Bongs think this is done

I deployed with royal marines..and those savages ate bacon tartar

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The have electric tea kettles in all their tanks.

Bong Army is literally the Pansy Division.

Yeah I've met more than one foreigner who's all in to chewing away on gristle and fat like that.

bacon sucks anyway

Us Coast guard has coffee pots in their response boats.. really makes you ponder

Coffee makes sense, tea is for fags.

Juden confirmed

I like floppy bacon but that still seems under cooked

I wouldn’t eat that. I hate stringy fat.

yeah brits can't cook. another entry on the long list of things they suck at. (expect some assmad brit to post a dolled up pic of a full english that does not reflect the diet of the average brit in the slightest)
yeah brits are fags
yeah that guys a fucking dork
has a point honestly
the ocean is cold you dumbass. stranded people they rescue are gonna want a hot drink.
floppy bacon is low test

> not taking mre nescafecoffee grounds and packing it in your lip to stay awake..
Wew lad

Silly Americans! Bacon should look like this...

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Yeah that looks fucking raw m8, the fat should be fried until it's crispy, not slimy white rubber.

UK bacon is amazing!

bacon should be crunchy, otherwise it's not done

I'm a Pervatin man, myself.

Also, that’s not British bacon. We don’t eat strips that look like that. Ours look like pic.

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looks fucking disgusting.

Say when m8

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Isn't that just ham? Looks like a completely different part of the pig. American bacon is slices of pork belly.

Yeah but it doesn’t need to be as crunchy when it’s 90% meat like our stuff and not 50% fat like yours.

dude ur fkn deep frying that shit

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A bit longer, some of that fat is still raw.

>More fat than actual meat

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hahahahahahahahahaha wow. so, you guys think having loads of that gross white fat, is what makes bacon? man, our country is superior in every way culinary-wise to yours hahha

>that isnt a good thing

Nah, that’s our bacon. If you look at the end it’s like yours. We just take a bit more of the loin I think to get the medallions and more meat. It’s still basically the same part of the pig just a better cut.

There we go

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>british cooking

bacon should be well-done, crispy all the way through, no chew, nothing soft
yes, bacon should be about 40% fat, have you seen a pork belly?

Attached: well done.jpg (1000x750, 79K)

Americans cook bacon until it qualifies as brittle.
>inb4 electric kettle
yeah your shitty 110V cannot handle REAL tools


>canadian bacon

Ill fucking kill u with a fork amd fry ur balls.
Anyway I respect your position but bacon is gr8. But only crispy.

That’s some nice bacon. Mmmmmmm

That’s not British bacon though is it. That’s streaky bacon and few people eat it.




that pic is literally charcoal
no nutrients at all, cooked way to long

Don't be too hard on them, our way of cooking bacon is probably older than their country.

Our houses are wired for 240, which is commonly used for things like cooking if you're in a shitty part of the country that uses electricity for cooking.

Bacon is best that way.

>Let me respond to every comment, bc my every thought is so important to discussion
>Yeah yeah yeah

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Sounds like sour grapes, Chiam. One more proof that God hates you, not allowing you to eat bacon or shellfish.

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You burnt your food, killed off all the nutrients and think you've done a good job.

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Why the fuck would you fry bacon? It's best when eaten fresh.

It is done. What you do is called burned. And yes, people eat raw bacon, big deal.

literally a brainlet

>having food

that picture is disgusting. 40% fat is the sort of standard that would be the cheapest bacon, in the cheapest shop. its basically something we probably dont even sell because no one in their right minds would even consider buying it. probably worth about 50pence a pack shit

Yes, I speak from first hand experience, I grew up on British faire it's shit, besides the roast dinners with yourkshire pudding with the trimmings and gravy

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>Calls sliced ham bacon

Not like you'd know anything about any of this, Mohammed.

looks more like ham to me, but okay, it still looks nice

t. electricitylet

thats how beaners eat bacon. you a beaner?

you have a point

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>>having food
lmao yes we're all starving here, thank god you have that TV License to keep you informed

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Yes, bacon is meant to be well-done. Almost every other meat should be medium, but bacon is meant to be thin and crispy. I bet you don't even pepper your eggs, savages.

