Shiva 4 Senate

I like Shiva's ideals more so than Diehl's. The problem seems to be no one in Mass. knows about him. Is he worth voting for? He has a pepe for sale in his shop.

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he will probably surprise a lot of people

First time I heard him, I couldn't even tell he was poopy brown. Turns out he's more ethnic than Elizabeth Warren. I'll be disappointed if a state as liberal as MA is too racist to vote this guy in.

The guy knows how to meme

Stormers will be the death of the white race
Are you actually saying you'd rather have elizabeth warren?

This guy is based af if I lived in his state id vote for him
if this is an oppo research thread by his opponent kill yourself

zionist politician or ultra-liberal is a magician's force. it's how they're rigging elections and is used with everyone from presidential candidates to ecelebs. exposure soon.

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so Shiva and Faith are on the same team?

Seriously, though, stuff it up your ass. There are like 3 total politicians in the entire country at any given time that aren't licking Israel's balls like candy.

The JQ is something to spread by mouth, not by demoralizing the voting process.

"Only a real Indian can beat a fake one" I saw that sign going onto the pike a couple months ago, almost died laughing, looked him up, and he's pretty legit. Hates Monsanto and big pharma and promotes healthy eating and life styles. I just really don't want Warren, so a vote for Diehl might be more valuable.

Mass isn't going to flip anytime soon friend
And even if it does it definitely won't be flipping to independent
>t. fellow Massfag

Shiva and Faith are Zionists working for Israeli agenda and shilled by the same shills, or at least the same group who uses the same tactic.
>pic related
Same methodology. Exposure soon.

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No one in MA really knows about him and he seems based. I wanted to see if there were any other Massholes here voting for him.

He'll get some votes but he'll stay third place. Did he even try to get the Republican nomination?

Fuck off, Pajeet. I'm tired of your shitstain race selling booze everywhere I go.

>vote for Diehl might be more valuable
see the second video , 20 seconds in. The guy claims to be involved with the Mass trump office, which he wasn't. It's a complete lie. Watch the video and tell me why Diehl can't confidently describe his role with the local office.

i will be. I've seen his signs all over western MA

Most liberals in Mass don't like Warren anymore. I think he would have a chance if more people knew about him.

He'll lock up the streetshitter vote here for sure.

Red dot or feather ?


Doesnt really matter at this point does it ?

I didn't know Hindu deities could run for office!

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And there are a shit ton of poos around Boston.

Possibly, but most people don't know about him.
I only just heard about him, and when I saw "Shiva Ayyadurai" I immediately dismissed him. Turns out he's kind of based, but that isn't exactly a vote-getting name tbqh.

>Did he even try to get the Republican nomination?
yes, but you have to understand exactly how cucked the Mass GOP is. The Governor is GOP and did not vote for Trump, it's a complete waste of time to put faith in this states Republican politicians. Keep in mind it's the only state to go full Clinton.
That said, yes, Shiva did try to go the republican route, but it was pretty clear they were handing the race over to Warren because of how they structured their primary process. Essentially only allowed for the GOP pick for the office was only campaigning at large scale for 40 days before the election. If they wanted him to win, they would have held the primaries much much earlier to allow for Diehl's (or whoever) name to get out there as much as physically possible.

Cool, thanks for this.

>Only stae to go full Clinton
What do you mean by this? Trump won in my town.
Do you mean a county-by-county basis?

yeah county based.

It's not, kinda wish I helped spread his name around earlier.

I have some famalams in MA who sometimes complain that their vote doesn't matter because it's going to go blue anyway no matter what. I told them state and local politicians should matter more anyway, and that's the potential future of national politicians, but I don't know if they took me serious because they tend to watch TV and stuff like that were you get brainwashed into thinking the president is a dictator.

then you probably haven't seen this

Central Mass has a large group of Republicans that are never heard because the highest populated areas out east are all liberal. Along with the Jew York niggers taking over the western part because they fucked up their state so they are pooring over. Western Mass is such a shithole.

Cape Cod here, I like Shiva but I am not splitting the Republican vote allowing Warren to serve another term. FUCK THAT

He condones free speech? Did I miss the point?

That's how I am feeling, but the more I find out about Diehl. The more it makes me not want to vote for him.

Not really, at least not here in East Boston. Most of them are in Cambridge or Somerville, but they are mostly students and such.

This is where I'm at
Warren needs to fuck off already, I'm sick of hearing about her.

After Charlottesville last year there was a free speech rally in Boston, 40k people were organized to march against it. Shiva was one of the headliners along with Joe Biggs and Chapman.

