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2019, how we gonna do this lads?
Gavin Fisher
Levi Allen
right wing dead squads
Nathan Sullivan
I think you know.
Ian Rogers
About $100,000 per head should take care of the problem in short order.
Owen Perez
never going to happen. whites are already a minority in america and if they’re not now, they will be. hell, there is a majority of non white babies than whites, and that is happening now.
Jackson Rivera
it'll be shockingly close to that on tuesday night.
Oliver Sanchez
Gas all Jews, lynch all Niggers, and deport all Spics.
Ian Sullivan
Sadly the possibility of this happening is near impossible in today's climate.
Jeremiah Flores
Look I’m not saying Kek exists but Kek exists
Mason Campbell
Hunter Price
I want the Baja peninsula too. I want the squatters evicted.
Noah Hernandez
Jordan Murphy
Change president.
Hunter White
show your flag poland fag
Eli Turner
To what?
Michael King
To Cruz or even dead McCain. Either would probably attract centrists.
Landon Brooks
fixed, make it happen lads.
Easton Lee
>tfw Cruz was born in my city
Never trust a born Calgarian, we are all energy jews. No exceptions.
Dylan Bell
Trump becomes so based that the liberals get scared and move to Canada
Luis Price
Canada doesn’t accept white immigrants anymore.
Ian Bell
24 million whites in america in 2016 sided with the idea of white nationlism, this ideal is only growing among white people.