and large most people on construction sights are bro tier (with the exception of illegals, they do gay/weird stuff and tend to shit/piss in/on the garbage/dumpster/random hole in the ground). There is rarely racial tension, lots of dirty jokes and racist shit flying around, and on the off chance that someone gets feeling hurt its usually a stand up fight involving two men and they are cool after. However, regardless of race most people realize that fucking with/fighting a dude that swings a sledge hammer for a living is probably a bad idea, so its rare for serious shit to happen. Construction is a based job user, its largely insulated from the PC SJW shit, its still the last bastion of men's work.

They are lying. They're the same here. Liars and frauds. I worked on the £700M Bristol hospital, one of the best in the world. 5000 tradesmen, in a city with 6% black, and only saw 2 black tradesmen in 2 years on the site. Out of 5000. They only go for low skilled trades like plastering, which is like making mud huts to them.

>t. el atrocidad

Squat would've gotten done if there weren't whites to tell them what to do

construction workers are mostly german and slav here.
