Is there really segregation in America?

I am watching “Show me a hero” about segregation in Yonkers / NY in the mid to late 1980s. Is segregation still the case in America? Are there black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods and Hispanic ones and Jewish ones?

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people do this voluntarily if they can afford to

in the case of blacks they have no economic leverage so the cheapest shittiest areas are always where you find them

De facto segregation, where it happens by circumstance, rather than de jure, where it's by law

So it happens? Are there no middle class blacks?

And when it does happen they move 4QPUs

Justice Map. It's everything you need to know

There are virtually zero middle class blacks.

there are some sure, but not many. you find them driving buses or working government clerical jobs mostly

There is no forced segregation however it’s normal for people to want to live with there own so there are white neighborhoods and black neighborhoods and Jew and Spanish etc

blacks live in self segregation known as ghetto. Like voids for any optimistic future.


>people do this voluntarily if they can afford to
No, Whites do this if they can afford to. Every other race tries to go where the White people are.
> Are there no middle class blacks?
Not naturally, no. Only those that are given government jobs (so essentially being propped up by the civil institutions of Whites).

Not enough to form insular communities of middle class blacks, no. Ditto upper class blacks.

lol true

that's not even remotely true

It depends on how rich you are. If you're upper class or upper middle class you live completely segregated from minorities. If you're typical middle class, it's getting more diverse but you will live in mostly white communities. If you're lower middle class, your communities are getting flooded by non whites. If you're working class, you're already overrun.

This doesn't apply to rural areas, however. Just urban and suburban areas.

There are some middle class blacks, but the majority choose to live off of democrat gibs, in hoods. It's easier for them and they can live amongst their own, as all races enjoy. Just like in every prison across the world, the races self segregate.

Even in our (((melting pot))) society people self segregate. Even in schools if you look at the cafeterias you can clearly see kids naturally clique up with their own races before going back to their forced diversity classrooms. Our prisons are "unofficially" segregated as well. It's natural human behavior to want to be around other people similar to yourself.

Why don’t you just build cities for blacks close to the Mexican and Canadian borders and also then fence them off?

I used to live in a ~91% white neighborhood in Cook County (Chicago). Cook County is only 43% white, probably less if you take into account all the illegal immigrants.

Rural areas are just suburbs that haven't been developed yet. The suburbs were rural until the cities were taken over by non-Whites. Cities spread put naturally but most of our urban/suburban situation is the result of White Flight, "moving another exit down the freeway" etc. The brown tide will wash away everything eventually if Whites don't wake up.

Who are 9% who are not white, Asians? Jews?

Niggers make terrible neighbors and all whites know this.
They are loud, trashy and inconsiderate.
One nigger house on your street can fuck it up.

Why can’t negroes be as nice as white neighbors? Or are you making this up and are just being racist?

Only time I ever lived next to a non-white was when an Israeli girl lived above me - horrible experience, she came home at night around 3am for the most time, mostly drunk and with different men. Even with earplugs, it was annoying.

I live in Baltimore and it’s hyper segregated and redlined. Look up “the white L and black butterfly” to learn more about it.

meh racism

How is building cities with free housing for disadvantaged people “racism”?

>Why can’t negroes be as nice as white neighbors?
Why would they be? Why would they behave like a completely different people from whom they have been separated by tens of thousands of years?

No not at all, I’ve never lived in a neighborhood with a black person. It’s not like I’ve tried to avoid it but I live in the suburbs which aren’t 100% white but devoid of niggers

funny you mention, i live about 30 minutes north of yonkers. its still segregated.

The black areas are an absolute warzone.

Even funnier i've brought a german to yonkers to get white castle, driving through it felt like a third world country

there's shootings there all the time and gangs and whatnot, however its huge, and the white/irish areas are just middle class but still trashy, but theres a very big divide between the slums of yonkers and the suburbs. you would never in a million years imagine how run down and just absolutely depressing and awful it is in the bad parts of yonkers, i still go sometimes to get white castle and it is beyond depressing.

no, not at all, it's not legally mandated
but there are certain neighborhoods with a lot of black people compared to whites

but to answer your question, yes there are "black neighborhoods" and "White neighborhoods", it's not even an insulting or unusual thing to say, people will be refer to it as the good part/the bad part. and it's complete night and day difference.

We tried that with Liberia , didn't do well

Can’t you just drive in tanks and clean up the city?

Mexicans mostly

Yes, but it's not forced obviously. People just feel comfortable living next to their own.