Either a shitpost or legit 4/5 marine.. i cant tell anymore

>he stands the slices upright on the edge of the pan after cooking so the fat gets extra crispy but the meat remains succulent
superlative baconing right here

Yep, that looks like ham but who cares. Lets eat.

Don't even start with me. The houses wired up with half the service entrance going to the kitchen make for a great way to convert to a secondary service entrance to power all the kitchen appliances and whatever else, maybe a tertiary entrance in the shed, after converting to a gas stove as is proper.

Looks like pussy lips.

I’m white, and that’s how I bacon. What you gonna do about it?

Ughhh..yeah it's definitely done. Overcooked bacon fucking sucks.

you live in a police state

I put pepper in scrambled eggs but not when having them regular. Adding salt is enough.

Living in california.. so.. ah fugg

>In Soviet Russia the roasties come roasted!
>hahahahaha what a country!

>world salad
COPE you cannot even have an electric kettle in your home

What are you idiot's complaining about now?


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only idiots have a tv license. anyone with any kind of intelligence does not watch tv, that is effectively state sponsored propaganda. nice try though

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Of course I can. There's a bigass 50A 240V appliance socket in my kitchen. Many times, there's another one in the basement if some fool put in an electric clothes dryer.

Perfection on a plate, user.

Thinks you eat bacon for nutrients. Go enjoy a tofu turkey faggot.

Also jowel bacon is superior in every way but you can't find it up north unless you know someone who raises hogs and can save them for you.

>not including salt, pepper, chives and kabanos as mandatory

Why? Because it's meat instead of just pure fat? lol

>cold mutton and curry
>claiming culinary superiority over anyone

Bland meats followed by bouts of foul, spicy diarrhea cooked by foreign invaders is nothing to be proud of.

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Or your mum couldn’t cook.







We have electric coffee cups in our B-52s - if caffeine helps the British tankers what exactly is the problem?

Lol looks like Aussie bacon just undercooked

Pic with timestamp or gtfo

Now what about your spoon license

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No it is not meant to be like that. Just salt some bark and eat it, pretty much the same shit. The flesh should be succulent, not scrapping your mouth.

good lord........................this is what you take away from british culinary greats?

Nah, just dated some french & italians, way better food for living. Fucking bangers & mash? Toad in the hole? It's food that's a result of living on a fucking island

Well those are a tool of abortion that also helps scramble eggs so of course they're age restricted.

How can it be British if it's not halal?

>implying third world children here dont need restrictions to objects 1st world children use daily, without issue.
this sort of shit is aimed at immigrants

surveillance cameras line your streets. sandniggers are pouring in by the hundreds. coppers armed with clubs and pepper spray take your guns. you live a sad, undignified life. get a suicide permit and then kill yourself.

Fuck that I'd have to pull the stove away from the wall and figure out how to take pictures with my laptop's camera.

>bacon is meant to be well-done
no it's not

We don’t eat that stuff. It’s not 1890.

Just a pic with your electric kettle with time stamp, or are you a larping mutt?

>We don’t eat that stuff
Because you realized how shitty english food is

chives sure, but sausage as a topping for egg? I prefer just salt and pepper
An ideal breakfast is: 3 scrambled or runny yolk fried eggs topped with minimal salt and heavy pepper. 3 slices of well-done bacon. Two pieces of toasted white bread with both butter and grape jam, as well as a tall glass of orange juice or water.

ham is cooked gammon. A gammon is an uncooked, salted and cured leg of pork which becomes a ham once it has been cooked.
Bacon is bacon

That bacon is perfect. Actually still tastes like meat, and not full of burn carcinogens