Can someone explain who the Edomite's are?
Who are the Edmodites?
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The kikes that lived in Judeah at the later times and then claimed to be Judahs descendents.
There are those from the tribe of Judeah, Judah descendents, Jesus was such a one, and most europeans are too.
There are those from the tribe of Jacob/Israel, the Israelites, which Jesus was too, and I believe germanics to be these.
Then there are those from the kingdom of Judah in which at the ends only edomites lived, Jesus wasnt such a one, he was born in Galilee. These are the kikes claiming to be of judean descent.
Then there are those from the faith of Judaism, which Jesus also was not but the kikes are.
Around the 12th Century all those were lumped together under the term "Jew"
Kikes I believe to be just niggers (Canaanites,
) that mixed enough to get an above 100 IQ to be able to hide their sheming and degeneracy where niggers do it in the open and get whiter skin, mainly the phoenicians who are always interwined with the canaanites.
Now the people Essau mixed with are the Amalek, a canaanite tribe. and look who those guys resemble, pic related.
>Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
which people would make you want to do that to them?
IIRC it says that amalek are even below the goyim, so thats the real position of the kikes.
Also kikes claimed that hitler and the Nazis were amalek as they are said to be the ever returning and reborn nemesis of the israelites. turns out that was projection once again.
Note that Edom is located in pretty much the same Canaan was located before, giving there the connection between those 2 people.
mixed it up, tribe of judah i believe are germanics, tribe of israel/jacob europeans as a whole
Stop reading Jewish bullshit. There's nothing revealing or esoteric about it.
pre-islamic expansion levant was genetically more related to modern europe than modern middle east
as are jews
all the diverse jewish groups from spain, n. europe to iran and india (exiles from the destruction of the first temple) show subsaharan african admixture (3-5%) at the same level and from the same time period, suggesting that all these groups descend from a single people who lived in the levant and were exiled to babylon.
so yes, Jesus was more like a modern s. european than a middle eastener
like the Jews
Germanics on the other hand have inhabited their lands since the time of the Israelites, making it unlikely they are a Tribe.
well, the kikes would be descendents of canaan who was the son of ham who was the son of Noah. Europeans would be descendents of Shem, also son of Noah. so there would be a relation between them. also, since i believe Ham and more specifically canaan was a nigger from which the kikes ultimately descend from it explains why the kikes have more percentage of nigger DNA than europeans. or did i get anything wrong?
europeans are not shemites. what are you even talking about? that stuff is pretty clear. are you suggesting that europe was not european at the time of the Israelites and that they somehow migrated and populated Germany? wtf?
i posted the scientific evidence backing up my claims. the science backs up the historical understanding of scholars, that being that jews are descended from the israelites. if you have any sort of historical or genetic evidence, please post it. we all know about the yamnaya, and how europe was populated, and who are the ancestors of the europeans. doesnt seem to have anything to do with the levant.
ok mr. khazar