Mandatory segregation isn't legal anymore, and large-scale de-segregation occured after civil rights for darkies came into effect. But over time people didn't start living together and being happy like intended, Blacks and Whites self-segregate from one another because they aren't meant to be together, we don't mix. So places like Detroit, for example, are still segregated, the inner city is all black, the outer areas are white, but it's not segregation in the sense that you'll see "Whites only" on a store window.

Most states do that, but not whole cities. For instance in NJ, every town must have a certain% of low income housing

I lived in villas in Florida for a while, far end unit. All white neighborhood. Some middle class Jamaicans moved in on the other end. Nice people, got along, at first. After a couple of weeks, they were constantly fighting with their immediate neighbor over noise and parking. A month in, the entire villa was overrun with rats. They were too lazy to walk to the dumpster with their trash and were just piling it up in their closed in garden area. HOA fined them for the filth, they refused to pay and were kicked out of the neighborhood.

They are just black. You can't fix it by giving them shit.

also funny you mention, i brought that same german girl to a jew neighborhood in brooklyn, she was cracking up "THERE'S SO MANY JEWS, I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE IRL, OH MY GOT, WE DON'T HAVE ZEES IN GERMANY"

there are entirely jew neighborhoods in brooklyn, an unbelievable amount. they wear the curls by their ears and the yarmulke's and long black trenchcoats and whatnot.

hispanic neighborhoods is just about every low income area you go.

there absolutely and 100% are racial neighborhoods, atleast here in westchester county new york there are several. it's fascinating. Peekskill, NY, just about 20 minutes west of me where my mother and grandmother grew up was all italian immigrants in the 50's-70's, and a place of historical significance in the revolutionary war. then during the 70's-90's it became heavily black, and now its almost entirely hispanic and hipsters from NYC who wanted to be somewhere more "Quaint". its a small odd city, very very small city. there's nothing there really but a few bookshops and an old theatre. It's like a mini spanish yonkers.

in yonkers there are entire spanish blocks too where there is nothing but latino's and spanish advertisements

>every town must have a certain% of low income housing

Sounds very socialist to me. Is that constitutional?


Felt the same thing when walking through Williamsburg. It felt like some ww2 film.

lulz but its not that bad, they don't bother much of anyone else but eachother. if you give them enough time they'll kill eachother.

but god i wish you could have the image in my head of the particular stretch of road i'm thinking of right now, i wish you could just teleport there for a minute and see it. you'd be proud to live where you do.

i'd kill to live in germany, and hopefully i'll be able to transfer there for school by the end of next year. I've been working very very hard on learning the language and making sure all my schoolwork is up to par. I wanna get a STEM degree. I'm just praying the schools will take me, i know how much of an emphasis you guys place on learning and Gymnasiums and having 15/15's and that.

There is segregation but it's self imposed. The same phenomenon happens here in Canada. Apparently like likes like and diversity is bullshit you feed to white people.

that's exactly where we were lol downtown williamsburg

she said williamsburg looks a bit like berlin in ways though, atleast the northern/greenpoint area (which is predominantly ukranian and polish)

people self-segregate everywhere when given the chance.

it's like that in germany too and you know it...Königssteine Schlüssel
Every commune has to take it's share of the brown invasion we have, so that you have nowhere to run and be blessed by this diversity. Even villages for fucks sake. our rural parts are no refuge for us anymore. and this is by design. The US does the same through "section 8 housing".

Fuck mods

this is true. my families lived in my area (northern westchester) for over 100 years, and my dads throwing a shitfit because they're building section 8 a few minutes down the road, when he was growing up our area was nearly rural and very sparsely populated, now its becoming overrun. section 8 is already a big problem in nearby cities, and sadly they wouldn't even accept my italian grandmother (Lord bless her soul) when she was homeless and living in a van. they seem to hand it out like candy to others though...

the section 8 housing in the area is notorious for drugs and gun crime.

Racism is a smear word for anything that goes against the diversity utopia.

I thought we stopped that and now all the brown people concentrate in just 10 cities, no?
no. not at all. I've never ever seen anything like a segregated neighbor in america and I've live all over the country. pol faggots will same some idiotic racist bullshit. but they're just faggot larping. they're are plenty of upper, middle, and lower class blacks. blacks, whites, hispanics, ect all can hold down the same jobs. there's trash of every race. I regularly see white trash as gross and awful as any black or brown trash. the fact you would come to pol to ask this probably means you're a stupid faggot too.

there are, and they still cant stop committing crime

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>15years ago I had an american friend with german roots from L.A. visit me for a couple of weeks. we went to a rave/festival outside of Berlin and of course everyone was white.
His reaction:
>Everyone looks like me, this is unbelievable! It's a ethno wet dream.

