Not to come here and say she's right, but

Not to come here and say she's right, but...

she's right.

based blue-eyed fag here.

Attached: chrome_2018-11-04_15-31-10.png (854x783, 425K)

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she doesn't love her brown eyes, shes trying to cope with self hating the fact she's a nigger.

Why are you covering his name?


Shes right you know, blue eyes are trash, green eyes are where its at

No man would ever think of something like this

Obviously people will find rare features as attractive. Hence why red heads and blue eyed people are universally adored. Sounds like she’s complaining for no reason
t. Brown eyes

Attached: 82C1DF7F-00A7-4021-9CC1-F96CDABD484B.jpg (1024x904, 98K)

Nah, I like my Blue Eyes, I love being white.

Reminder that if you have blue eyes, you're so full of shit it's up to your eyeballs.

Colored eyes are really quite nice. Even really light brown eyes are something interesting. I can live without blondes or redheads though.

Stuck my tweet in there saying blue is a pretty color and brown is the color of shit. Havent gotten much engagement yet lol