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Voted for Diehl, was thinking the same as you

Check out around Framingham and Hopkinton sometime where some of the bigger tech companies like EMC are. There are A LOT of them.

>the more I find out about Diehl
this is exactly why the GOP waited so long to have their primaries. Because the entire GOP electorate is sugar filled Howie Carr listeners without 10 working braincells, and all they had to do was limit the amount of time Diehl was in the public eye because NO ONE would ask him a tough question. He is a strawman created by the moss cucked state GOP in the country.

I live in a rich suburb of Boston and there's a surprising amount of Shiva signs. They're pretty funny desu. I already voted (for Warren).

Yeah, but generally speaking, there aren't a whole lot here in the city. Well, at least not compared to Northern Jersey and NYC.

Why for Warren?

I'm a liberal.

>rich suburb outside of Boston

Yea I guess I should have expected that.

That doesn't answer the question tho. You just basically said
>I came with the blue version of the NPC script
Most people probably couldn't even explain what a "liberal" is or match politicians to what it's supposed to be.

Diversity for thee, but not for me. The liberals want to open the floodgates for these shitskin migrants, but will never live amongst them. I am forced to exist with them here in East Boston. It looks like a fucking piñata exploded.

People that live in rich suburbs outside of Boston are mostly assholes that think they are better than everyone. They just see democrat and vote for it because they know better than you. Don't waste your time on these assholes, I have to work with them daily.

I’m in Ma, I’ve yet to see a single Warren sign. Plenty for Diehl and several Shiva ones.

Everyone ignores the Puerto Rican problem in MA. They took black culture and put a spin on it. I can't even stand the look of a Honda anymore.

You must live in central MA

while that may be true do you want a woman to be elected? think this over carefully. i know you think its all liberal but old white women are crazy and they seem to think the world owes them something for being carried by the white man for generations

if warren looses then democrats have a better chance of getting a nonfemale candidate in 2020. hillary is damaged goods. shut the media up by not voting for warren. muh vagina isnt enough to win. cut your losses

SE MA and I haven't seen any Warren signs either
I've seen a bumper sticker or two though.

Really? You're still going with the whole "fake indian" routine after she literally took a DNA test and proved that she's actually Native American?

Surprising honestly. I haven't been down that way recently.

The Republican literally ran Trump's MA campaign. Shiva isn't worth a vote IMO. He's niche and he tried to win the GOP primary and lost because he's into some weird shit like expanding medical coverage into stuff like yoga and acupuncture and eastern medicine.

Fuck off Rabbi


The question is whether or not she's got a real chance of being voted out. It's always a key question whether or not a tactical vote is within reach.

>The Republican literally ran Trump's MA campaign
he did not. Please get fucked. This is what I'm talking about holy shit people are so fucking dumb it's making me crazy.

Senate candidate Diehl was a Trump Republican though. That said Baker is 100% RINO and lost my vote when he refused to do anything about the Attorney General making an overnight change to how they interpreted the MA assault weapons ban.

I'm in Plymouth and no one is voting Warren it seems

Even guys in my Boston union hate Warren. Will be close

Better than taking Jew pills imo but people don't like putting in work to make themselves healthy. They just want to take a pill and continuing shoveling processed garbage into their faces.

i fucking triple dog dare you dumb fucks to prove me wrong!!!

he wasn't, and isn't. He had nothing to do with the campaign. He is making these claims because no one will fact check him. The guy is the biggest chump the most cucked GOP could come up with.... The Mass GOP is the problem and is the easiest target for replacement if actual right wing populists take it over. The door is wide open, but as long as retards like Diehl are supposedly the leader there is no hope.

Fuck off faggot, Diehl did more for Trump in MA than any other Republican


Honestly, they are the worst, behind the Domincoons. Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn have become shitholes because of these animals. That said, the Salvadorians have been the worst. Chelsea was rankled as the most violent city in MA(overtaking Springfield) and Eastie has climbed up with Mattapan and Roxbury. I'd love to see these limousine liberals reactions if we proposed a brick and mortar housing complex in Weston, Wellesley, Brookline, etc.

Warren is up about 25 points in polls. She's still relatively popular. South Shore shitholes don't reflect the rest of the state.

Plymouth county includes Brockton, it'll go for Warren.

The guy is decently woke, when the issue of new gerrymandering came up when he was running for selectman he made a comment in private how if Brockton was in the fold it would be 'a brown bloc vote'

and yet he can't clearly state what his role was with the campaign.
Imma have to drop the mic there these fucking captchas are unreal right now.