I pittied him for having to live in a diverce place. little did I know what our traitorous polititians had in store for us.

>Is segregation still the case in America?
it should be, but its not, because whites are guilt ridden retards, how can you help people who don't want help?

Why is that? Also, Asian homicides seem to be only half white ones. How come?

hmm. not sure what to say.

surely it isn't that bad though? girl i mentioned said that the stuff was over-exaggerated and there's not that many migrants, and that they don't commit much crime at all. mind you however she's from potsdam so i don't believe she leaves the house much

> Or are you making this up and are just being racist?

> Only time I ever lived next to a non-white was when an Israeli girl lived above me

The joke writes itself.

Asians just aren't that angry/emotional/personally involved. White people can get pretty trashy especially amongst one another in places that they've been together for long times, the asians just sort of stick to themselves and focus on work. they don't really get too tied up in dramatic personal affairs that end up in violence.

Yes, they forced integrated us in the 1960s and 70s, but when they turned their backs we all ran into our own little towns and neighborhoods. Over here you have "Irish" and "Italian" neighborhoods, where you can still find Gaelic and Italian spoken, and people who are of pure descendance from those ethnicities, but are generally disliked in their home countries for whatever reason. Mind you, it is about to get a lot more prominent since Trump abolished the watch agency in the government that stops states from implementing semi de jure Segregation (not explicit, but for example conveniently zoning the black neighborhoods into one school and the white ones into another). Beforehand de facto Segregation was achieved through a private school where you had to be atleast middle class to join, and since blacks are all poor, literally no blacks would join, but now the whites are getting their own public schools.

>Are there black neighborhoods
Yes, they are called "prisons"

bcs the merchants haven't successfully destroyed the Asian family unit yet

Live near Yonkers the only violent neighborhoods are the black ones and the white ones are rich af. 90% of shootings in this county are in Yonkers

They keep to themselves. East Asians to be specific.

fellow westchester niglet

ever go to the white castle there? the areas dreadful

based trump

From Peekskill and can confirm...good bar scene though

Mixed race guy here

I grew up in a very liberal area for the first 15 years of my life and the next 15 I grew up in a very racist conservative area.

What I observed was that racism was present in all areas from both sides against anyone that wasn't their own. Whites hated non-whites, Mexicans hated non-Mexicans, etc. Even Filipinos were like that.

A lot of people stuck with their own and shunned outsiders, though that liberal area was more tolerant and mixed, and a lot of my friends didn't care who was what.

There is no segregation. This neighborhood bullshit is just tribalism. People are more inclined to their own kind.

I'm not like this myself, but I don't know if that's because I'm a mixed race man or because I just think differently. Anyone claims systemic racism is a useful idiot playing their NPC role.

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no, not at all


and you see it's all over germany, even in little villages, even in little villages. aggrevated assault, rape, morder...everything...

example here from Wingst (3k people village) July this year:

Wingst: Versuchte Tötung: Wegen Streitigkeiten von der "Wingster Tropennacht" verwiesener Angolaner, zückt vor dem Festgelände ein Messer und sticht auf einen 21-jährigen Deutschen ein - der Schwerverletzte ist erst nach einer Not-OP außer Lebensgefahr

No, don’t really go to Yonkers much, I worked in mount Vernon for a bit when I was 18 and almost got mugged a couple times by youths

All you have to do is look at any prison and see this too. Races stick together.

t. former felon

yeah but it isnt legally enforced that way

*ahem grabs mic*

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i think i've been there, went to college in westchester... live in montlcair nj

The most segregated institutions in the United States are churches on Sunday. Even within a religion, individual churches tend to be segregated. Black Catholics go to black Catholic churches.

If she's not in school anymore she can avoid them. Also it depends where she lives. while they stuff them everywhere, the rich people have enough cloud to keep the worst from their neighborhoods. Potsdam is also eastern germany (i'm from berlin and know it well). that means they started out from a forigner rate of virtually 0%. so even if you get a couple dozend 1000 dindus you'd not notice it as much at first. In Berlin though we already heve tons of Turks and other non-europeans for decades. i went to elementary school in one of the worst districts in the 80s and than it was only like 1/3 Turks. But even then it was often violence and just general shittiness. My Class teacher got beaten up in front of the class with a ruler in 4th grade.
now there are schools with virtually 100% muslims. so yeah, it depends. but i moved to eastern berlin, where it's still nice. still i will send my two daughters to protestant school, because we have an asylum center around the corner and no muslims go there.
You also have to understand from what level of security we are comming from. especially in villages, there was virtually no violence. not as low as Japan, but closer to it. what happened in the last 25years - the change - is just so stark. sure, it's not detroit or chicago levels, but that's not even a comparison you want to be making.
potsdam is nice though. i can highly recommend.

