>i base my political views off a 2000 year old book about a cloud wizard
I base my political views off a 2000 year old book about a cloud wizard
>leaf posts npc that speaks in atheist babble
most accurate op i've ever seen.
>I'm a leaf
you salty because i insulted your sky wizard?
>op is a faggot
>op is correct
that's quantum physics
how is it debunked?
>I'm just like the kikes and libtards: I HATE JESUS.
jesus or your sky wizard aren't real
>Hurr, I called God a "cloud wizard."
>I'm 350 pounds of 5'2" rationality!
I'm actually atheistic, I just wanted to meme
>If my scowl doesn't kill you, my skeptical acne will!
A moose fucking leaf said this. So it must be relevant.
i don't look like that
> cloud wizard
Seems badass, 10/10, I'd worship it
>If god doesn't exist, where do you get your morals from
>NPC pic
same thread seconds ago
like fucking clockwork, slideshill leaf is now a memeflag
You're GOING to look like this.
Socrates thought up pretty good morals without sky wizards and someone had to make up bearded man along with his 'commandments'
wtf are you even saying
>And Socrates TOTALLY was an athei-
>Oh wait.
Factual reality problem there, Shlomo?
Pic will keep op busy fapping, instead of shitposting.
>Socrates thought up pretty good morals
Socrates was most assuredly not an atheist you fucking sperg. And many of his moral arguments were premised on metaphysical constructs. Have you even read one paragraph of Plato or Socrates?
okay then the people who thought up his gods made up their morals
I've read many books from Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and yes Plato too
>thought up
>But I didn't understand a fucking word of any of it.
get out of here faggot fundamentalist creationist. erosion perfectly explains shit like the grand Canyon
>he hasn't looked into the multiverse theory or string theory
>I've read many books from Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and yes Plato too
Ohh lol, that's some finely aged trolling there. +10 points for the leafy meme flag.
how do you disprove other religions? where did god's morals derive from? if god is omnipotent can he make a mountain he cannot lift?
Described the justification for Israel ironically supported by the nation that prides itself with the separation of church and state also greatest alliance with the current home nation of the religion known as Islam Saudi Arabia.
Either the politicans are playing a game of deception on you or you are doing it to yourself who knows .
>+10 points for the leafy meme flag.
Wait what??? I thought we already resolved that this was all a brilliant satirical troll that mockingly illustrates the intellectual manure pile that is the fedora fags mind.
Don't tell me you're actually a Canadian too? Nupol truly is the Kia Sephia of Jow Forums's.
>God is a "cloud wizard"
you were raised as a proddy werent you?