Fair points lads

Faggot can't even read the fucking article

>Diehl announced he was joining the Trump campaign as a state co-chair Tuesday.

Vote for Shiva if you want, Warren will win either way. MA voters are liberal as fuck.

I almost got jumped at 330 in the afternoon in Lowell, luckily my buddies apartment was running distance. I can't fucking stand seeing them wave their fuckin PR flags around. Having all this pride for a shithole country. I really wish they would go back, but they are taking over old mill towns and turning them into little PR shitholes.

Yeah, one of my co-workers just loves Warren. I get that you're a liberal and vote Democrat, but to love Elizabeth Warren is just insanity. She has this race locked up. Diehl wasn't that impressive in their debate; focusing heavily on the fact that she didn't take the role seriously, as she is considering a Presidential run.

I see a million Shiva signs driving in Middlesex and Essex county. I’ve seen very few Diehl signs. I like them both, at the risk of splitting the vote, who might be better to choose?

My brother got jumped by filthy Cambodians in Lowell. They carry machetes and swarm you.

bump. hes hilarious

>Warren running for president

The liberals aren't that stupid are they, oh wait...

Yeah, Umass started turning areas in the Acre into student housing and A bunch of students were reported getting robbed as they walked across the North Common or through the NC projects. All PR's of course.

.t NPC

Check out a little town called Southbridge. Used to be a nice quiet Polish immigrant mill town, they have been dumping Ricans there for 20 years. It's amazing to see how shit it has become. One of my first redpills on (((diversity)))

>Bring up politics with mother, who supported Warren & believed that she proved she was native american
>She started looking into candidates and likes Shiva
I have a feeling Shiva will get a surprising amount of votes. Still don't think he'll win though.
It doesn't even matter anyways, in every single prediction and scenario we remain blue regardless. Imagine the fucking curveball if we went republican though lol they'd be crying "Russian hax" for the next two years.

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Tuesday, November 6, is one of the most important days of YOUR life.

Yes, YOUR life. I'm talking to you.

If the Democrats win back control, imagine

>everything that is happening in Western Europe - migrant crises, persecution of anyone on the right, etc - happening right here at home in the USA

>every right-wing figure being censored and stamped out of existence. They won't stop at Alex Jones

>you going to jail for hate speech laws

>disarmament of the USA

>an undoing of all the good we have accomplished since Trump's victory

>the same butthurt leftists who want to execute you and everyone you hold dear, now closer to having power to do so

The choice is clear. Get everyone you know who is willing to vote Republican OUT TO THE POLLS on November 6. The stakes are too high for YOU and every other sane person in the USA to stay home.

Does he even have a chance

I can’t let them do that to my hometown. I live in one of the safest and whitest towns in the whole country. I won’t let them do to it what they’ve done to Southbridge. But this stuff always happens under our noses, it’s hard to intercept it.

(You) and all the other Diehl NPCs on this board, I beg you to answer the question why he STILL has not Trump endorsement?
>Despite Warren’s status as one of the president’s top Democratic targets and potential 2020 rival, Trump has not yet offered a public endorsement of Diehl, though according to the election-tracing website Ballotpedia, the president has endorsed 21 other Senate candidates. (from the end this article )
ask yourself why he hasn't been endorsed when Warren is top 3 adversaries of Trump?

If you see a welfare office go in, get ready...that's how it always starts. Then they slowly start packing them in govt owned apartment buildings.

I have no idea where they would put one in my town. I’m so busy that I often miss the going’s on in my town now. If it gets ruined, I might just lose faith in everything.

if we want to change things in MA the first thing is to organize a right wing populism that can take over the Never Trump GOP. Diehl wont help us do that.


Same article states he was a campaign volunteer during the entire race and was a Trump campaign media surrogate for Massachusetts. He hasn't been endorsed because Shiva is also in the race and neither have an actual chance to win. Do you actually think Shiva is a better candidate or do you just hate Diehl?

That's part of the problem. Working your 9-5 and adding a commute on top of that, we tend to miss things happening right in front of us. Gotta get that paper goy, so they can tax it and have these fucks live for free.

Ok, let's start one now then.

Why? No links or articles?

And what would an MA populist look like?

>B-but Trump won't endorse becuase of Shiva!
that's hilarious
And why does not having a chance make it less appealing to endorse against a heated enemy like warren? She is 20 points ahead, the endorsement would be a kind gesture to Massachusetts biggest Trump guy, right? So it's making it a little odd that he still hasn't had anything remotely positive said about him from Trump. Bruh you need to wake up.

I am curious as well.