Go home and see this on your yard, what do?

Go home and see this on your yard, what do?

Attached: BETO.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

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Make the o's into a's

That shit is spammed all over my neighborhood. They must be paying people to put signs in their yard.

Nothing, be civilized unlike the Left

I live in Allen, Texas and there everywhere. No lie, i'm starting to get nervous.


Wonder why beto is wasting money in New Hampshire.

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Hi fellow Allen-er...they are everywhere. I think Beto might actually win, I've been saying it for months now.

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Every Texan chick I've met is actually gonna vote. Hint it's not for cruz

Attached: 8Y9i524.png (640x480, 12K)

The Blue Wave, mang!

The signs are free.

Ironically, every Hispanic person is going to vote for Cruz.


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add ((()))

Women lack critical thinking skills, this is not news.

How can you add more vagina to the BETO campaign?


Never seen a republican espousing anything beneficial to women. Particularly lately. Seems reasonable to me

That would be a great counter sign. BETA with the same exact style.

Why didn't anyone do that.

When did I get a yard?

There's this website community that I think you'll feel more at home in.

:) let me rephrase that. Anything that women want, which sometimes is beneficial to women as a group

I've been shitting in plastic bags and hanging them on my spic neighbor's beta signs .

I hear praise of women sometimes from the right. Rarely though, but very very rarely do I ever hear any pandering to thier interests to get votes

>particularly lately

Lemme guess, not believing women when they falsely accuse men of rape with no evidence for personal gain? You mean that kind of beneficial?

You don't deserve to be catered to.

Because women are biologically/psychologically more happy as homemakers and mothers than careerists.

That's not an easy pill to sell.

Very much yes

It strikes me that democrats pander to women's desires, and Republicans to men's which are unrealistic however not unreasonable or strange on either side. Accordingly the only compromise occurs at a state level which is riddled with inefficiency. So neither side gets shit that it wants, and no one is happy

If Beta wins, then it's Abbott's and the Texas GOP's fault for not getting off their asses and telling people to go vote.
The guy is a gun grabber, wants to get rid of ICE and wants to ban Fracking in a OIL RICH state.
Hell, I hope Abbott loses too then if this happens.

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I have two neighbors on my street with demshit signs. Stoned them both out when I got off work at 3am this morning

>Every Texan chick I've met is actually gonna vote. Hint it's not for cruz
I'm sure all 5 of them will totally go vote. It's not like women lie about this kind of stuff all the time or anything.

Attached: 1523272722118.png (1162x674, 347K)

They're bother already stoned. Low hanging I know

Haven't seen one beta sign in Arlington/Mansfield

I ment stomped. Shit tier phone posting, u know.

Yeah I grant you as a demographic they are pretty unmotivated. Still what I'm seeing this go around

>acting like a nigger is ok as long I do it

Both* apologies

Check cameras for who trespassed and call police.

Just stop

Old people vote. Young people love to talk about voting.

I see them here in Dallas but in the Rich/Gay part of town like Greenville Ave.

I've seen more Cruz signs in Addison/Carrollton/Farmer's Branch tho.
Hell, when I voted on Thursday, there were tons of Cruz signs and not one for Beta.

Also yes, turnout is oddly high among the young this go around though. So I wonder

Change it to say

I guess Soros is paying kids to vote, then.

I'm not versed in the ways of the illuminati or whatever


I work at a City Hall, turn out for early voting has been crazy high, at least 4x more than usual. Lots of brown people & young people with green or blue hair. I’m pretty sure Cruz is done.

Throw them away. Replace with Cruz signs then wait.
This basically has already actually happened to me, just with different candidates. I threw them away then put up some Grady Nouis signs. I'm surrounded by Bernouts and liberals here in Denver. I came to CO for the legal weed ayy lmao but, being a stoner, I forgot it's a haven for these fucking degenerate liberals. At least I'm not in Boulder, I suppose. It could be worse.

Democrats calling for legal weed, and no pre marital sex is the mantra for Republicans. It's kinda an easy choice

Dear Texans,

We seem to share a common problem - Californians. Since they won't go back to their shithole state, we may have to find a way to convert them to more conservative leanings so they'll stop trying to pass gun control and other stupid policies everywhere. We're open to a brainstorming session on how to accomplish this.


The entire eastern half of Washington.

Nice lies tinderkike, Texan girls are based

Liberals leaving California because of degeneracy and high taxes. Brings them to Texas.

Call the police. People can't put shit on your property without your permission.

Calis seem to multiply and spread pretty fast

>muh tinder

Yes, they keep thier own council though

go to a church retarded kike and stop embarrassing yourself

and then they continue the same commie bullshit that ruined CA in the first place

thanks, this thread reminded me to donate another $5 to Beto's campaign. Celebrating convincing my entire TX family to vote for Beto, too. The triggering of TX conservadipshits is going to be glorious.

vote for this good goy
Dome to keep out Califdaggots and flamethrowers for police.


By Calis, you mean Mexicans.

do the world a favor and neck yourself

You seem a little judgemental of the left, I think that's where the reticence to talk about it comes from. There are women outside a church. I'd imagine they vote more often too

good, he's done jack shit for TX. FUCK CRUZ, GO BETO

People who identify as Californian then

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>Celebrating convincing my entire TX family to vote for Beto, too
Yeah right, "of course we did what you wanted user...here's your tendies".

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As a group you do trigger the hardest. Might not be the best way to do things. Cool heads, non hostolie reasoning, and all that might go over well every once and while

To all the commiefornians: stay in your fucking containment city.

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Which? Austin or San Antonio? Arguably all of the coast except for Houston. Also anything near the border obviously

Do you seriously think that faggots from california would go anywhere other than the large population centers?
I know your thought process didn't go past "these place blu" but come on you didn't even include Dallas which would be their obvious second choice.

wonder how i got a yard then go to lowe's to find a nice mower

today I saw a billboard that said
>California is lost
>Vote Republican

California is a large place, they are allowed to like rural areas. Though rural votes red I'll concede. I guess if you compare Dallas to the pan handle

>all of the coast except for Houston.

Que? Houston is really liberal

Comparatively to the rest of the state, and in particular the coast. Also maybe the coast appeals if your from Cali and your whole state is one long coast, I don't know, I don't associate with Californians


But Houston is ugly and not compatible with beautiful Californians.

I live in Michigan and some people in my town have these signs. Has anyone else seen these outside of Texas?

I like the way you think.

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It's not too late.

Set them on fire publicy

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cruz will win, i see a buncha beto signs too
(work in oak lawn, but not a faggot) plano and everywhere outside of dallas is pro cruz

Your crystal ball is better than mine

In my area it's a 40 to 50 ratio of Cruz/Stickland to Beto signs, I live in a formerly white area, now very diverse. I can't wait for all the signs to be gone, hate seeing cancer while I walk my dog around the neighborhood.

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they pay people to go out and stick signs everywhere, I had 2 signs stuck on the lawn on the side of my house

threw the trash right in the ocean where it belongs

Ya know normally we just don't need to, being extra Texan is enough

Would you be able to get them for vandalism?

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Social programs, and various rights expansions aside. Seems like being drugged around a bunch of lose women if male, or man whores if female is probably the easier sell. Possibly some inclusion of fun in a platform might help.

You are full of shit

Betophiles were fucking shilling hardcore at work on Friday


your tears are going to be glorious on Tuesday

you should be. Beto is going to shit down your throat on Tuesday