Racial tensions between Pakistanis and Gypsies in the UK

>Roma and British Pakistani communities are increasingly divided over problems of crime, litter and antisocial behaviour

>Describing tensions between the more established Pakistani community and an influx of Slovakian Roma people, whom he said needed to make more of an effort to fit in, he told BBC Radio Sheffield: “We have to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community, because there’s going to be an explosion otherwise. We all know that.”

Multiculturalism is beautiful though.


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And this is not at all surprising.

This is very surprising

>slovakian gyppos
are there gypsies in slovakia what the hell

It's funny because the "Slovakian" Roma originates and were originally driven out of India/Pakistan for being subhuman genetic garbage. When a poo in loo has a problem with a people, you know it was a mistake not to exterminate them on first contact way back when.

multiculturalism is a joy!

>goblins upsetting the more established community of orcs

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This has been going on for years, things are only reaching the breaking point now. It’s no secret that the pakis are not very happy about them moving in.


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>rather than getting rid of pakis we have to change everybody else to accommodate them

This fucking country lol

Gypos are the descendants of Indians and Pakis are muslim Indians. Pretty weird.

>needed to make more of an effort to fit in

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What else do you expect from muslims

Based madman

the absolute state of britcucks

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hooray for diversity

>the poo thinks is any better


>needed to make more of an effort to fit in
These mental gymnastics are so absurd that I feel stupider for reading it.

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Better than you atleast

I know the Page Hall/Burngreave area of Sheffield very well. Shithole on steroids. Should have been nuked fucking decades ago.

>"White people do you not see what you are doing to black communities with Gentrification!"

England deserves every bit of this.

>are there gypsies in slovakia
Not anymore, apparently.
>Slovakian Roma people, whom he said needed to make more of an effort to fit in
But when Brits claimed "asians" should make an effort to fit in, they were called racist.

>whom he said needed to make more of an effort to fit in

oi aint that a hate crime to espouse such a view on the island?


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this is argument is hilarious because the guardian instinctively takes the side of the muslims against the gypsies. if it had been the same situation but with english and muslims the entire article would have been devoted to raking the english over the coals for their racism

its like red ants and black ants fighting. who cares your all ants nobody likes you. fucking up picnics and shit

he's right tho

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Good, let it burn

How ?

How so ?

This guy good. Killed bangladeshis and almost gandi

Because you fought for the wrong side. We did too and we're paying our dues as well. This is what we all deserve for what our grandfathers did to Europe.



they are the same indian trash

lol holy fuck i cant even right now. this article is too good.

i wonder what my grandad would think of his birthplace if he could see it today

>needed to make more of an effort to fit in

Have Paki's never encountered Roma before?

Roma don't want to fit in.
They don't want their children to go to school.
They don't want jobs.
They don't want to contribute to society.
All they want is to live off crime.

Pakishits are even more inbred

>betray the crown
>betray the southern states
>get blacked
>be literal mongrels
>lecture people on who deserves what
get fucked

in the UK everyone has to adjust to the muslims

I'm confused, are the pakis complaining that the gypos aren't messy enough? Given a typical paki street has one burned out car, 18 rotting sofa's in gardens & 20 or 30 knackered washing machines strewn about the place.

I think the best part is they could use this same fucking reasoning from the get go for the native brit population but suddenly it is a concern when brown goblins are in danger.

>even Pakis consider gypsies subhuman

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see all part of our own redemption

Except for the fact that Roma DO need to change their behaviour, pakis or no pakis. Better yet, they can all go back along with them.

The fact that Europeans and Americans tolerate foreigners that act less than impeccably amazed me daily. It's a case where all the problems they cause can be remedied by simply expelling them. Why nobody do this, or even consider it in government?

Pic related will have to do for the time being until we get our collective shit together.

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Most Roma are muslims.

why almost killing gandi is good for you??

Da, fratele
Czechia also has lots of them, but keeps them under control, while in Slovakia they play the same role as niggers in US
I would even say, that Romanian gypsies are more integrated
Glad, that Adolf killed all of them in my sweet Bessarabia, and Soviets finished that by sending remanants to GULAGs

been there too, all the big old town houses in Sheffield were taken over by swarms of pakis that live 5 generations under one roof
there are barely any good parts of this god forsaken city

Fuck you and your guilt you faggot
>fought for the wrong side
Whichever side has more English people is the right side

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oh I see, you're one of those new age nazis we hear so much about

No they're not

Danke danke danke, fremder!

Just wait til Roma girls start getting gang raped.

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Wtf I love gypsies now. Next time I see a Roma I'm going to pay him €10 to beat up a muzzie for my pleasure.

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These stories are fucking hilarious to me. Migrants are more willing to fight for their newly gained turf than the goddamned natives.

>>Roma and British Pakistani communities are increasingly divided over problems of crime, litter and antisocial behaviour
Are they having a contest to see who is better at them or something?

Here's a map of the area by the way. Looks like South Africa

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>We have to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community,
usually they say the local community has to change and adapt.

anyway good luck integrating Gypsis. Not even Taliban could do that.

The gypsies are worse than pakis but they are a lesser threat in general I vote for both to be killed

It just shows they don't integrate, they create little enclaves with their own culture. Who could have predicted this shit? Haha, chinatown, pakitown....

Obviously the lighter skinned people have to change their fucking ways!

This is nice can we help UK by sending our own?

>lighter skinned
Can you actually discern which rows are the gypsies and which ones are the pakis?

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All gypsies?

Mostly, the top row are pakis (those mugshots are so famous I thought it’d be too obvious,) the middle and bottom row are gyppos.

Fair enough. I did think the one second from right on the top row looked like a paki.

The second one looks like this

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>Look up Norwich.
>Still mostly white.


Looks a bit Welsh imo

Pakis complaining that Romas aren't making an effort to fit in.

What a joke.

I had a feeling the one second from the right in the middle row would give away that row was Gypsies for sure.

I hope they wipe each other out.


were gonna have a fucking civil war because of these cucks

>They don't want their children to go to school.
>They don't want jobs.
>They don't want to contribute to society.
based and blackpilled.


Borders is a concept

Let them fight. I'd like to root for the gyppos but I'm not sure which group is worse.

I'd rather be in a hindu neighbourhood than a muslim one desu.

>tfw 2/3 of our gypos migrated to uk, germony and sweden

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The pakies do same amount of robbery and theft as the gypos....but the pakies do more rape...more child raping and will strap bombs and blow buildings up...do frenzied knife attacks and run you over in vans....im 100% siding with the gypos all the way!!!

Top 2nd from the left looks like Vee except with darker skin.

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I can see that a little

Yeah right


Inb4 any dead Roma by the hands of Pakis is blamed on whites and any dead Pakis by the hands of Roma are blamed on whites.

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Honestly? I think I'd take the paki side in this case. I don't want any of them in my country but they aren't even in the same league as gyppos in terms of shittiness

no we don't

I'm glad the gypos in my county are the irish sort and not ACTUAL gypos. Apparently down south and in big cities the real gypsies are a right hassle

slavs and gypsies are the greatest ally of the anglo apart from portugal

when whites do it, the entire media infrastructure wheels around to torpedo them and make an example of them and ensure the book is thrown at them.

in that Guardian article there is a Pakistani who is boasting about his ability to start a race riot in the streets and it is reported completely neutrally by the Guardian. not even a fucking hint of condemnation. there is a gigantic abyssal double standard that the actual power structure in my country imposes onto the population. it's nothing to do with innate characteristics.

Don't worry, I'm sure the government can find some white people to blame and arrest.