Fuck off UK

>British """"humour""""
God damn the Brits. First, they come to my continent, spread their seed everywhere. Then we bastards fight them off, and in the modern day they act like they're all cultured and sophisticated. Am I the only one that sees through their bullshit? Literally everyone in my country acts like the Brits are more smarter just because they have a different accent. It pisses me off. Does the rest of the world think this way?
Fact: the UK has shitty humor, disgusting food and people, no culture, and contributes nothing to modern day society or politics. They're an island country, the Mexico of Western Europe, who have for generations turned the West towards liberalism
Pic related: a visual representation of the UK

Attached: O3w6a.jpg (2048x1536, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey, british humor used to be good before they banned it.

We created your nation

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>used to be good
>literally 4 sketches from YEARS of Monty Python
Seriously, sit down and watch Monty Python stuff without skipping to the good parts. Spoiler alert: it's unwatchable. Pic related

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Ricky Gervais is a talented writer and actor, you should be thankful he cast James Allsup alongside him in this pilot

Attached: allsup.jpg (1480x832, 148K)

>He hasn't seen Peep Show

Nah we did, you just gave us the means to do so.

kill yourself. our humours funnier than amy schumer or late night shows.

The downy devil ?

To be fair, Amy has a vagina, which is HILARIOUS !

for some reason apparently


UK advertisements are the best

>more smarter
Can you explain in English what you did there, OP?

wow, the best man must be kinda desperate huh, jus sayin

It would blow the average Englishmen's mind how sensitive people are in the US to bants, our culture is so confrontational and crude here that it makes the miserable mutt existence 10x worse because you can't poke laugh at anything

poke fun* / laugh at anything

fuck you

What the fuck did I just watch?

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did I lie ?

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yeah if you like interracial relationships.

>more smarter

It’s a wrap boys. Just put us out of our misery.

Wanna play some luv gamez?

americans think airplane is the pinnacle of comedy and a classic

so i don't know why you are rambling about Monty python

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I don't speak English, I speak American

ever drink Baileys from a shoe ?

British tv isn’t really accurate at all. Most of our “banter” boils down to just being complete cunts towards each other really, but that’s what’s so good about it

>bacon thread deleted
>piss in a plastic bag thread stays
the absolute state of Jow Forums

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>Most of our “banter” boils down to just being complete cunts towards each other really, but that’s what’s so good about it
Rubbish, what's so good about being a cunt surrounded by other cunts being cunts ?

>bacon thread deleted
I know, I was enjoying that one, was just about to post why I don't like eating food with eyes.

It's funny and you can tell a lot about somebody from the way they respond to it

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False, we created ourselves in 1776 when we declared independence.

Someone had to pop that thing.

Maybe the best man is a wheelchair midget too

You're telling me that you, a fellow bong, don’t love being the biggest prick imaginable to your mates?

I used to think england was sophisticated and cultured and cool lol

>things we thought b4 the internet

My idea of the English men was Alfred from Batman. Kek

>put another bag around it
>then another just to be sure
>untie first bag from toilet, tie the others up, triple knotted
>bring over the garbage bin and throw it in

They are. Just take John Oliver, for example.

Attached: oliver.gif (220x213, 466K)

The UK is a shithole and full nanny state lovers. I really have no clue how somebody can live here permanently and not kill themselves - tiny expensive houses, grey and dull buildings, cities smell like a pile of cigarettes, most pessimistic fucks around, the lower class and many of the working class hate on people who do well or are ambitious, always raining, have the slowest wage growth and economy compared to every other western nation, full of smelly pakis, every single girl is a slut, the students in the public schools are class clowns and chavs, the zoomer voting conservatives is a meme as literally everybody my age or below is voting for a literal commie next election, and chavs and lower class people fight and kill each other over a bunch of millionaires kicking a ball at the back of a net.

What in the name of God is there to be proud of in this shithole anymore? Nothing.

Back when I used to play Quake and Counterstrike etc online in the late 90's/early 2000's I'd always get Americans asking me if I lived in a castle and had a butler, they'd always bring up yellow teeth too. Thinking back the worst part of it all is that I used to play on international servers while on dial up.

My mates are either dead or sectioned under the mental health act, thems the dangers of bantering too hard.

>whats so great about being a cunt surrounded by cunts while being a cunt

You do realize where you posting, right? You gotta be trolling no way you're that unaware of yourself.

John Oliver is a Literally Who in Britain.

>wheelchair midget porn

Average British humour


I'm post banter, all bantered out m8.

Fuck yeah

>Cultureless mutt claims european nation has no culture while drowning himself in fastfood and claiming their food is disgusting

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John Oliver was a nobody in England, you idiots love him.
>YOu goT a LoiCEnsE FoR tHOSe Tea aNd cRUmpEts m8??
American humour is trash.

Hey little fella, how’s it going. Has somebody hurt you today, huh. Did your fefe’s take one for the team?
I’m sooooo+ sorry if it was me contrasting my Chadliness with your virginity that caused you this inner turmoil. If there’s anything, anything at all that I can do to make it up to you then you just think about it as hard as you can, put your head in the oven, and gas yourself. It’ll soon be over, thank you for your participation.

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The real Tuna Turner just had a stroke, ass cancer, and a kidney transplant.

>mmm danon

Top cunt

>more smarter

Pierce your navel then, you little sod. Wear your silly clothes. Carry on with your silly little 'revolution'. It will never amount to anything. You're wasting your life and sometimes I wonder why I even bother. But I still care. I still care because I am your father. This isn't a game! When are you going to stop playing at being a revolutionary and start acting like a man? When are you going to grow up?

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it's 'more smarterer' ya bawbag

Yeah American banter is pretty dead, one of my friends is an American who's been over here for 8 or 9 years; he's getting a lot better but he can't quite keep up especially when we've all had a few pints. I don't mind Americans though, maybe I've been lucky but most of them I've met tend to be really nice, there were tons of them around when I was in Uni.

Keep thinking that britfag. It’s denial for Britain’s fall from power.

Could be worse, you could be American or European


I'm gonna hurt you
I love you

typical gypsies

They ... speak ... very ...

but LOUDLY. So it’s best to speak with them slowly and clearly whilst remembering all the American idioms such as mauling vowels in an arbitrary manner and separating syllables into separate words (“We goin’ to invade Eye rack capture us some nukuler miss isles”.)

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How do they get the piss in the bag? I'm having a hard time understanding how it happened, i want to get to sleep soon but if I don't find out i fear it'll be hard drifting off.


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A discreet colostomy sack that one of the ‘average sized’ yanks has left there?

Pick three more

Bong comedy dump



You have to go back Pedro.


Only example you need youtu.be/SRRw1ERj2Gc