Every group prefers to live among themselves.
"Mixed" neighborhoods are due mostly to economic circumstances.

Almost all White Leftists live in very segregated communities, although of course they will lie about it of make some excuse.

There are a few White Leftists that will voluntarily move to a non-White community...but those clowns are not wanted there.

Some black people actively seek out White communities to escape the horrendous violence of their own communities.

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I'm very curious to see how non-white it has actually become in germany. There are not many muslims in the u.s., I wonder what it would be like to have a shit ton of them. We do have niggers that just mope around doing nigger stuff but few arabs.

Section 8 housing can ruin a block.
It’s always single black women with their babies.
When the baby daddy gets out of prison, he moves in and is usually dealing drugs.
They are very visible and like to hang out in front on lawn chairs and will be loud as all fuck.

if you see the cities, it'll be stark, depending of the district many women in veil.
Muslims are different than negroes (I've lived a short while in the US, so i know a bit). They are not as lazy or stupid, though not on par with the germans. but they are very backwards and religious and depending on their percentage will display the dismay they have for you and your culture. they realy still have the culture of 500years ago in many cases. turks are shitty, but for muslims still on the top of the pyramid, arabs and albanians are plenty bad. afghans, chechens, somalis and such are just unbearable. iranians are surprisingly alright, since we mostly got the elite comming here.
problem with muslims is, that they never will integrate fully because of their religion, even if they speak the language. and the 2nd, 3rd generation become even more religious, since this is the only thing they can be 'proud' of. as a group they are always lower class and in a society that values education they are always lacking, so they find something else.
maybe thats even a good thing. when the next big recession comes, the economy will really crash and the gibs stop comming - maybe 15years from now - how well this multiculti thing works will get quiet obvious, once there are violent uprisings. when they are still seperated from us, it's easier to ship them back home in such a case.
anyways, you should visit. there is a huge and pretty palace in potsdam, fashioned after versaille. if i can give you a pro tip for visiting europe though. rather visit fewer places and stay longer than try to "do europe" all at once. you'll get more out of it

Where in the U.S. did you live, may I ask?

and I am planning on going back to europe soon, I am excited for it. last time I was there was over a decade ago as a young lad.

Unrelated but trump down sized the department which enforces diversity quotas for companies with government contracts by literally 80%. They can barely do their job anymore.

this post is perfect

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somalistan ... twin cities ... though before the heads went pear shaped. very few nigs were there, but i was in 35 of your states, so you tend to see them

Not enough to form their own communities.
This is true, but then whites usually double back into the cities and gentrify them to the point where only they can afford to live there. Leaving the minorities in the hellish neighborhoods with no infrastructure surrounding the city proper.

Yea, white flight occurs and entire communities are destroyed. I've seen it happen before my own eyes. That's why whenever one of these kikes lectures me about diversity being our strength from behind their gated community walls, I shoot bullets at them.

>I am planning on going back to europe soon
go for it. i wish you a good time and if you are white as i presume - welcome home.

Even liberals segregate when given the chance, people prefering their to be around own kind is just human nature

Have a guy I know that lives in rosendale queens, was a nice white neighborhood in the 60s and 70s when he was growing up. Now its almost entirely black and its turned into an absolute hellhole.

Yes in my city Chicago, its incredibly segregated. Theres black areas, hispanic areas, and white/professional areas. Then theres also chinatown but its small.

Where I live, if I start walking west I go into all black areas. If I walk south I hit a mexican neighborhood. East to downtown you hit the upscale white yuppie areas.

Suburbs are segregated too.

>Then theres also chinatown
who lives there then ?

In Chicago middle class blacks live by the ghetto blacks they just carve out areas next to more commericial shit.

If your black you tend to live on the southside somewhere, regardless if you are poor or not.

just as it is on the world stage.
black neighborhoods are for black people
asian neighborhoods are for asian people
hispanic neighborhoods are for hispanic people
white neighborhoods are for everyone

>Why can’t negroes be as nice as white neighbors? Or are you making this up and are just being racist?
>Only time I ever lived next to a non-white was when an Israeli girl lived above me
The ignorance burns

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Interesting thread about dealing with black neighbors, Reddit.